Being Lesbian in Chile

L R R Hood
Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 03:44 pm
I know, BillW Smile I needed an alias for my internet art sales... and I liked the way the nickname looked.

Cavfancier, the bold print was from someone rudely yelling at me because they didn't like my responses.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 03:47 pm
My avatar is my anima..... But, I did have fun with L.R.R.Hood Cool
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L R R Hood
Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 03:51 pm
LOL Maybe I should change my icon Smile Actually I might change it once I get my website art finished. Its taking a while, but its the cutest LRRH you've ever seen!
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Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 03:53 pm
Truthfully, someone who is extremely spiritual, believes in anima and is close with nature can't be bothered with issues such as gender. What was I in a previous life, what will I be tomorrow - it all comes down to equality. Every person on the face of the earth has the same equal rights as every other creature on the face of the earth. Unfortunately, laws and societal constraints exist that benefit selected groups. What word usuage is in vogue is of little concern to me. If you want to call it pardnering, marriage or whatever - it is still the same........ Equality is the only proper outcome Smile
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Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 03:59 pm
BillW wrote:
Truthfully, someone who is extremely spiritual, believes in anima and is close with nature can't be bothered with issues such as gender. What was I in a previous life, what will I be tomorrow - it all comes down to equality. Every person on the face of the earth has the same equal rights as every other creature on the face of the earth. Unfortunately, laws and societal constraints exist that benefit selected groups. What word usuage is in vogue is of little concern to me. If you want to call it pardnering, marriage or whatever - it is still the same........ Equality is the only proper outcome Smile

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Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 04:07 pm

Is it ok if I call you Red?

It sounds like you have met GLBTs in a variety of contexts. It appears to me that many were younger people. Youth can be on the self-centered side, tends to come with the package.
Two of my favorite Gay men own a coffee shop in Minnesota. Billie and I usually stop there, on our way to and from Minneapolis (yech), for coffee and a chat. These guys provide the youth of the community with a safe, pleasant gathering place and some jobs. There are more than a few teens in that town who have been kept out of trouble because of having those two gay men to talk to. Oh they are dog people too.
I could fill pages with examples of delightful GLBTs as well as not so nice ones. Before too long it would sound like preaching, I refuse to do that.
As far as I am concerned you are good people. At 26 I had a lot of ideas that at 52 sound like crap to me. At some point it hit me that I did not have all the answers, I still don't. Some of the same things set me off now as they did then. Injustice, discrimination, officially sanctioned lies, specious religious tenentes against one group or another, still get my goat, I just don't yell as loud.
For me the issue is settled. Some people make great parents. Some people make lousy parents. Some times lousy parents end up turning out great children. Some times great parents turn out lousy children. If I knew why I would write a book, but I have no idea how it happens.
If the woman in Chile was not doing her job as a parent then perhaps those children are better off with someone else. If she was then I would say the Court is way off base with their decision.
Red, I hope some day you meet some really great GLBTs to counter the ones you have met so far.

Aw come on, "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" and "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" :wink: Very Happy

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 04:11 pm
Have I told you all that I love you? I do. A2k has a bunches and bunches of good people as members.
One big scrappy family. Laughing

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Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 05:02 pm
L.L.R.Hood writes
Fairandbalanced, apparently there is no answer I can give you that would prevent you from complaining. I felt that I answered you, and I'm so sorry it wasn't exactly the very specific answer you were looking for. You and I have different ideas about scientific proof, obviously.

You and I have different ideas about scientific proof, obviously.

Obviously Laughing

I think what you meant was that you and every other educated person in the world have different ideas about scientific proof. Laughing Laughing

You see scientists do not proclaim their findings as 'scientific proof' until they go through a lengthy process called the scientific method. The first step is Observation when the question about the topic is realized. Then there is the Definition when the definitions of the items observed are realized. Then the Hypothesis when the explanation of the items observed is formed from systematic guessing, creativity and other methods. Then the Experimentation when the theory and predictions are tested through controlled and precise methods. Then the Conclusion when the scientist determines whether the results gathered by the experiment are what was predicted. Then the Repetition process is when it is determined whether the experiment is ready to be repeated by other researchers or whether the whole scientific process needs to repeated by that scientist.

You see observation is just the first step. It does not provide conclusive information. That process is what determines real science from fiction. Laughing

For example
You see there were ignorant Catholic people back when the famous scientist Galileo lived. They made simple observations about the solar system that could not be proven and made conclusions they deemed to be facts for everyone else. They threatened Galileo with death at the stake because they believed that Galileo's teachings were in direct contradiction to the bible. Galileo was eventually forced a lifelong sentence of house arrest. Those early Catholics relied on simple observations that could not be proven and to top that off they had the stomach to threaten and arrest a man that interferes with their assertions. Unfortunately, people like them are still in abundance today.

L.L.R.Hood writes
I have known quite a few homosexuals, and every single one of them is extremely self-centered, and basically selfish. They all seemed to have some kind of a problem tolerating heterosexual married couples (as homosexual parents would definately be forced to do).

There were a handful of lesbians and bisexual females I met in the military. I have no idea what they do now for a living. Oh, and there were a few gay men there as well.

I met quite a few gay men in college. I have no idea what they ended up doing for a degree, but from what I remember, they were either in art or theater.

There were a few gay men in my major (chemistry) and one went to pharmacy school, when the others went on to grad school.

There were assorted GLBT people I met in resturaunt jobs.

There was a bisexual girl I met in college, and I think she's an intern in the gaming development industry.

There are 2 lesbians I have met at the local animal shelter who foster cats who need special care, until they get adopted. They work at wal-mart.

I know a lesbian couple here in my town. One works as a manager at waffle house, and the other is a freelance photographer.

With all the gays and lesbians you know, you can't find one that is not self-centered and unselfish? Confused

I'm afraid to go where you hang out. You seem to be attracting unsavory people. Well, you know what they say "You are whatever the company you keep" Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 05:32 pm
L.L.R.Hood writes
Fairandbalanced, apparently there is no answer I can give you that would prevent you from complaining

I was not complaining to you or anyone else here. This is a forum where statements and ideas are bound to be questioned and challenged. If you can't exchange useful and intelligent conversation then you are better off conversing with some talk show host like Rush Limbaugh.

I don't take anything at face value. I question and scrutinize everything I hear or see. It is prudent that you do as well. Smile
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L R R Hood
Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 07:51 pm
"fairandbalanced"... I just got a BS in chemistry, I know very well how the scientific method works.

"You are whatever the company you keep"... You should meet all the wonderful people I know Very Happy

"If you can't exchange useful and intelligent conversation then you are better off conversing with some talk show host like Rush Limbaugh." ... I would like to point the same thing out to you.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 04:38 am
L.L.R.Hood writes
"fairandbalanced"... I just got a BS in chemistry, I know very well how the scientific method works.

LOL Laughing For someone with a BS in chemistry, you've got the wrong idea about what counts as scientific proof. You need your money back from that university. Oh well, some people just can't admit when they are wrong. They have to feign ignorance about every question in order to dodge it. Laughing

Some people just can't get away from the subject they brought up so they squirm and wiggle their way out by morphing the subject to something else. Laughing Laughing What a shock! Shocked

L.L.R.Hood writes
You should meet all the wonderful people I know

Ummm. No thanks. Laughing For someone who has the wrong idea about scientific evidence, I question what you consider wonderful in your world. Smile

L.L.R.Hood writes
"If you can't exchange useful and intelligent conversation then you are better off conversing with some talk show host like Rush Limbaugh."

Ummm no. Rush gives me a headache. He is not for me. There is just no intelligence coming out of that man. I guess Dr. Laura is more your type. Laughing I like to listen to and watch Meet The Press with Tim Russert. Now that's a program for educated people. Cool
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 04:43 am
Has this got anything to do with love in a cold climate?
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L R R Hood
Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 05:32 am
fairandbalanced wrote:
L.L.R.Hood writes
"fairandbalanced"... I just got a BS in chemistry, I know very well how the scientific method works.

LOL Laughing For someone with a BS in chemistry, you've got the wrong idea about what counts as scientific proof. You need your money back from that university. Oh well, some people just can't admit when they are wrong. They have to feign ignorance about every question in order to dodge it. Laughing

Some people just can't get away from the subject they brought up so they squirm and wiggle their way out by morphing the subject to something else. Laughing Laughing What a shock! Shocked

The scientific proof is between your legs--there does not need to be any research on that. That was enough proof for me. You say I cannot admit when I'm wrong... you seem to be projecting your intellect onto me.

And I don't think I'm the one who changed the subject here. That was someone else commenting on my nickname. You know, the other people on this thread, and myself, have made the effort to be understanding, but you seem to be angry at me personally... why is that? Are you just letting off steam in these forums because of something happening to you IRL??? I'd bet my money on that one. I'd also bet my money that you have to have the last word with me... so please prove me right and type out some more unfounded insults. Laughing

Don't insult me about my scientific knowledge. I'm starting to think you are 15 yrs old or something. You also don't seem to understand sarcasm.
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 05:45 am
LRR - have you followed up on this with researching some of the Science journals on the genetic foundation of homosexuality. There's a lot of good and thorough work out there.

As you've indicated that you've just finished a basic science degree, that research, if you're interested, should not be difficult.
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L R R Hood
Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 05:47 am
That was the statement that I considered sarcastic Smile I'm sorry I had to mention that again, but someone just wasn't getting it.
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 09:09 am
L.L.R.Hood writes
The scientific proof is between your legs--there does not need to be any research on that. That was enough proof for me.

Like I said
Gender identity is not the same as sexual orientation. If you are born with certain genitals, that doesn't necessarily indicate your sexual orientation. The existence of hermaphrodites proves that.

Looking between your legs is not scientific proof. I'm sorry to tell you that but its true. That is just a simple observation. Your genitals do not determine what turns you on mentally. There is more to sex than mere physical stimulation. Part of sex is mental stimulation. The science in that comes from the ability to connect physical stimulation of the genitals to the mental stimulation and desires of the brain. If you don't know that, you need to get a tuition refund Laughing Laughing

A person can have an autonomic response to stimuli and have an orgasm.
Code:Even you can have an orgasm with a person of the same sex if you were blindfolded and didn't know of her sexual identity. But it takes innate mental desires in order to fuel your sexual orgasms when you are consensually having sex with another person (no blindfold) with whom you freely desire.

I have yet to see any sign of critical thinking from you. All you have to offer is a simple observation available to everyone who looks between their legs. That is not scientific proof. Getting scientific proof requires some skill, knowledge or expertise. Your observation does not show scientific intelligence. Look it up and review your old text books. Laughing

L.L.R.Hood writes
you seem to be angry at me personally... why is that? Are you just letting off steam in these forums because of something happening to you IRL??? I'd bet my money on that one.

Honey, keep your money because you might loose it. Laughing Laughing
I am not angry at you personally. Nothing bad happened to me in the real world. I simply like to root out ignorance when I see it. That's all. Laughing There seems to be plenty of that on your end. Cool

L.L.R.Hood writes
You also don't seem to understand sarcasm.

Honey, where have you been? I've been using sarcasm on you all along. Get with the program. Cool
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 11:12 am
Oh dear....I am trying hard to understand Americans and the complexity of your society. I suppose it is so complex because of it's history and development and due to the fact that you do not have one single heritage. You are made up of so many nationalities in one huge "melting pot". Equally amazing is the apparent strength of the churches over there and there is no doubt whatsoever that regular church going is much higher than it is in the UK, and even in the rest of Europe, including the Catholic countries.

Religion therefore has a significant influence in your lives, more so in those areas in which, for example, the Baptist church is so strong. The impression I have from this is that right wing evangelism verges on the fanatical and therefore evil from the point of view of those who do not conform to the values preached by the proponents of these religious diktats. All this seems to be a peculiarly American phenomenon. It surely breeds hypocrisy and double standards.

All the religious talk in these posts on the topic of homosexuality is amazing, and I cannot believe that some people still think that homosexuality can be "cured" by some sort of religious revival and that church going, attendance at Sunday school or evangelistic happy clappy gatherings will lead "poor misguided sexual deviants" away from the "sin" of homosexuality! What sheer crap that is, if you pardon the expression.

To be quite honest with you people over there....I think there is truly something Europe can teach you.....tolerance. And that is not just restricted to sexuality.
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L R R Hood
Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 11:51 am
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 12:22 pm

Well said, well said indeed. You have made some very astute observations of and comments on the culture and society of the USA. We are unfortunately an intolerant, religion ridden society.
We prove to the world, on a daily basis, that we are capable of unspeakable, vicious brutality; yet claim to espouse equality justice and freedom for all.
I agree that all fanaticism is a grave danger to those who do not succumb to the fanatics demands. For a fanatic there is no compromise.
The use of religion to degrade non-believers to non-human statice is, perhaps as old as religion itself. There appears to be a basic human need, want, desire to have a group or groups that it is acceptable to revile and abuse. As I have no such need, etc... I do not understand this. I find it strange that those who call God a loving father can and do condemn their brothers and sisters to hell both on earth and through out eternity.
My, "life philosophy" is based on the equality of all, respect for all, pride without arrogance, complete honesty, unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness and being honorable in all that I do and say. This was my own formulation long before I discovered my Lakota roots. Now I follow Tradition Lakota Ways as they match my long held beliefs.
As it stands the future of humanity does not look very bright. Until we rid ourselves of greed and intolerance, those things will prevent us from fulfilling our true potential.
Thank you for your observations and comments. I most sincerely wish that they were not true, but they are. The Lady Liberty stands looking out across the Atlantic, if you look closely, I believe that you will see her tears.

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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 02:16 pm
To Sam1951,

L.L.R.Hood writes
As I stated, yet again, I know heterosexual parents have their own complications... I just don't see the need in adding to those.

Can you believe all of that? As if heterosexuals parents are the only ones who have the right to have complications and keep their children? What about all the heterosexual parents who are neglectful or abusive to their children? How come so many of them get to keep their children despite attempts by social workers and the state to take them away? Why do we keep seeing in the news that another child dies because of repeated abuse from his/her parents after being taken away from the child's caring foster parents? Why aren't their rights taken away by the courts before its too late? You can read an example on this BaltimoreSun article. Why are good homosexual parents the only ones still subjected to discrimination by the laws and courts?

Why isn't L.L.R.Hood asking these questions instead of hiding behind the "I have met 23 self-centered homosexuals that's why homosexuals are not suitable parents" argument? Laughing It's insanity I tell you!!

L.L.R.Hood writes
Until I see a homosexual handling themselves in a respectful manner in a discussion, I will not think they would be suitable parents

As if heterosexuals, who are disrespectful in their conversations, are the only ones who can be suitable parents. Can you believe all the pretentious and vacuous rhetoric coming out of this woman? It's laughable if this wasn't such a serious subject.
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