ida2 wrote:
This is the last episode of my story and I am going to tell you about my today life and my future plans.
Just two days after the last exam of the university course, I began to translate Joni’s book, named “Joni: an unforgettable story”. It was my first work as a translator, so I was not self-confident enough and I afraid I could not do it well. However, I began the work and the more I went along, the more I was confident.
Now, I have just finished the translation of the book “Joni”. I’ve tried my best and I think it is good as a first experience. I am going to find a publisher to publish the Joni’s story.
Also, since I was in the second semester of the course, I have been writing in a weblog where I share my experiences with other quadriplegic people; however, my experiences and information are useful for all the people with disabilities as well as healthy people. Through this weblog, named “Ida: the experiences of a person with spinal cord injury”, I try to raise hope and spirit among handicapped people and make them believe in themselves and tell them that they mustn’t underestimate their abilities. My message for them is, “They can achieve to whatever they want, and disability cannot be an obstacle against their iron will.”
On the other hand, I intend to help all the people. I write about my spiritual experiences and share the results and realities which I have obtained through undergoing sufferings, frustrations, and difficulties. I want to tell them that they mustn’t be frustrated with every apparently difficult circumstance.
Human being is a wonderful creature who is able to do anything in any situation.
Here is the link of my weblog:
Unfortunately, it is in Persian, so you cannot read it… BUT!
First, I intended to continue writing compositions here after finishing my story, but now I’ve decided to establish another weblog where I can write about my experiences in English. In fact, I want to create an English copy of my Persian weblog, “Ida”.
I am going to begin my new English weblog in a couple of months and I invite you all to follow me there. I intend to write my biography in more details and then I am going to share my medical information and spiritual experiences.
I’d like you, my dear readers, to know that your faithful accompaniment has been very encouraging and I am so grateful for it.
And my special thank belongs to my dear teacher (FBM) who accompanied me step by step, corrected my mistakes, and suggested me efficient, practical points. I’ve learnt from her/him more than any of my teachers. She/ he made me more confident and caused me to made progress in writing. This is exactly what I wanted when I joined this forum. Therefore, I am so glad to find here and know kind people.
I’ll continue my activities in this forum; I love here and also, I still need your help and friendship
As a translator, I intend to work in the field of disabilities; that is, translating just the resources about spinal cord disease and autobiographies of successful handicapped people. Also, one of my purposes is to translate some resources about Medical Ethics. I have had awful experiences in medical centers and hospitals. I am going to write about these experiences in my English weblog as I’ve written about them in my Persian weblog.
I’d be very grateful if you could suggest me such resources.
And I have a question… how can I establish an English weblog? In my country, there are free, online services, such as Blogfa, Blogsky, Persian Wordpress, etc. which simply give you weblog pages. So, where can I request an English weblog from?
In the end, I thank you again for all your favors and wish you all good luck.
(My dear teacher, please correct this episode as well

Do you have any advices for me about writing skill? May I ask you for help sometimes? Can we keep in touch? Thank you for all your favors.)
This is the last episode of my story
, and I am going to tell you about my
present life and my future plans.
Just two days after the last
university exam, I began to translate Joni’s book, entitled
Joni: an Unforgettable Story. It was my first work as a translator, so I was not self-confident enough and
was afraid I could not do it well. However, I began the work and the more I went along, the more
confident I was.
Now, I have just finished the translation of the book
Joni. I’ve tried my best and [...] think it is good as a first experience. I am going to find a publisher to publish [...] Joni’s story.
Also, since [...] the second semester of the
program, I have been writing in a weblog where I share my experiences with other quadriplegic people; however, my experiences and information are useful for all the people with disabilities as well as healthy people. Through this weblog, named “Ida: the experiences of a person with spinal cord injury”, I try to raise hope and spirit among handicapped people and make them believe in themselves and tell them that they mustn’t underestimate their abilities. My message for them is, “
You can achieve [...] whatever
yout want, and disability cannot be an obstacle against
your iron will.”
On the other hand, I intend to help all the people. I write about my spiritual experiences and share the results and realities which I have obtained through undergoing sufferings, frustrations, and difficulties. I want to tell them that they mustn’t be frustrated with every apparently difficult circumstance.
Human being
s are wonderful creature
s who
are able to do anything in any situation.
Here is the link
to my weblog:
Unfortunately, it is in Persian, so you cannot read it… BUT!
First, I intended to continue writing compositions here after finishing my story, but now I’ve decided to establish another weblog where I can write about my experiences in English. In fact, I want to create an English copy of my Persian weblog, “Ida”.
I am going to begin my new English weblog in a couple of months
, and I invite you all to follow me there. I intend to write my biography in more detail[]
, and then I am going to share my medical information and spiritual experiences.
I’d like you, my dear readers, to know that your faithful accompaniment has been very encouraging
, and I am so grateful for it.
And my special thank belongs to my dear teacher (FBM) who accompanied me step by step, corrected my mistakes, and suggested me efficient, practical points. I’ve learnt from
him more than any of my teachers.
He made me more confident and
helped me make progress in writing. This is exactly what I wanted when I joined this forum. Therefore, I am so glad to find
this place and
get to know kind people.
I’ll continue my activities in this forum; I love
it here
, and also, I still need your help and friendship
As a translator, I intend to work in the field of disabilities; that is, translating just the resources about spinal cord disease and autobiographies of successful handicapped people. Also, one of my purposes is to translate some resources about Medical Ethics. I have had awful experiences in medical centers and hospitals. I am going to write about these experiences in my English weblog as I’ve written about them in my Persian weblog.
I’d be very grateful if you could suggest me such resources.
And I have a question… how can I establish an English weblog? In my country, there are free, online services, such as Blogfa, Blogsky, Persian Wordpress, etc. which simply give you weblog pages. So, where can I request an English weblog from?
In the end, I thank you again for all your favors and wish you all good luck.
(My dear teacher, please correct this episode as well

Do you have any advice[] for me about writing skill? May I ask you for help sometimes? Can we keep in touch? Thank you for all your favors.)
That's awesome, Ida! Yes, of course, we can keep in touch, and I will continue to help you in any way I can. I don't have a weblog, but it is possible to start one in English for free: https://en.wordpress.com/
I will share with you some of the advice that I give my students here:
Listening and speaking are strongly and naturally connected in the brain. Reading and writing are connected.
Therefore, if you want to be a good speaker, you first have to do a lot of attentive listening. If you want to be a good writer, you should first do a lot of attentive reading. You should not focus on listening to improve your writing, nor emphasize reading to improve your speaking.
Ida, since you're focusing on your writing skills, that means that you should spend a lot of time attentively reading what skilled (preferably professional) native speakers write. Since you intend to blog, I recommend reading a lot of blogs written by English native speakers. (They may write informally, though.) When I say "attentively," I mean paying attention to details such as punctuation, collocations, metaphors, idioms, etc, that you think you might use to express your own ideas. For example, in this final episode, I italicised the title of the book you translated: Joni: an Unforgettable Story. However, I left the title of your blog in double quotes. Book titles are italicized, except for scriptures.
I think you might also benefit from one of the online resources that I recommend to my students. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University is a great one, in my opinion. They have a special section for ESL/EFL learners:
You're doing great, Ida, and I'll gladly follow your weblog when you get it up and running!