tcis, I noticed that this thread was getting off topic. You previously made a comment indicating that you wanted to see it get on topic. So this was my attempt to do so, by bringing up a new idea related to human consciousness. I guess you aren't so interested in focusing on the topic, are you? There is nothign repetetive abotu this idea, nobody on this thread has mentioned it before including myself.
Gelisgeti, the answer to your question is not A or C, because it could be a good idea, and a good idea should not be lost. The answer is also not necessarily B, it depends on the nature of the idea. If the idea is reasonable, it should be discussed without rancor...but some ideas can be identified as unreasonable and ruled out before moving to the discussion phase. Thank you for the definition of sardonic. Did you get that from my previous post on this thread, where I posted the definition already? just curious. Also, I noticed you have, for a third time, stated your little "if it cannot be seen..." statement....I am sure everyone has already seen it. Perhaps you should consider putting it in your profile though if you are going to insist on stating it repeatedly and ignoring all attemps to discuss it when people start discussing it. You really have no right to mention it until you address the numerous critical flaws that have been pionted out in it.
Quote:stuh505, where have I erred in my understanding of neural processes?
ill get back to you on this when i have re-briefed myself, i dont want to say anythign incorrect
Quote:The parameters of the brain are never the same twice, and a tiny variation could be enough to change the outcome of the decision-making process.
yes very true
Quote:Agreed that all ideas have a basis in previous ideas, but if there is no original thought, where did we get all of the ones that simply did not exist a hundred years ago?
by replacing the word idea with thought i think the meaning gets a little confused. ill stick with ideas. like i said, i can see 2 ways for new ideas to come about.
1. by recognizing patterns that we observe, and realizing that the patterns are good for some reason such as beauty or usefulness.
2. by making logical deductions from facts which we observe
if you have a particular idea which does not seem to fit into one of these categories, post it