snood wrote:
maporsche wrote:
So far I’m feeling pretty good about the Biden/Trump race. It’s not as clear cut as I would have hope for our country but so far Biden has the advantage, and that is the most important matter.
Best case scenario now is a Biden ‘moral victory’ that’s not as overwhelming as we needed it to be to convincingly repudiate Trump, accompanied by a still GOP controlled senate that hamstrings the presidency.
Yes, I agree.
A Biden victory will be critical for stopping the worst of the Trump administration though and right now, that's a huge win.
Trump has governed via executive order for the last 2 years and Biden can single handedly reverse all of those as well implementing a whole new, competant, and respectable cabinet/staff.
The senate elections in 2022 will be the next best chance to make something even greater out of Biden presidency - let's hope Biden voters turn out in 2 years.