What if someone is born with tits and a dick?
Oh then YOU should decided?
That is a bit like white racist males deciding which citizens can vote or not...
If I saw a man dressed as a woman peeing at a urinal would I care?
Hell no!
If that is what they identify with then I have no problems with that whatsoever.
In fact when they are done I might give them a smile and hold the door open for them while leaving...
I have love and acceptance in my heart not hate and judgment. I demonstrate the human (Christian) values you pretend to have.
The Bible does not say, love thy "straight" neighbor.
No, that is the homophobe hypocrite Bible written by the GOP that says that.
Pauline scriptures say we are all NOW the sons of God (women included) so I guess biblically we require only one bathroom...
Angels also have no sex and the Bible says we are above the angels and not given in marriage in God's presence. Maybe because God is a neutered being also.
So what do you identify with the angelic part of yourself or the fleshly part?