Sam... interesting thoughts on theater people. I usually just avoid them, since they are outwardly annoying, ha ha.
Ok... There were a handful of lesbians and bisexual females I met in the military. I have no idea what they do now for a living. Oh, and there were a few gay men there as well.
I met quite a few gay men in college. I have no idea what they ended up doing for a degree, but from what I remember, they were either in art or theater.
There were a few gay men in my major (chemistry) and one went to pharmacy school, when the others went on to grad school.
There were assorted GLBT people I met in resturaunt jobs.
There was a bisexual girl I met in college, and I think she's an intern in the gaming development industry.
There are 2 lesbians I have met at the local animal shelter who foster cats who need special care, until they get adopted. They work at wal-mart.
I know a lesbian couple here in my town. One works as a manager at waffle house, and the other is a freelance photographer.
That's all I can think of at the moment