Black velour pants
Black v-neck t
Santa bra. The white fur shows :wink:
Knee length black jacket.
Blinking Christmas bulb pin.
Bikini, short shorts and a white t-shirt. I should be getting out of these asaNOW!
T shirt with this picture and logo:
Red polartec shirt unbuttoned and untucked over it.
Jeans and topsiders.
I never understood why Rudolph was such an outcast anyway. With that light-up nose, he was clearly more special than the others. He should have been the alpha deer.
Polartec shirt, like a blanket?
I want a shirt like that,
I have one in my closet... I SHOULD pull out now that I think of it..
It has this factory background, and there is a big white snowman butt in the middle of it, and a line of ice cream cones going on a pulley underneath.
The snowman is crapping in the top of the cones and it looks like vanilla ice cream.
There is a sign above the snowmans head that reads " bathroom"
The caption on the bottom says, " This is how ice cream is REALLY made.
I'll have to look for one of those. We have a polartec blanket...lightweight and incredibly toasty.
Current windchill here is -12.
I'm wearing a polartec (or some brand of polar fleece) pullover thingie. Hubby's, very cozy. I want one.
It's been windchills of -3 or so here for several days (lowest was -8 I think), but warmed up to 30's and snowy snowy snowy now, cooling down again today and tomorrow, winter storm alert and everything. Much winterier than I expected. I approve!!
I don't like to wear pullover fleece. I want a button one like George's. Lands' End has a fleece button shirt but it doesn't say anything about polar. Maybe Eddie Bauer has one...
Mine's from Land's End, as it happens.
The mere thought of polar fleece makes me perspire profusely . . . think i'll go walk around barefoot in the snow of the back yard here for a while, before i overheat . . .
I like cold weather, when I'm outdoors.
darkwing duck loves the cold too... dont he?
I don't remember. Does he? He's probably too busy fighting crime to fly south.
Looking at, George, and so far I'm not finding any buttoned polartec.
lol .. you're probably right... he has the greatest intros :-D
There are webpages devoted to his quotes.
yup, im looking at some of them now
Cinnesthesia wrote:Looking at, George, and so far I'm
not finding any buttoned polartec.
I bought it about three or four years ago,
so it may be an item they no longer carry.