Quote: my own personal experiences and observations.
I have known quite a few homosexuals, and every single one of them is extremely self-centered, and basically selfish. They all seemed to have some kind of a problem tolerating heterosexual married couples (as homosexual parents would definately be forced to do).
Ok, I can understand your point of view. In fact, don't go into shock, I too know quite a few GLBTs that are in danger of becoming black holes because they are so self-centered. The only thing stopping them is lack of mass. There are lots of heterosexuals that are just the same. I don't see totally self-absorbed people making good parents.
I also agree that there are lots of GLBTs who loath "straights". Why? Well there can be a variety of reasons, some valid some not. In my experience intolerance begets intolerance. You hate me therefore I hate you, not a good reason but, we can see it every day. It takes a special kind of "guts" to face down intolerance and get the intolerant individual or group to see who you really are. Not everyone can do this successfully.
Quote:There is more to raising a child than simply raising a child. There are other parents to deal with, babysitters, coaches, teachers, ... basically all other adults that have anything to do with children and their parents
Here we have a situation that calls for tact and diplomacy. You have to focus on the real issue, the child. This is much easier if the other parents etc can understand that you all have the same goal; helping children to become the best adults possible.
Quote:Seeing how homosexuals deal with opinions different to their own, I don't think the ones I have known would set much of an example for their children on how to get along in the real world. You can't simply call names and throw out quotes. Sometimes you have to agree to disagree, or just move on. Until I see a homosexual handling themselves in a respectful manner in a discussion, I will not think they would be suitable parents
How am I doing so far? I prefer facts over emotionally based arguments. I also have a problem with labeling all members of a group as something. John Wayne Gacey was a closet gay and a murderer. That does not mean that all closet gays are murderers. It's too bad that you have not run into some of the GLBTs I know. You might like them.
My partner is trans male to female, I was born female but in attitude and activity I am more male, a lesbian if you will. I prefer the title wyoptila, it's what the Lakota call me.
[/quote]I know a lot of heterosexuals who would not make good parents either... but they wouldn't add any complications or unnecessary hardships to a child's social education as homosexual parents would. Growing up is hard enough, for everyone, without extra stress than the child barely understands.[/quote]
Yes and no, complications pop up all over the place. Thats right, hetro parents come with their own set of complications, dad drinks, mom has PMS from hell, my parents refuse to talk to your parents because... on and on. Sure GLBT parents come with personal baggage too, a lot of the same baggage as hetros. What I want to say is that it's how you deal with it that counts. We can choose to go with society when it's wrong or we can say "No that is not right." and work for change.
This country has made great advances in recognizing social inequality and working to change it to equality for all. We have abolished slavery, women have the right to vote, Native Americans can openly practice their Ceremonies, people of color can marry whites, all wonderful steps to truly becoming the country of freedom and equality we claim the USA to be. Until every human being is equal, even the petty self-centered ones the work is not finished.
I thank you for stating the reasons for you opinions. Now I understand and understanding is always good. All I ask is that, when you see a self-absorbed GLBT person, please see them as an individual not as an example of every other GLBT. We are just people and like all people we are all different.