Levis, olive drab pullover
black socks, white sweater (cardigan)
Off to get the butter soft white flannels and a cold beer.
cold beer
are you a crazy woman?
this is a night for a hot beverage
i'm thinking of maybe a hot chocolate with brandy
or maybe chai with gin
i better change into pj's first
Yes - it's a cold one fer sure, which is why I went looking for the white flannels, but I had to settle for the very pale baby blue instead. Baby blue flannels, olive drab pullover, white sweater, black socks. Yuck.
I'll ditch the bra momentarily.
Got your cuppa?
mmm, chai.
Jeans, boots, hubby's dark brown heathered wool sweater.
Kettle's on. Dogs are snoring.
Icicles. Just got done shoveling snow.
Frilly white tube top and leather penis sheath.
Oh, and sandals.
gustavratzenhofer, that's hot, buddy.
Stewart tartan fleece pants
Navy fleece top with tartan trim
the heaviest navy socks I could find
clogs that look like baked potatoes
Very soft old black running pants, black cotton sweat shirt with white paint splotches on it, my good Taryn Rose black and brown loafers.
Is that a rhetorical question?
ehBeth wrote:Narrow brown pants.
Brown sweater jacket with faux fur collar.
Pale brown animal print t.
Tan heels.
Jan 4/05 and today
Apparently I like this outfit.
Old Vittidini taupe paisley sweat pants, from a thrift shop a decade ago, now nicely broken in, and a heavy navy cotton sweater. (It's my day off). Plus the Taryn Rose loafers again. And my faux gold dangly earrings..
Purple satin nightgown, purple robe, light blue flannel pants with sleepy moons and happy stars.
Good night.
Hmm, maybe I'll put on my purple velvety robe. (I've been waiting for the right occasion, but it's not been showing up..)
Tis a bit on the tacky side, I admit, but I couln't resist, it was only $7.00. A portrait sitting type of robe, if only I had just the right sofa, or even wing chair. Or perhaps standing among the irises, but of course they're not blooming yet...
I do have Verdi on, though. That should count for something velvety.