Saying that the only time the Democrats care for old people is when Republicans want to "make changes", (ie, get rid of in the present form), Social Security and Medicare is like saying that the only time a doctor cares about a patient is when he's trying to cure a disease, or the only time a policeman cares about a citizen is when a crime is being committed against him.
For an older person, keeping Social Security and Medicare in approximately their present form
is the number one priority. And the Republicans are trying various ways to do away with them. Bush was pushing private accounts for people when they were young which would bankrupt the system in short order, over and over again. And just about all the Republican contenders are trying to get rid of these two programs.
You take a nice aggressive tone in your post, but the fact is that any older person who votes Republican had better be so well set up that his income from interest and dividends exceeds the money he gets from Social Security and Medicare, because those are the only people who will benefit from voting Republican.