Turning The Ballot Box Against Republicans

Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 12:00 pm
That’s so typical of that sort

Just like gossip is so typical in your posts.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 12:08 pm
Agreed Izzy, they want us to be so sweet and nice to them while they tell a gay person they can't treat them in an emergency room because of their "faith"...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 12:20 pm
izzythepush wrote:
swastika brandishing Nazi protesters,

Godwin's law. Conservatism wins again.

Of course, perhaps the protesters were violating Godwin's law too.

izzythepush wrote:
racist murders

Manslaughter isn't murder.

izzythepush wrote:
the NRA shooting up schools,

You cannot provide any examples of the NRA doing any such thing.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 12:20 pm
A tiny ice cream parlor gets an unwelcome lesson in American entitlement
The little Polar Cave Ice Cream Parlour in Mashpee, Massachusetts tried to do the right thing amid this pandemic, but they ran into a problem called “entitlement.”

Following careful guidelines issued by the governor, the small Cape Cod ice cream shop delighted local residents last week by announcing it would reopen on a limited basis, accepting only online orders, with strict social distancing in place and a plea to its customers to place those orders at least an hour in advance.

Unfortunately, that common-sense request, made in the interest of preserving the safety of both customers and the Polar Cave’s employees, was apparently just too much of an infringement on the God-given right of certain members of the public to obtain their ice cream.

Almost immediately, the shop’s parking lot began to fill up with customers who ignored the request and showed up too early, as well as those who hadn’t placed any orders at all. But the Polar Cave, which was running with less staff than normal, couldn’t handle this barrage and soon became overwhelmed.

Now a few of those folks who just happened to be driving by might be forgiven for stopping in after seeing that the Polar Cave appeared to be open. But there really is no excuse for what happened next as customers, angry that they weren’t being served quickly enough, became abusive and started verbally harassing the store’s teenage employees, hurling so much nasty abuse that one 18-year-old woman quit after finishing her shift, The Washington Post reports.

The teenager who quit after a barrage of abuse, (owner Mark Lawrence) said, was one of his best workers at a Mashpee, Mass., institution that calls its owner “Papa Bear” and offers a long list of ice cream fun facts on its website. The worker “stuck it through her shift,” Lawrence told local media, despite facing language that “you wouldn’t even say in a men’s locker room.”

This torrent of first-world bad behavior ultimately forced the Polar Cave to shut down after just one day, but thankfully, after an outpouring of public support on Facebook, it has now reopened, and customers seem to be waiting more patiently for their ice cream.

What the Polar Cave experienced is not particularly unique as businesses around the country struggling to reopen are coming face to face with a certain breed of Americans who feel they are simply entitled to be catered to in the midst of a public health crisis. As noted by the Post: “The harassment came as employees around the country face verbal abuse and even violence while trying to navigate a new era of socially distant operations and public health precautions.”

”Some clashes over coronavirus-driven restrictions have turned violent, even deadly. A McDonald’s customer in Oklahoma City shot employees after being asked to leave because of new rules, according to officials, and prosecutors say a Family Dollar security guard was shot and killed in Flint, Mich., this month after telling a customer her child had to wear a mask to enter.

Some might call it a stretch to draw any comparisons between the sense of entitlement displayed by the patrons of the Polar Cave Ice Cream Parlour and the overly-publicized actions of certain so-called “patriots” around the country who have loudly protested social distancing restrictions as an infringement of their “rights” and “freedoms.”

Some might think that a group of well-fed, internet-savvy people driving $50,000 “dually” pickups and SUVs storming their state capitals and threatening their legislatures—while brandishing expensive, high-powered weapons—to protest temporary business closures intended to protect the public health is really not at all like a crowd of angry white Massachusetts suburbanites becoming verbally abusive over their inability to get their ice cream right quick, the way they’re used to it.

Some might even say the government has no right to deny any American their ice cream. That having that ice cream served to them on demand is a fundamental right important enough for other people to die for. Any government that disagrees with that is a tyrannical, fascist dictatorship, see, and as these “protesters” will remind you, there’s a rant by some idiot on YouTube with a thousand likes that backs them up.

And some might think that any state governor who doesn’t bend over backwards to cater to their more ignorant citizens’ entitled demands—no matter who gets sick or dies in the process—should be threatened or harassed for trying to protect everyone else, just like that 18-year-old woman at the Polar Cave.

Most Americans understand and recognize that some degree of mutual sacrifice and inconvenience is necessary in order to get us through this, the worst public health crisis of our lifetimes. For some Americans, however, it appears this is the first time they’ve ever had to think of anyone but themselves, and it shows.

So they just feel entitled to jump to the front of the line, because waiting for ice cream is simply intolerable.
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 01:06 pm
A tiny ice cream parlor gets an unwelcome lesson in American entitlement

Who are the party of entitlements? Your party created the problem.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 01:56 pm
TheCobbler wrote:

You openly defend a lying POS president and expect us to be painfully polite?

I didn't start defending Trump because I was for Trump, but because I am against anti-Trumpism and against the culture of ridiculing people into submission generally. We all have the right to defend ourselves and/or use emphasis to get our point across, but ultimately we are supposed to persuade people to listen to reason, not to defer to the authority of ridicule.

As long as you defend hypocrites and haters you deserve getting your words thrown right back in your face with as much vulgarity as is required to get you to STFU.

Everyone is a hypocrite and a hater on some level. We all have sin, so when you rebuke sin in others, it should be as a brother/sister.

Us gays were lynched with you black folk back in the day and were considered unfit for the fields so we are immune to your whitie-tighty rhetoric.

Stop using victim narratives to justify hate. Only Jesus was born of a virgin womb, so everyone else has sin in their family history. You act like being gay or black erases whatever sin you have in your family line, but human history is full of sin so if you could trace back everyone's line, you would find sin. The people you talk about who were lynching people also had people lynching and enslaving their ancestors a couple generations back, and before Africans were captured and sold into slavery, there was sin going on for them too. When you find me the person who can trace their line back to a perfect saint who never had any ancestors or descendants who participated in the vast collection of atrocities/sins that make up human history, it will be fascinating to see how you document that.
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 02:42 pm
Jesus has no sin because of God's grace.

Before you go blathering on about a book you might try reading it.

The rest you wrote is just tripe.
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 02:51 pm
TheCobbler wrote:

Jesus has no sin because of God's grace.

Before you go blathering on about a book you might try reading it.

The rest you wrote is just tripe.

The point I was making was the rest, what you are calling 'tripe.'

I guess you'll just go on with your aggressive use of victim-narratives to hate others for their ancestry while imagining yours to be free of sin.
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 03:38 pm
Are you implying that black people are black because of sin?

If they are really good they will become white again?

The Mormons believed that for nearly a century and some Mormons still believe that.

Sin plays right into your hypocrite racist narrative.

You haven't lived my life and it is none of your business. If you are looking for sin look in the mirror and at your Trump idol. Your false God with gold toilet seats and thousand dollar golf carts paid for by the blood of elementary school children. Yea, look there.

Victim narratives... Says the abuser.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 04:24 pm
These terrible victims, when will they learn to just shut up and take the abuse? Why evern report a crime like this? Don't the police have enough victim narratives? (cynical)

Two men caught on video breaking a Target employee's arm after he asked the shoppers to wear a mask

Read the Bible if you want a victim narrative! (cynical)

My AA meeting starts in about 5 minutes.
Region Philbis
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 04:40 pm

Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 04:51 pm
@Region Philbis,
Region Philbis wrote:


To avoid lawsuits and the costs involved with defending them.

If you went to work and caught COVID19 and your colleague tried to sue you for not following social-distancing or other safety protocols, would you want to pay their hospital bills in addition to your own because you caught it first?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 04:57 pm
@Region Philbis,
No, Republicans think if the rules are followed, masks and the other crap, that businesses are not responsible. Probably because they would not be. Tell the whole truth.

Actually "Enter at your own risk" signs would go a long way.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 05:08 pm
TheCobbler wrote:

These terrible victims, when will they learn to just shut up and take the abuse? Why evern report a crime like this? Don't the police have enough victim narratives? (cynical)

You weren't talking about being personally victimized in any way. You were talking about being gay and thus having gay ancestors who were lynched along with slaves. Don't you realize that people have been bullied and killed for all sorts of dubious reasons throughout history? Practically everyone was a slave/serf in Europe, for example, and lots of people have been exploited by criminality and business exploitation throughout history. You are talking about gay people being lynched in the past because why? Because you don't want to be the one who loses their job when your company downsizes because you assume a heterosexual person can find another job easier than you can due to present day homophobia? Ok, then you have a point, but can we then lower salaries so more people can be employed within the same budget? No, because unions and contracts won't allow that. So basically you're saying that because some gay people were lynched in the past, heterosexuals must figure out a way to expand the economy to create more jobs? Well what if they can't? Then they just have to be unemployed, homeless, or whatever? Why can't Democrats support regulatory changes that allow unemployed/poor people do more for themselves when the economy won't? You can't live in a tent or even an RV except in special designated areas that are often subject to criminality, drugs, or at best bad locations. If Democrats want to shift the burden of economic exclusion away from historically-vulnerable identities, why can't they at least support rule changes that bring down prices/costs and allow unemployed/underemployed people to suffice with less?


Read the Bible if you want a victim narrative! (cynical)

That's exactly right. The story of Christ is the victim narrative to end all victim narratives. We are all sinners, descended from sinners, living in a world of sin, and guilty and doomed to death as the wages of sin; and yet there is this Jesus who taught second-birth and eternal life and salvation and redemption from sin.

In short, we are all victims AND perpetrators in all the ways that we are, but in spite of that there is hope and spiritual peace and joy in the good news; and the only way you can be exempt from the salvation is if you reject it and refuse to believe.

Why not see the good news of salvation in addition to forgiving the sins of the world that have made victims out of all of us in some way or other? No one's saying you have to forget victimization or trust anyone who might sin against you further, but just accept the good news that there is spiritual peace in Christ. What more could you ask for as a victim than for someone else to take away your suffering and give you peace and joy and hope in exchange for it?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 08:24 pm
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 08:40 pm
TRUMP PUSSY GRABBER again and again and again and again
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 08:58 pm
TRUMP PUSSY GRABBER again and again and again and again

Remember those women let Trump do it. The kids were not old enough to make that decision.
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 09:02 pm
no they didn't. trump did it anyway. Biden just smelled their hair, which is not surprising beccause shampoos are made to smell really nice.
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 10:31 pm
no they didn't.

Go back and listen to the tape, he said they did.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2020 10:46 pm
"Kabulghazi" hospital attack...

The attacks left a total of 56 people dead and more than 100 others wounded, highlighting the grim reality in Afghanistan that has forced the countries security services back into an offensive posture, despite the Trump peace deal struck between the U.S. and the Taliban.

Investigations to follow and Trump brought before congress for hours of questioning regarding his derelict role in protecting US interests due to his failed policies abroad. The hearing may coincide with the election and reveal a dearth of inadequacies in Trump's strategic directives. It appears Trump was playing golf while the attack occurred and his phone was set to airplane mode.

Six Republican-controlled congressional committees have been called to investigate Trump's negligence in this matter.

Four Trump appointed State Department officials have been criticized for adhering to Trump's lack of security protocols regarding the hospital and its staff.

The Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security has resigned under the pressure, while three others were suspended.

The U.S. Department of State has condemned President Trump for aiding and facilitating the Afghanistan terrorists organizations. Litigation is expected to last for months into the the reelection cycle.

Republicans feel justified in questioning Trump for such a vital cause of protecting US interests abroad.

Hospitals throughout Afghanistan have had their security level raised and additional troops have been deployed to safeguard and prevent further attacks of this kind.

Mitch Mcconnell is leading the charge to prevent another Kabulghazi incident from occurring again.

Many hours of testimony will be required from Trump to ascertain if his negligence rises to the level of criminality, impeachment and perhaps they may need to "lock him up" over this egregious stint of mismanagement.

Republican protesters a have been chanting "lock him up" since Fox News first reported on the incident with no sign of abating soon.

This could drag on for months and the press is having a field day and "Kabulghazi" seems to be hitting the front pages of every newspaper and blog in the world.

In other words, republicans have done nothing whatsoever over, "Kabulghazi".

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