I'm in a light-weight, cotton, Mexican dress and sandals. Oh, skivvies, but no bra. It's a "Wiyaka go braless" day. It's hot and humid here, for a change and with no AC of any kind (Take that any way you like.

) Sam and I need comfort.
Cav, I like the outfit with the bagpipes, but do you have a matching sporran?
Gelisgesti, I've always like Carmen Miranda. Do you sing and dance in that kind of outfit?
Margo, I remember the bad old days of working in a governmental office, back in the '80's. This was 15 years before I came out. It was grey slacks for us, white shirt, tie was mandatory red, white and blue stripes, black shoes and of course, the navy blue blazer. I caused an uproar with everyone by wearing a pink shirt and a navy blue, white and pink diagonally striped tie.

I even got a verbal reprimand in front of the staff! I loved it!