I know that one. Stand in front of the W&D and peel. Usually after time spent in a smoky club. Ahhh, the Nashville nights. (cough, wheeze)
Now that I am back in native So. Cal and the rains have stopped for about two hours, I am wearing cotton drawstring shorts(sage) and a white cotton scoop neck shirt. 'Twas tending the garden earlier and I got too hot for long sweats. Yayyy!!! Oh yes-we are barefootin' today too.
Happy Birthday to Cinn, is it?? I haven't been around for awhile.

Working, working, ya know.
Greetings to "Beth da bomb" in your fleecy, fleecies. Sorry 'bout your shivery weather.
Okay..I go to Rainforest like a good Do-Bee. See, Bethie...this is why I don't come to a2k . Too many fun things to do. LOL