Oh, sweetie, I was totally misled by your posting. You sounded like such a self obsessed jerk, I must have over reacted to your shallowness.
I don't hate anyone, especially not you, you are way too young. I raised boys, all my cousins were boys, I only have nephews, I'm way too familiar with young men. I gave you a bare bones assessment, now it's time for you to man up and stop making excuses for your childish behaviour. I would be tougher on girls than I was on you. They need to learn how to avoid man-baby traps, and boys need to learn that all the other girls out there are not going to protect you like mommy did, sometimes they will need you to be the adult.
One more suggestion skippy, don't log on with a bunch of people who have raised children and may even have grandchildren and expect everyone to panic because you don't understand why a complete stranger tried to speak to you, you behaved like a jerk, show up months after your crappy first impression, are rebuffed (your fault) and then provide you with plan to convince this girl you are not REALLY an ass.
Hang it up, you blew it, get over it and get on with your life. Remember why this turned out so badly, and try to be less of a jerk the next time you find someone attractive.
Oh, and by the way, this is totally unemotional for me. If you want to use whatever words juveniles are using these days to tell someone you don't like the answer you received, post it on Twitter or some other silly site. Grow up, don't grow up, it's not my problem. I'm not paying your tuition or worrying about future grandchild you can give me. Know why???? Because I'm not you mommy. You want someone to pat your hand and say "oh you poor thing", talk to your real mommy.