That is an utterly false statement on the part of Baldimo, who is, in my experience, an expert on no subject. The constitution, in fact, takes no notice of political parties. Furthermore, the earliest attestation of the word socialism dates from 1832, two generations after the constitution of the United States was ratified.
Quote:Yet Marx and Engels were neither Russophiles nor Russophobes. Their hatred was not directed against the Russian people and everything Russian as such. Its object was Russian autocracy, Russian despotism. In fact, their hatred of any autocracy whatsoever, Western or Eastern, was particularly violent against the Tsarist regime, because of its expansionist character. For Tsarist despotism, like the Soviet, far from being merely an internal affair of the Russians, was a potential export which threatened not only the weaker neighbouring nations but the whole world as well, thus becoming the chief menace, in their opinion, to the Western Socialist revolution.
Source at Marxists-dot-org
Marx was dismissive of social democrats, calling them "utopians." But Lenin realized that the proletariat could not take over the means of production, at least not in Russia, until there was an industrial state for them to take over. That was the origin of the NEP, the New Economic Policy.
Quote:Lenin characterized the NEP in 1922 as an economic system that would include "a free market and capitalism, both subject to state control,", while socialized state enterprises would operate on "a profit basis".
Source at Wikipedia
After Fanny Kaplan shot Lenin in 1918, his health began to deteriorate. The Cheka was founded to protect the revolution, and Felix Dzerzhinsky was put in charge. However, they made no headway with Kaplan, who was shot without implicating anyone else. Lenin became obsessed with the idea that violence and terror were needed to protect the revolution. With his failing health, and his personal despair, Stalin was free to establish his power base. Stalin, of course, was happy with the idea of using violence and terror to protect the revolution, although, in fact, he used it to protect his own power. Communism as it has become known in the modern world has always been a cult of personality--Lenin, Stalin, and Mao are the most obvious examples.
The legacy of Lenin's New Economic Policy withered away under Stalin, except for the aircraft design bureaus. Tupolev, Sukhoi, Yakovlev, and of course, Mikoyan and Gurevich (MiG) designed the aircraft, but they did not produce them. This crippled quality control, but nevertheless, that vestige of Lenin's attempt to harness capitalism in service to the revolution meant that the Soviet Union had reliable aircraft, at least reliable aircraft design. Lenin's decline after 1922, however, meant that the New Economic Policy was never fully implemented, and it was the Soviet Union which suffered, and with the death of Lenin in 1924, Stalin was free to make himself the Red Tsar.
Once again, the American constitution takes no notice of political parties, and there is nothing in the constitution to prohibit either socialism or communism. Reactionaries in the United States love to shoot off their mouths about the constitution, but they reliably demonstrate a pathetic ignorance of the document.