FBM, is was very astute of you to notice, after posting the "summary" by the physicist of "frames of reference" that the following is, in that light "perplexing:"
Quote:This phenomenon is called time dilation. It has been verified in recent years by flying very accurate clocks around the world on jetliners and finding they register less time, by the predicted amount, than identical clocks left on the ground
I responded by claiming that:
Quote:Had the guy on the faster moving airplane assumed that the earth clock was running slower, he simply would have been WRONG. He would not be "equally correct" as the guy on earth saying the plane clock had slowed down (he was RIGHT).
You don't seem to want to accept this response. You seem to think that the lack of an "absolute" measure of motion precludes any answer to this.
But I'm not sure why. As an analogy, the word "tall" is relative. But I don't need a standard for what is "absolutely tall" in order to measure a person's (or a building's) height. See what I'm getting at?
But, underlying your concerns, I think, it that you find it troubling that, on the one hand, SR advocates claim that certain questions have "no meaning" on that account. They say there is no preferred frame.
No wonder you're perplexed, if you accept them at their word. Their IS a preferred frame, implicitly posited by them, in every statement which starts out with a phrase "from A's frame of reference..."
Similarly, without a preferred frame of some kind, they could not possibly say that the travelling twin ages slower than the earth twin (as they do say). That all part of the inconsistency of SR, and it creates a lot of confusion.
In the twin case, they essentially establish the earth as the preferred frame (it gives you the "right" answer). In essence, they say that it is, in fact, the traveler who is moving (and hence who's clock runs slow).
Yet it other contexts, they want to say it is "impossible" to determine who's moving. Just another confusion-generating inconsistency, when you really think about it.