L.R.R.Hood wrote:Isn't the choice of being gay also the choice of not ever having children?
I respect your ignorance (Lack of understanding or knowledge) and appreciate your question. After reading your profile, you sound as though you'd like to learn, not judge. I like that in a person.
First of all, like yourself, I am also a veteran, US Army Pathfinder from February 1967 to February 1970. One year in 'Nam. Please check my other postings for details. I was like most veterans that returned to civilian life. I wanted to live a "normal" life, wife, kids, house, decent job, etc.
However, I had a "small" secret, I was born in the wrong body. Oh, I spent a year in combat, with a life expectancy of 12 minutes and not only survived, but helped others make it through. But, I realized that I felt that I had to do that to hide my secret from society and try to deny who I really was.
Two marriages, one of eight years,one of twenty years, three children and seven grandchildren later, I was on the verge of suicide. Sure, I had lived a "normal" life according to society, but I was miserable! I couldn't live a lie another day. So, after 44 years of denying who I really was, I came out to everyone.
My friends and family needed to adjust that the person that they knew as "Bill" was really Billie. I've lost friends of many years, some of my siblings,my children and their children to ignorance and predudice, but I've gained self-respect and respect of those that aren't afraid of accepting a person as another human being.
How does this have any relevance to the topic? Simply by understanding that physical appearance and lifestyle have
nothing to do with how the person feels or interacts with others. I know many people that are different, whether they are from the GLBT community or race, religion, handicapped, etc. These things don't make them bad people. It's how they deal with others that count. Now, understanding this, you can understand that being gay, bi, lesbian, transgender or whatever label you put on people still makes them humans...different maybe, but still human.
This allows them to still have the basic desire to become parents. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. Sexual orientation is a genetic factor not a choice, contrary to what the fundamental Christians might want you to believe.
When people and governments get past the weird idea that gender has anything to do with anything, this world will be a better place. What you or I have inside our underwear or do behind our bedroom door doesn't have a bit of influence on our fitness as parents. What does influence it is in our hearts. As Dad said over 45 years ago, "Skin us all, we're the same."