Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 08:19 am
The attorney general for the district of Colombia was asked about that on the BBC last night. He didn’t answer because the capitol police are not under his jurisdiction. There’s another AG who deals with stuff inside the building itself.
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 08:19 am
@Region Philbis,
There is that in favor of a serious senate Trial to keep him from holding any political office again.
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 08:24 am
I didn't watch what you are referring to, but it seems to me the FBI are already investigating the Capitol riot so it must be part of their jurisdiction.
0 Replies
Region Philbis
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 08:24 am

specifically it would block him from the 2024 POTUS run he already has his sights on...
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 09:07 am
Below is what the NYT says about it all.

Why Remove Trump Now? A Guide to Trump's Impeachment

Once the Senate receives the impeachment charge, it must immediately take up the issue, as articles of impeachment carry the highest privilege. Under rules in place for decades, impeachment is the only issue the Senate can consider while a trial is underway; it cannot simultaneously consider other legislative business.

But Mr. Biden has asked Mr. McConnell whether it would be possible to alter that rule, allowing the Senate to conduct Mr. Trump’s impeachment trial on a parallel track to consideration of his cabinet nominees, splitting its days between the two. Mr. McConnell told Mr. Biden he would consult with the Senate parliamentarian on whether that would be possible.

If such a bifurcated process were not possible, House Democrats might choose to hold back the article to allow Mr. Biden time to win confirmation of his team before a trial got underway.
Region Philbis
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 09:24 am

house majority whip Clyburn has floated the idea of delaying the trial for 100 days, which would give
the Biden administration time for new policy implementation...
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 01:59 pm
snood wrote:
So... if I say that incitement to insurrection is an impeachable crime that Donald Trump committed, let me guess.
You say that it's not an impeachable crime, or that Trump didn't do it, or both?

Well, he didn't do it certainly.

I'm not going to worry about the question of whether it is an actual crime.
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 02:05 pm
Are you saying that what happened wasn’t insurrection, or that he didn’t encourage (incite) it?
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 02:10 pm
What happened was not insurrection. It was a peaceful protest against perceived Democratic cheating.
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 02:11 pm
TheCobbler wrote:
Do you know what is an actual crime?


TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like lying to the American people?

Not a crime.

Also, most of the times that Mr. Trump is accused of lying, he is the one who is telling the truth and it is the progressives who are lying.

TheCobbler wrote:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

No, progressives have falsely accused him of lying that many times.

Progressives always refer to the truth as a lie.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like firing people investigating you?

Not a crime. The Constitution gives the President absolute power to fire people.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like impeding an investigation into himself?

Not a crime. The Constitution gives the President absolute power to end investigations.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like using tax payer money to plant his fat ass on the golf course for 1/3 of his stay in office?

Not a crime.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like using your office to profit, emoluments?

Not a crime. Neither is it clear that he did so.

TheCobbler wrote:
Sending troops way out of the way so they can stay at your overprices resort?

Not a crime. Neither is it clear that he did so.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like threatening to withhold money from Ukraine for political favors that are against moral and ethical campaigning laws?

Pressuring people to investigate Joe Biden's crimes does not violate any law.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like not coming to the aid of states because they did not vote for you?

Not a crime. Neither is it clear that he did so.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like appointing criminals into high government office?

Not a crime. Neither is it clear that he did so.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like racism?

Not a crime. Neither is it clear that he did so.

Progressives falsely accuse people of racism as a crutch because they have no facts or logic with which to defend their demented ideology. However, the accusations are untrue.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like inflating your wealth for bank loans?

That one is probably a crime. Hardly an impeachable offense however.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like a university scam to rip off students?

Hardly a crime. It might be the basis for civil lawsuits however.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like a cancer charity to rip off children with cancer?

No reason to think that he has done such a thing.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like laundering Russian money?

That might be a crime in Russia. But they aren't complaining.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like threatening states into overturning a fair election?

People have every right to complain about Democratic cheating. Not a crime.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like threatening the vice President into overturning a fair election?

People have every right to complain about Democratic cheating. Not a crime.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like bribing republicans to support his corruption?

No such corruption. No such bribes.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like paying thugs to kidnap a state governor?

Never happened.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like disenfranchising black voters and making it harder to vote?

The only party with a modern history of disenfranchising voters is the Democratic Party.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like paying porn stars whom he fornicated with hush money with campaign funds?

Last I heard he paid with his own money.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like sedition and inciting riots?

Never happened.

TheCobbler wrote:
Crimes like sitting on his fat ass while hundreds of thousands die of covid so he can overturn a fair election?

The only person who committed that crime is Joe Biden.

TheCobbler wrote:
Trump has not been prosecuted for the multitude of crimes he has perpetuated.

That's because he hasn't committed any crimes.

TheCobbler wrote:
Bill Clinton is still a free man 20 years later..
And Bill Clinton did not require any "pardon" for himself or his family.

That's because Democrats place themselves above the law.

TheCobbler wrote:
Let's see how long your criminal president Trump remains free from his "actual crimes".

If we outlaw the Democratic Party that will stop them from abusing their power this way.

TheCobbler wrote:
I am sure there are hundreds of crimes that Trump has committed that were not listed.

There are not.

TheCobbler wrote:
Like putting kids in cages for weeks on end and leaving them vulnerable to sexual molestation by his Qanon pals.

Barack Obama was the guy who put kids in cages.

TheCobbler wrote:
Sterilizing immigrant women.

Never happened.

TheCobbler wrote:
Building a racist border wall that 7 in 10 Americans oppose.

Not a crime. And false accusations of racism are a poor substitute for facts and logic.

TheCobbler wrote:
1. Obstructing Justice

Nope. Democrats have an established history of framing innocent people for obstruction. No such charges can be believed.

But even if the charges could be believed, Democrats have also already established a solid precedent with Bill Clinton that it is OK for presidents to obstruct justice.

TheCobbler wrote:
2. Profiting from the Presidency

Not a crime. Neither is it clear that he did so.

TheCobbler wrote:
3. Soliciting Foreign Interference in US Elections

Not a crime. If it were a crime, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama would be the biggest offenders.

TheCobbler wrote:
Trump used U.S. military aid to pressure Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 elections and must be impeached because no one is above the law.

Democrats believe they are above the law, but no. Having Democratic wrongdoing investigated is neither a crime nor an impeachable offense.

TheCobbler wrote:
He illegally withheld $400 million dollars of military aid to Ukraine and in a call with the President of Ukraine, asked them to "do us a favor" by investigating Joe Biden's family and a debunked conspiracy theory (that has been pushed by Russian intelligence) alledging Ukraine hacked the DNC's computer servers.

Not a crime to investigate Democratic wrongdoing.

Sorry Democrats, but you're not above the law.

TheCobbler wrote:
4. Advocating Political & Police Violence

Not a crime.

TheCobbler wrote:
When Trump gave cover to the neo-Nazis who rioted in Charlottesville and murdered a protester, he violated his obligation to protect the citizenry against domestic violence.

Not a crime. Never happened either.

TheCobbler wrote:
5. Abuse of Power

The only people who are abusing their power are Democrats.

TheCobbler wrote:
In addition, Trump's decision to pardon Joe Arpaio, who was convicted for contempt of court after ignoring a court order that he stop detaining and searching people based on the color of their skin, amounted to an abuse of the pardon power that revealed his indifference to individual rights, equal protections, and the separation of powers.

Not an abuse. Not a crime.

TheCobbler wrote:
Pardoning this conviction goes against the Fifth Amendment, which allows the judiciary to issue and enforce injunctions against government officials who flout individual rights.

No it doesn't.

TheCobbler wrote:
6. Engaging in Reckless Conduct

Not a crime.

TheCobbler wrote:
7. Persecuting Political Opponents

The only people who do that are Democrats.

TheCobbler wrote:
8. Attacking the Free Press
President Trump has repeatedly attacked the concept of an independent press.
He's called critical coverage "fake news" and journalists "the enemy of the American people," made threats to change libel laws and revoke licenses, and his battles with CNN led him to try to interfere in the AT&T/Time Warner merger.

Not a crime.

Actually a good thing that he did here. The media lies so much they need to be condemned and reformed.

TheCobbler wrote:
9. Violating Immigrants' Right to Due Process
Enforcing its new "zero tolerance" policy, the Trump administration separated as many as 3,000 immigrant children from their parents at the southern border. This policy was meant to deter families from attempting to cross the border.
The children and their families have been held in internment camps and cages with what lawyers call "inhumane conditions."

It was Barack Obama who put the kids in cages.

TheCobbler wrote:
10. Violating Campaign Finance Laws
Donald Trump knew disclosure of his extramarital affairs with Stephanie Clifford (A.K.A. Stormy Daniels) and Karen McDougal could hurt his chances at winning the 2016 election.
At the direction of Trump, Michael Cohen and American Media, Inc. (AMI), the publisher of the National Enquirer bought the rights to the women's stories and forced them to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements to prevent them from going public for the purpose of protecting his campaign.
Cohen admitted to making illegal, hush-money payments to hide Trump's affairs in the fall of 2016, just weeks before the election.
Federal prosecutors, and Trump's co-conspirators Cohen and AMI, all say that Cohen made the payments at Trump's direction, "in concert with the campaign," and with the intention of helping Trump win.
Trump made illegal reimbursements to Michael Cohen for this crime while President, discussing the illegal scheme while in the Oval Office.
Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator because he directed Cohen to "cause an unlawful corporate contribution" and an "excessive campaign contribution" by paying the two women hush money with the intent to influence the election.

Paying hush money is not a crime.

TheCobbler wrote:
And let's not forget funding and supporting seditionists to invade our US Capital.

I know progressives hate freedom, but people have the right to peacefully protest in America.

TheCobbler wrote:
You have the idiocy to compare a single lie about a blowjob compared to all of this?

Your characterization of Bill Clinton's crimes is untrue.

It was perjury (a felony) in a civil trial.

It was perjury (a felony) before a grand jury.

It was obstruction of justice.

It was witness tampering.

TheCobbler wrote:
Besides, Bill Clinton's sex life was nobody's ******* business but his own and his wife's and consenting adults who he felt were entitled to his privacy.

Wrong again.

Sexual harassment, sexual assault, and outright rape are not the private business of the rapist. The government has the authority to act in such matters.

TheCobbler wrote:
Like lying about something that is legal and nobody's business?

Not just lying. Perjury in a civil trial, perjury before a grand jury, obstruction of justice, and witness tampering.

Sexual harassment, sexual assault, and outright rape are not legal. Neither are they nobody's business.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 02:15 pm
glitterbag wrote:
the intended audience will not understand a word that you've written....

I'm not as dumb as you are. I am well able to comprehend anything that Cobbler writes.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 02:17 pm
TheCobbler wrote:
Because an "actual crime" is lying about a blowjob...

Not just lying.

Perjury (a felony) in a civil trial.

Perjury (a felony) before a grand jury.

Obstruction of justice.

Witness tampering.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 02:18 pm
glitterbag wrote:
Sen. Lindsey 'smarmy' Graham voted to convict Bill Clinton for the horrendous offense of lying about a BJ...................

Not just lying.

Perjury in a civil trial.

Perjury before a grand jury.

Obstruction of justice.

Witness tampering.

glitterbag wrote:
but he won't vote against Donald 'skid mark' Trump for trying to overthrow an election.

That's because he is innocent.

glitterbag wrote:
Let's set these things on a scale....BJ, nobody died....Lindsey is critically offended because a BJ is a threat against democracy.......................

Perjury, witness tampering, and obstruction of justice undermine the functioning of the government.

You may be fine with undermining our government, but they are still serious crimes.

glitterbag wrote:
on the other side, Trump tries to steal an election, organizes an insurrection trying to deprive the entire country of their right to vote....Lindsey shrugs and says lets not fight over silly things.

There is the small fact that Mr. Trump did not do as you describe.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 02:30 pm
oralloy wrote:

What happened was not insurrection. It was a peaceful protest against perceived Democratic cheating.

How do you twist your head into thinking something is peaceful, when they destroyed property and assaulted (and killed) people?
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 02:42 pm
I do not consider destruction of property to be a violent crime. And what are we talking about here? Some broken windows?

I think most of the protesters had nothing to do with assaulting any police officers. The ones who did should be prosecuted.
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 02:44 pm
TheCobbler wrote:
We democrats don't need a violent coup, we can win on sound policies and function lawfully within the structure of our US Constitution.

The fact that they win by abusing their power says otherwise. And there is nothing sound about a policy of violating people's civil liberties for no reason.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 03:28 pm
oralloy wrote:

I do not consider destruction of property to be a violent crime. And what are we talking about here? Some broken windows?

A federal building's window. Not just any federal building, but one that was housing a large portion of our government officials at the time of official business to certify a Presidential election's winner.

Somehow that part just seems to get lost...
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 03:39 pm
Meh. It's a window.

It's not like they burned down some guy's livelihood like those BLM thugs do.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 03:44 pm
@Region Philbis,
it is absolutely worth it...

An impeachment of Trump would also call into question every policy and person Trump "planted" into our government, including judges.

This sedition is comprised of a long series of acts of betrayal to our country...
Many republicans are complicit and should be included in the charges.

Trump not only needs to be censured from any future public office but his acts of sedition undone and placed out in an open court for all of his follower to no longer doubt his treachery and treason against them. Starting with his undermining of Covid prevention.

Let's hope this impeachment is broad and encompassing of all of his crimes and failures...

Impeachment also means impeaching the rot out of the republican party. Trump has had enablers, accomplices and and coconspirators.

The longer we spend in this impeachment process the better off our government will be in the end. 50 years of republican rule has left us with a crooked and corrupt band of republican criminals blocking progress, obstructing change and accepting bribes to line their own pockets with the blood money resulting from their dirty deeds...

It is time to restore some dignity and ethics back to the rules of conduct regarding public service.
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2021 03:56 pm
Oralloy does not consider... (we can stop right there)

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