Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2018 09:39 pm
health insurance premiums in my state are expected to soar next January.

They soared under Obama.

Sorry, thanks to Trump, middle class people will be keeping less of their money.

That is a lie.
-a great many folks are not happy with Trump.

And a great number are happy and the number is growing. Try dealing with it, Trump continues to keep his promises and you keep loosing Democrats, but you have gained violent radicals and MS13 members.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2018 10:03 pm
Stunning Report helps explain Trump's 'Indebtedness' to Russia

Report: Russian mob money helped build Trump business empire

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams, msnbc.com — 7/17/17
Watch video here https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/8/12/1688914/-Stunning-Report-helps-explain-Trump-s-Indebtedness-to-Russia

A stunning report in The New Republic alleges that, whether Donald Trump knew it or not, for decades he made a large portion of his personal fortune from Russian mobsters & oligarchs.
WILLIAMS: Is there a Quid vs a Pro Quo? I mean with Trump having been accused of being so 'transactional' -- is there a long ... umm Debt -- this reason to bend over backwards, to show Russia and Putin the benefit of the doubt? What's the active extortion, compromise-threat that you allege that you've found?

UNGER: Well I think in the early days it was simply a matter of Money Laundering. The Russian Mafia got their money laundered, and Trump sold a lot of Condos -- and presumably didn't ask questions.

But things changed dramatically around 2002, and at the time Trump was still reeling from his massive expansion in Atlantic City. He had ending up with owing $4 billion to 70 banks. I mean, those are not the kind of thing you want on your resume, if you're going to be running for president of the United States.

And in 2002 a company called Bayrock moved into Trump Tower. It's a real estate company, and it too allegedly had ties to the Russian Mafia -- and they made Donald Trump 'an offer he could not refuse'. They were going to put up about a Billion dollars in financing. Trump put up Zero -- and yet he got 18% of the profits on their joint ventures.

Researcher Unger states that he pulled together this startling Trump-Russian history lesson, from information "based on public records." It documents the long history of the Trump’s business ties with “shady” Russian characters, over the years.

Here are a few snippets, with some editorial emphasis added, for special effect:

Trump’s Russian Laundromat

How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White House.

by Craig Unger, newrepublic.com -- July 13, 2017

[...] A review of the public record reveals a clear and disturbing pattern: Trump owes much of his business success, and by extension his presidency, to a flow of highly suspicious money from Russia. Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties. Many used his apartments and casinos to launder untold millions in dirty money. Some ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower — in a unit directly below one owned by Trump. Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part. Taken together, the flow of money from Russia provided Trump with a crucial infusion of financing that helped rescue his empire from ruin, burnish his image, and launch his career in television and politics. “They saved his bacon,” says Kenneth McCallion, a former assistant U.S. attorney in the Reagan administration who investigated ties between organized crime and Trump’s developments in the 1980s.

It’s entirely possible that Trump was never more than a convenient patsy for Russian oligarchs and mobsters, with his casinos and condos providing easy pass-throughs for their illicit riches. At the very least, with his constant need for new infusions of cash and his well-documented troubles with creditors, Trump made an easy “mark” for anyone looking to launder money. But whatever his knowledge about the source of his wealth, the public record makes clear that Trump built his business empire in no small part with a lot of dirty money from a lot of dirty Russians — including the dirtiest and most feared of them all.
[Felix] Sapir also introduced Trump to Tevfik Arif, his partner in the Trump SoHo deal. [...] In 2002, after meeting Trump, he [Arif] moved Bayrock’s offices to Trump Tower, where he and his staff of Russian émigrés set up shop on the twenty-fourth floor.

Trump worked closely with Bayrock on real estate ventures in Russia, Ukraine, and Poland. “Bayrock knew the investors,” he later testified. Arif “brought the people up from Moscow to meet with me.” He boasted about the deal he was getting: Arif was offering him a 20 to 25 percent cut on his overseas projects, he said, not to mention management fees. “It was almost like mass production of a car,” Trump testified.

But Bayrock and its deals quickly became mired in controversy. Forbes and other publications reported that the company was financed by a notoriously corrupt group of oligarchs known as The Trio. In 2010, Arif was arrested by Turkish prosecutors and charged with setting up a prostitution ring after he was found aboard a boat — chartered by one of The Trio — with nine young women, two of whom were 16 years old. The women reportedly refused to talk, and Arif was acquitted. According to a lawsuit filed that same year by two former Bayrock executives, Arif started the firm “backed by oligarchs and money they stole from the Russian people.” In addition, the suit alleges, Bayrock “was substantially and covertly mob-owned and operated.” The company’s real purpose, the executives claim, was to develop hugely expensive properties bearing the Trump brand — and then use the projects to launder money and evade taxes.

Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2018 10:09 pm

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams, msnbc.com

Brian Williams? The man that killed Bin Laden? The man who swam the Pacific? The guy who saw bodies floating in New Orleans? Or the hack that tried to steal valor with lies.

Who would listen to him? Unger is also a cheap hack. But that is about all the Left has. Enjoy.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2018 10:13 pm
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2018 10:26 pm
Democrats’ Hispanic Panic Fizzles

I assume Democrats ginned up the border separation issue for the same reason George Soros bankrolled Black Lives Matter: To motivate an important part of the Democratic Party’s ethnic pandering coalition to go to the polls to vote for Democrats.

One tiny problem: Just as Black Lives matters failed to get black voters to the polls to drag Hillary across the line in the same out-sized numbers they gave Obama, so too has the Hispanic Panic Ploy failed to energize Hispanics:

Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2018 10:51 pm
Reply Thu 5 Jul, 2018 11:00 pm
You are not paying attention. The Left is being outed as the haters they are on social media. The cartoon might as well#walkaway.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2018 03:50 am
Abraham Lincoln Warned Us About Donald Trump.

Trumps new tax laws are unconstitutional...

Some pay and some don't?

If corporations are people too they should pay taxes like "people" do.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2018 05:11 am
oralloy wrote:
While childish liberals spend all their time throwing tantrums because they can't win elections, other people are helping to rescue children who are trapped in flooded caves.
One of the cave rescuers has died on his trip back from the chamber where the children are trapped.

Meanwhile, childish liberals are still throwing temper tantrums because they can't win an election.
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2018 07:38 am
You have interesting fantasies about liberals.

Do you believe in unicorns as well ?
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2018 08:04 am
Why is this going on---and why isn't the Trump administration openly discussing, and explaining, this policy?

Immigrants have served in our military since the Revolution.

U.S. Army Is Quietly Discharging Immigrant Recruits

Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2018 08:18 am
Americans To Be First Casualties Of Trump's Looming Trade War

0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2018 09:01 am
TheCobbler wrote:
Another republican, Scott Pruitt, has resigned in disgrace.

And now the chief lobbyist for Murry Coal is in charge of the EPA.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2018 09:04 am
Do you believe in unicorns as well ?

Pigs will be flying over the polls before the Dems take back the WH.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2018 09:10 am
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2018 09:14 am

Immigrants have served in our military since the Revolution.

How could they be immigrants before we were a country? Most likely the dumbest post of the day, but there is the rest of today and I would bet you can top it tomorrow. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2018 09:23 am
Confederate General Removed: School Renamed After Prominent Black Racist
Barack Obama is a racist, and he’s one of the best.

Obama ran on race and racism. From his funny name, and his unvetted past. But Democrats loved the idea of presenting their first “black” president to the world, regardless of the consequences to the country.

So while Democrats demanded removal of Confederate monuments and so on–those who condoned slavery in the past–they promoted the new version of racism and oppression with Obama.

Now the approved racist can be honored.

This is a blackman's site, and a black man's opinion, and I wholeheartedly agree.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2018 09:24 am
coldjoint wrote:
How could they be immigrants before we were a country?
People emigrated to Thirteen Colonies (that's been a group of British colonies on the east coast of North America founded in the 17th and 18th centuries that declared independence in 1776) and thus became immigrants there.

See, for instance, as primary sources, via Hathi Trust: Records of the American Colonies
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2018 09:32 am
How could they be immigrants before we were a country?

Maybe because they were not colonial subjects of George Iii, but migrated from elsewhere and served in the Continental Army.

Where did you get your education, Trump University? 🤣
Reply Fri 6 Jul, 2018 09:34 am
Maybe because they were not colonial subjects of George

Maybe? You said something stupid, and just wont admit it. Laughing Laughing Laughing I am not worried you are bound to do it again.

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