Dark khaki jeans, white v-neck long-sleeved tee, navy blue zip-up vest, taupe beret and white New Balance tennis shoes.
Yeah, the tennis shoes look kind of crappy but I've been out walking. <Dang, it is cold out there.>
I'm wearing a tutu a viking hat, cowboy boots and a piece of duct tape over both nipples.
Let's get this straight... the duct tape (just one piece?) is under the bodice of the tutu? Or are you just wearing the tutu skirt?
Anatomy of a Tutu
more men should wear basques
Two pieces of duct tape, one over each nipple, smoking a cigar and hugging a teddy bear.
only two nipples?
what kinda freak are ya?
ehBeth wrote:more men should wear basques
Yep, I've been trying to figure out how in the world he's holding up the skirt.... more duct tape, I suspect.
I'm holding the skirt up with a constant unflinching erection
ehBeth wrote:only two nipples?
what kinda freak are ya?
Both nipples are on the same side
And what are basques?
That tutu would go with my new stuff from the salvation army...
Wearing tights and sweatpants and longsleeved tee and fleecey thing and socks... am finally engaging in my basement cleanout, and I'd better hurry the hell up. Gads, it's cold today, and fog city here in the early morn.
Amigo's starting to approach normalcy. I'm a bit uneasy.
Who knows where it will all lead.
Amigo wrote:I'm holding the skirt up with a constant unflinching erection
<squinting and trying to imagine this.>
...must be itchy under all that heavily embroidered tulle.
a basque hmmmmm? I'll wear that tommarow with a cape and an arrow through my head.
Piffka wrote:Amigo wrote:I'm holding the skirt up with a constant unflinching erection
<squinting and trying to imagine this.>
...must be itchy under all that heavily embroidered tulle.
It itches something fierce but it ain't the tulle baby. I need to find a vollenteer to rub some of that fancy doctor ointment on for me down there.
Take some nice benedryl...
brown corduroy A-line skirt with sequined brown flowers running up the right side
brown tights
tan/brown heeled mary janes
tan/gold knit tunic with crocheted trim at wrist and a waist tie
I'm a wood elf today
Dark teal jeans, heathered teal sweater, teal/black patterned silk scarf.
(Matches my eyes.)
khaki pants
light blue-green v-neck tshirt (matches my eyes which are not as dark as Eva's, I guess

off white thermal jacket - hanging behind the door cuz it's not that cold
brown clogs
Long black floaty skirt, v-neck black top, black knee high boots...