Excerpt: Jeff Weaver's wife is Karl Rove's cousin! He is on a mission to take Hillary down for the Republicans, Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers are paying them to do it!
Were they talking literally or figuratively? I don't know either way. I would think they would say Jeff Weaver was Karl Rove's cousin (not Jeff’s wife) if they were talking figuratively...
Do you know for sure? If not then don't lecture me, I was the own who brought it to light, so don't shoot the messenger, okay? ...and how does exposing this make me paranoid? DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY KARL ROVE LIES I HAVE HEARD IN MY LIFETIME? TOO ******* MANY!
This Dude is Toxic
Argue with this, not me.
I don't want this type of misogynistic element running our country anyway.
Am I passionate about it? You're damned right I am!
It is better to be passionate about the truth than a lie. I call a spade a spade.
I withstood the many lies of Mitt Romney, the Cruz lies, the Kasich lies... and the Trump lies filled with pure hate. Even Jeb started lying for Rove...
Bernie is not really a good liar at all, he smirks while he lies and if that is not obvious to most then you have poor social skills.
Paranoid? Nope, serious disappointed in Bernie? YES.