Beck's 'Mutations' should be bought by every one here. Right this second. Or else I will personally send Bobby Davro to your house.
I drink too much coffee, sleep during the day, and often don't even get dressed. I need some revitalization.
... but, but, but, Moon Unit is at least original.
This note contains websites which expose tender, public and private truths about 9-11, war and globalization.
step inside--
the alligator skin,
is -- waiting -- for -- you
in the, parlor--
so soft, its splendor,--
so calming,-- its
that it does
n't matt-
er whether it
suits you.
it lies there
to be ta'en
"he said he sometimes snorts the tequila. i bought him a shot, and he snorted about half of it with the loudest screams of pain i may have ever heard."
Elvis' letter to the Corinthians:
I was just arrested for my second drink-driving offence and forced to spend the night in Los Angeles County Jail with the scum of the earth. There were rapists, murderers, child molesters and, worst of all, rancid-smelling homeless men stuck in the same cell as yours truly. I saw criminals come in with blood dripping from their ears and another man's blood on their hands and shirt. I smelled guys sitting in their own faeces, and watched them struggle to use the urinal without unzipping or pulling their pants down.
And there I was pushing out my chest and lying through my teeth about what evil deed I had done to end up there just to protect my virgin asshole - and all I wanted to do was sleep off my drink. It's asinine that a law-abiding person can't drive around drunk in his own automobile that he worked so hard for and that he's still paying off. And to be put away like a petty thief for just trying to enjoy one of the few starry nights that this smog-filled shithole of LA offers is just wrong. If I were a cop, God forbid, I'd let all drunk drivers go. I'd take their keys, tell them to start walking and then put their keys under their seat for them to find when they sober up and if they ever remembered where they left their car.
I think that's a bit fairer than locking them up and it would be more amusing, I would think, for the policeman. Or better yet, I'd put the drunk in the back of the car, drive him to the ghetto, tape a $100 bill to his forehead and make him walk naked back to his car. And it be great if there was a volcano around that erupted because volcanoes are just crazy, aren't they? You never know what a volcano is going to do. Those things are so moody. That's why I don't date volcanoes. I just use them.
In 1998, the top 1% of American households are worth an average of $10,203,700 and possess 34.0% of the net worth of the entire nation and 47.7% of the total number of stocks owned. I wonder how these numbers have changed since then.
I'm just mad about Saffron!
She' just mad about me!
I'm just mad about Saffron!
She' just mad about me!
They call me mellow yellow;
They call me mellow yellow.
The tenor banjo and the viola have the same tuning.
I lost my Nimh by the river bank
And a couplea quarters too.
My friend says that I live a pretty sad existence. But, I'm going to continue ignoring him for these forums. Actually, no, I'll be a good host. Fine.
And it was under the garden hedge all along. I could have kicked myself!
X is afraid of extremist liberals getting into power;
Extremist liberals getting into power is a possible result of the electoral system's power.
= X is afraid of the electoral system's power.
My guitar has no low-E string! I must replace it.
List for traduction and death without trial: (part I, of XXXVIII)
Ann Coulter
Timmy Mallett
Jimmy Haddock
Christie Moore
Those crazy Italians, they know how to drive.