L.L.R.Hood wrote
Quote:Fairandbalanced... its fascinating the talent you have for taking things out of context.
What exactly did I take out of context? Can you clarify that?
L.L.R.Hood wrote
Quote:As Darwin would have said... abnormal faulty deviations (being it genetics, phsycological, or other reasons) are destined to fail. Why help them drag it out, by supporting them in their already doomed attempt at reproducing.
As Darwin
would have said?
How do you know what Darwin
would have said? Are you a close relative of his?

Or perhaps you are some sort of psychic channeler of the dead?
Honey, don't try to quote anyone you don't understand. You might hurt yourself trying.
L.L.R.Hood wrote
Quote:I'm sorry, its just so much fun pissing you off
Sorry, to tell you but I'm not pissed. I'm somewhat annoyed by your inexhaustible ignorance. Other than that, I actually enjoy our little conversation. Its great for practicing my debate skills. Thanks for the exchange.
Ooops, I promised someone tonight that I would be nicer to you. Crap! I forgot. LOL

I'll try harder next time. :wink: