Green zzzippered (livicated to Cinnesthesia) cardigan, white and light brown polo shirt, black jeans, black shoes, silver watch.
Don Bosco Bears practice jersey
Black track pants
NB cross-trainers.
red long sleeve shirt, black shorts. I'm still in bed! woo hoooooo. must get up though, it's very hard to type lying on one's back and having the puter on one's belly.
What are pedal pushers Phoenix?
Gosh, here it's hot, hot, hot!!
White skirt with red paisley design, red shirt, red shoes.
No one is gonna run ME over today!
Does something change at the 100th post?
No. I'm not enthusiastic enough yet...
ah, just did a search...
livicated as opposed to dedicated
I know the "ranks" change at certain numbers of posts,
but I don't know whether 100 is one of the milestones.
Overstand as opposed to understand. It's about the positivity.
red retro sweats with white stripes down the sides
a white t with a pattern that looks like flowers made on a spirograph
warm warm red socks
red suede clogs
a big ole white polar fleece sweater hung over my shoulders for now
i'm gonna turn up the furnace a bit
i don't wanna wear the sweater
Ah, thank you Phoenix . We call them Capri pants.
Is it warmer now in Florida?
I came home from my trip and changed into toasty pajamas with coffee cups and steam all over them.
zzzzzzz I'm barely conscious...
Wish I was in pajamas right about now.
Black and white pajama shirt with pictures of umbrellas and rain
black silk pants
red shoes.
...I'm very much in favor of loungewear as work attire. I think someone mentioned this previously, but I'm not motivated enough to read the back pages.
Also in favor of hot chocolate and cereal in the workplace...
I think I'll just take a little nap here while I wait for my 4:00 to arrive.
Anyone want to join me?
navy blue yoga style pants
white v-neck t with the new company logo on it - not quite in nipple brooch position
navy blue polar fleece sweater
this was a great outfit for work today - warm and comfy