Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2021 12:04 pm
I love it.
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2021 12:52 pm
glitterbag wrote:
This is proof positive you cannot follow the thread of conversation.

Wrong again. You are the one who lacks that capability.

glitterbag wrote:
Someone will state an opinion or point out a reality,

Wrong again. Falsehoods are neither opinion nor reality.

glitterbag wrote:
and the best you can do is say "Does too,"

It is proper that truthful statements are supported.

glitterbag wrote:
"so what,"

It is proper to question the relevance of a statement when no such relevance can be perceived.

I mean, trivia is nice enough I guess, but what does it have to do with the price of tea in China?

glitterbag wrote:
"does not, . . . or lastly nuh uh."

It is proper that falsehoods are challenged.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2021 12:53 pm
izzythepush wrote:
On one thread he was accusing "liberals" of wanting to ban seatbelts.

I said no such thing.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2021 03:46 pm
I know, right!

This is the most comedic thing the Republicans have done!

So, who, really who, is going to stand in line, see somebody give ole Gramma a bottle of water, or even peanut m&m's to keep up the blood sugar level, and call the COPS?? And, let's just say you ARE the cop, dispatched over....a bottle of water and some m&m's were dispersed illegally!

Yes, this is an effective use of police time & funds. Republicans are such a joke.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2021 04:13 pm
Georgia Capitol police arrested state Rep. Park Cannon for knocking on Gov Kemps door. She faces two FELONY counts at a time Representatives are exempt from being arrested within the Capitol grounds while Congress is in session!

This is mighty ridiculous too!
Yes, this is an effective use of police time & funds. Republicans are such a joke.

Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2021 04:39 pm
And Kemp immediately went right in front of the camera and lied that the State Rep had “kicked at” the officers. There is no bottom for these people.
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2021 05:36 pm
Did you know Kemp signed the bill under a picture of a notorious slave plantation - Callaway Plantation (note, all white men)?

Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2021 06:26 pm
Yeah, I saw that. As I said, no bottom.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2021 06:34 pm
Republicans indifferent to unpopularity of new voter suppression agenda
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2021 07:30 pm
Conservative Democrats are indifferent to it's unpopularity too. Cool

Don't get me wrong. It's not like it's an issue I care a lot about. All my attention is focused on the gun issue. But I'm fine with what the Republicans are doing.
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2021 09:29 pm
It's not like you care about any gun issue. After all, you're too smart to care about anything. That's the ideal you'd like to exhibit, not caring. Well, you've succeeded in your goal.


And yes, you are wrong.
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2021 11:22 pm
There's a reason why you didn't point out anything that I was wrong about.

It's because you can't point out anything that I am wrong about.

And actually I care about civil liberties quite strongly. That's why I always prevent you from violating them.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2021 11:54 pm
This is disgusting to even say or have to think, but, republicans think of black people as wild animals, they figure, if you feed them once while standing in line they will come back the next time to vote just because there is free food and water.

The evil in the minds of republicans simply shows their overall lack of evolution and civility.

Never once does it occur to republicans that possibly changing their corrupt policies might garner them more votes.

Instead republicans simply want to force their corrupt policies on the masses like it or not, even if this goes directly against the Constitution and its clear directives and sentiments.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Mar, 2021 12:01 am
He is wrong and unsmart.
Reply Sat 27 Mar, 2021 12:28 am
My IQ is 170. You are the stupid person in this equation.

And you as well cannot point out any untrue statements in my posts.
Reply Sat 27 Mar, 2021 12:44 am
Nearly everything you say is not only untrue but debased, just like your republican crooks who put their hand on the Bible and lie about honoring the Constitution. Even your mother is ashamed of you.

They all begin their illustrious careers in cheating the people with a bold faced lie.

And you support these liars. This makes you 1: stupid, 2: gullible and 3: emotionally damaged. You can check the box "all of the above".

1 Corinthians 8:1
Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.

You know idolatry, like, worshiping a crooked, cheater man instead of God?

And knowledge puffs up, makes people egotistical and arrogant. Are you puffed up?

But charity edifieth,. Do you have any charity?

I doubt it.

If you were smart you would know that knowledge is inferior to charity.

Charity implies that the whole mind and soul are clothed with the empathy of God.

Without charity, you are nothing. Your intellect is a moot point.

Smart people who have any depth of understanding know that...
Reply Sat 27 Mar, 2021 05:26 am
TheCobbler wrote:
Nearly everything you say is not only untrue

You're a fraud and a phony. You cannot point out anything untrue in my posts.

TheCobbler wrote:
lie about honoring the Constitution.

The Republicans aren't lying. They really do prevent you from harming the Constitution.

TheCobbler wrote:
Even your mother is ashamed of you.

Not hardly.

But your mother doesn't care about you at all.

TheCobbler wrote:
This makes you 1: stupid, 2: gullible and 3: emotionally damaged. You can check the box "all of the above".

You shouldn't falsely accuse your betters of your own shortcomings.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Mar, 2021 06:24 am
Unsurprisingly, O keeps talking about civil liberties when they only mean gun rights and nothing else.

Meanwhile, the GOP keeps passing vote suppression laws across the country that actually harm our civil liberties (right to vote) and O clearly does not care at all, despite their insistence they strongly care about civil liberties.
Reply Sat 27 Mar, 2021 06:28 am
Rebelofnj wrote:

Unsurprisingly, O keeps talking about civil liberties when they only mean gun rights and nothing else.

Meanwhile, the GOP keeps passing vote suppression laws across the country that actually harm our civil liberties (right to vote) and O clearly does not care at all, despite their insistence they strongly care about civil liberties.

Nope. Just guns. That’s all there’s room for in that pea brain and that koolaid-pumpin’ heart.
Reply Sat 27 Mar, 2021 06:37 am
snood wrote:
Nope. Just guns.

Guns are talked about because those are the civil liberties that progressives are trying to violate.

snood wrote:
That's all there's room for in that pea brain

You shouldn't falsely accuse your betters of your own stupidity.

snood wrote:
and that koolaid-pumpin' heart.

You cannot point out any untrue statements in my posts.
0 Replies

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