Sorry to hear that, George.
Another sports dad?
Dark rose yoga pants.
White polar fleece t.
Burgundy, purple, red and green floral velour hoodie.
Burgundy backless Mary Janes.
One black sock with snowflakes. One black sock with puppies in Santa hats.
Thanks, ehBeth. The father of a good friend. He was an older gentleman
who'd lived a full life and remained vigorous almost to the end. He used
to walk to the cemetery every week to visit the grave of his wife. Now
they are together again.
Recently I drove past a small cemetery. An older man was standing in front of one of the graves with his head bowed and his hat in his hand. I thought he was talking to his departed wife. Brought tears to my eyes.
Gray zippered hooded sweatshirt thing, pink spouse beater, gray leggings. For some perverse reason, gray seems to be my comfort color. Medium charcoal, not that heathered pale gray. And gray, not grey.
Light tan jeans, brown boots, and white scoopneck tank under silky, embroidered pale green & tan jacket. Silver and light green stone earrings.
orange sweatshirt, tennis shoes and loose fitting jeans. ahh...comfort, sweet comfort.
Navy blue ankle-length knit skirt and matching serious cardigan.Really pretty lime green, navy and purple Jacob shirt. Black tights and clogs.
Ready to put my comfy after-work clothes on.
Comfy Clothes!
Black sweats, black socks and a pink tee....
But I'm ready for some serious comfort and looking for my pj's and white hanes
I'm wearing chocolate lotion.
Left everyone speechless, did I?
red sleep pants, red lace up camisole, red backless maryjanes, giant grey polar fleece hoodie - a great outfit for doing laundry, and bringing the porch furniture in.
i need to put on some going out in public clothes and go out in public. <sigh> it's a bit cold out there, and it's cozy in here. <sigh>
LOL, Seems if I keep telling off on myself, that a few may begin to take pity on me and decide that I'm either helpless or need help. LOL
Today.......Camoflauge.....pants, BRIGHT Flourescent Orange Shirt......Orange Jacket and of course a matching baseball cap. LOL, not to count, those sweats on underneath. But its time to come out of all that....I'm getting to warm and toasty.
(I was hunting earlier this morning)
Peeling off the outside layers.
Red polar fleece poorboy cap that says Life Network.
Red thinsulate knit gloves.
Navy blue and white fleece hooded barncoat.
Navy polar fleece vest with a pin from my hometown.
still have on
long-sleeve burgundy coco-cola t-shirt
burgundy flowered corduroy overallys
burgundy flowered velour hoodie
burgundy and navy argyle socks
black walking clogs
a bright red nose
Just got back from the first of the Christmas parties.
Long, slinky black dress with black/dark green/gold velvet patchwork jacket with black satin embroidered trim. Beaded necklace, earrings and shoes (yes, beaded shoes!)
Nothing at all.
On top of that, i have a light blue shirt, a knee length light purple a-line skirt and some very conservative underdacks.
no shoes or socks, and my hair is down.
do you feel better now you know?
Does your orange grove have demonic fruit?
Speaking of Christmas parties, why do people keep the thermostat so high during them? The body heat, food and liquor should be more than enough to keep everyone warm. I like to wear velvet, but not in hot stuffy buildings.
A very large shirt and a very large pair of pants...
Burgundy velvet dress with an embroidered and beaded bodice.
Some festive work events needed something nicer than my standards.
Ha..I'm in a tank and shorts! No kidding, the temp climbed into the upper 60's and lower 70's today. It was nice enough to wear shorts and open the windows up.
Tommorrow predicted forecast for Arkansas....if I had to guess, probably freezing. The old saying about the state is, if you don't like the weather, just hang around a few minutes, it'll change!