Quote:Relativity is not a psychological theory, and it does not claim that traveling people are somewhat obliged to think they are not traveling...
Of course not. Not as a practical matter. In real life, EVERYBODY on a train will immediately concede that, relative to the tracks, it is the train that's moving, not the tracks. They will acknowledge even though they don't "feel" motion and even if, for a brief moment, they have the "sensation" that it is the trees, etc., that are moving.
You're missing the point, Oliver, which is essentially one of mathematics, not "real life." As a matter of theory (only) they MUST view each other that way or else the whole theory of SR completely falls apart. If A, on the ground, "says" the train is moving, and B, on the train ALSO "says" he is moving, and the calculations are done ON THAT BASIS, then the speed of light will not be isotropic, etc.
Relativists always use the word "sees," but that is just a misleading verb in this context. What they really means is that each observer "assumes" (not sees) that the other is moving. And all they really mean by that is that they, the relativist doing calculations, assume it--not the observer, really. That is the NECESSARY assumption, for mathematical purposes. Of course that mathematic assumption cannot be accepted as a matter of "reality." The mathematicians merely impute "their" assumptions onto real life observers who would NEVER adopt those assumptions. An astronaut travelling to the moon would NEVER assume that he is motionless and that the earth is moving away from and the moon toward him.
That's one of the points I've been making here: Although mathematically self-consistent, SR requires assumptions that contradict objective facts that are accepted by every other branch of physical mechanics. There are other, equally valid, theories of motion which do NOT do this, and which dispose of all such practical absurdities. So it's not like we have no choice, except to accept SR, and its absurd premises.
The problem is that SR IS a "psychological theory," insofar as it makes strictly subjective illusion its very foundation. It is NOT a physical theory in that sense. It is merely a mathematical theory. The rest is metaphysical ideology, not physics.