Nixon spied on political rivals... He tried to fire anyone who got in his way.
Bush used the "Homeland Security Act" to spy on Americans...
Reagan claimed to "not remember"...
Trump asked Russians to spy on democrats and your accusation that Obama spied on Trump is not only not proven but a lie made up to cover republican fake news, tampering in our election and conspiring with a foreign enemy to gain political power.
This is why Trump's tax returns are still not public record and why republicans are bleeding profusely politically with all of the corruption they are hiding from the American electorate. Republican senator's trips to Russia to secretly "get paid".
Republican evil doers, robbers, malefactors, and hypocrites. No credibility and your words are you own undoing. You speak with a lying tongue and dishonor your souls and your fellow country persons by conspiring with evil, greed, hating disabled people, old and poor. Corporate induced collapse of our government. People who are poor because of your tax breaks for the rich and people who are sick because of you party's attack on healthcare.
People who are disabled and dysfunctional because of your party's attack on education.
You insult immigrants and people of color (your brothers yes, Cain turned his back on his brother too.) (Am I my brother's keeper? Apparently not!). because you know in your own heart of hearts that you are far beneath them. You and your party are the ones unworthy to be called human beings. You are the virus trying to pretend to be a real cell. The fake news trying to be truth. You are the subhuman ape-like animal that is equal to pond scum, the walking dead and vampires sucking life from healthy, loving and good living beings.
You seem so smug and full of self-congratulations but underneath you hide a graveyard of dead bones and lifeless corpses, empty eyes, no soul and heartless and a worthless waste of life. Fungus on food, disease on healthy tissue.
Now you can try and flip that around onto me, but you own it. You are the pig here, gluttonous and living unaware of the dunghill you call a political party. The criminal you call president.
Your contribution to society is void and with no value whatsoever to humanity.
This is you, you own it and I would not trade places with you for all the for all the beef jerky in Texas...
Black republican? Herman Cain? Sell-out back-stabber for personal gain? That is you.