Baldimo wrote:I will also point out that the term democracy isn't used in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Representative Republic, Constitutional Republic are generally the most accurate to what our nation really is.
Seriously - and you said it was a decent discussion - why don't you accept that democracy is, “Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives"?
"Republic, not a democracy" is false dichotomy.
The only direct democracy nowadays people know of are still to be found on federal, state and local level in Switzerland - but even under such circumstances, the Swiss still feel themselves to be part of the state, because of their rights of co-determination in direct democracy.
The American form of government has been called a “democracy” by leading American statesmen and legal commentators from the Framing on.
Although I'm one of all the other leftists on this site (well, actually there aren't many, most are centrists), I give you some pictures of the US political history, from books, I'm afraid, not coloured
Copied/pasted from
The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States (1794)
Noah Webster in 1785 via google books. When you search there, you'll easily find more quotes, like St. George Tucker in his 1803 edition of Blackstone, Thomas Jefferson in 1815 ... ...