TheCobbler wrote:
I will probably buy a subscription to the New York Times once Trump's face is no longer front page news.
I won't pay for news of every time that poor excuse for a man tweets another lie.
Republican treachery does not sell news for me...
It is time to leave that insidious man and his crooked family in the annuls of history with the other dirtbag republican traitors.
I plead guilty to reading the on-line edition of the New York Times and Washington Post every day. Not as good as when I read the NYT print edition each day, but not a bad way to start one's day.(There was a time, when I worked on The Street, that the WSJ was my paper of choice.)
I personally give as much attention to the opinion pages of newspapers as to the "news"...and the NYT and the WaPo opinion perspectives give good thought paths to consider. Although both papers are skewed to the left, each has plenty of right (even far right) commentary.
I suspect Trump will continue to contaminate our society after he is booted from his current digs...and the media will give him more than his fair share of attention.