TheCobbler wrote:
And Obama did all of that in spite of a racist republican congress bought off by the fossil fuel industry and doing everything in their power to try and make him fail.
That's not the point. The point is that what was supposed to be a green economic revolution ended up increasing fossil fuel use and motor-vehicle traffic because the money they spread around promoted the waste economy, not the reformed economy they were envisioning.
To have green reform, you need the majority of people to cut back their spending and economic activity. That doesn't happen when you keep redistributing growth back to the middle class, who doesn't ultimately think they are the ones responsible for the effects caused by their spending.
Consumers might think a carbon tax would solve the climate threat, but then they will just go on buying gasoline and driving as much as they want. They might think that subsidies for renewable energy are going to save the planet from fossil fuel, but they'll just go on cranking up their heating and cooling systems and go shopping in big heated/cooled stores, airports, etc.
So the Democrats just say one thing and do something else because they think they can have their cake and eat it too. You can't keep industrial-consumerism cranking away and just make it green by switching out the cars for EVs and coal power plants for gas, nuclear, windmills, and solar.
You need conservation, infrastructure/sprawl reduction, and generally people have to make do with less and inflation has to be brought down so it's not a constant threat pushing people to always make more money because their savings are going to be worthless in a couple decades.
Democrats keep deluding themselves that you can just keep borrowing more money to pay off your old loans instead of reducing your overall debt levels. To reduce overall debt, you have to reduce overall spending, and doing that is going to cut into GDP growth and that is going to mean people are going to have to deal with making less money and thus living and finding happiness by driving less, working less, and shopping less; which is also what's going to achieve climate sustainability.
Democrats are somehow going to have to come to terms with the contradiction between closing the gap between rich and poor and achieving green reform. For green reform to occur, everyone has to make and spend less money, and that doesn't happen if you stoke economic growth with spending policies that raise taxes on the rich.