For Trump there is never really a downside, when he thinks he's winning he sulks, he disparages, he vilifies and cries that it's rigged, unfair, horrible, very very very bad etc........when he thinks he's losing he ramps up the sulking, the character assassinations, then the screams of outrage are louder and longer and he threatens to sue everybody into oblivion. In both cases, he still hogs the screen and dominates every hour of everyday.......he's not happy unless he's sucking all the air and joy out of a room and then barks out his endless list of grievances. I'm exhausted by his endless yapping and inserting himself into even the most pointless event because he......CAN.......NOT......SHUT....THE **** UP..... for a nanosecond. My idea of hell is being stuck in a seat next to him on a non-stop 19 hour flight. No jury in the world would blah blah blah yada yada.