Camo undies.
I keep getting a vision of Arte Johnson popping through the shrubbery.
nasty old denim overalls
white t-shirt
snakeskin slides
livestrong bracelet
very poofity poofity poofity hair
<high humidity makes me

Dark green capris
Dark green background with big lavender blue white brown floral print um sort of muscle t with little tiny poofity "sleeves."
An exhausted expression tinged with relief -- E.G. gets home from a week+ in Italy in a few hours! (It's been quite a week...)
Synonymph wrote:AllanSwann, is your avatar is wearing the Emperor's New Clothes?
That would be as good an avatar as any, DO you get an actual personalized avatar here? Techno-boob that I am, I've never bothered to see about getting my very own real exemplar for A2K.
After you sign in, go to the "profile" link in the navigation bar. Near the bottom of that page is a section titled "Avatar control panel." If you want to use an avatar from the gallery, hit the "show gallery" button to have the choices displayed.
If you want a ^real personalized^ avatar, you can use any image (well, possibly not an explicitly pornographic one) that fits the size restrictions described in the Avatar control panel. There are also sites with free avatars.
Does that answer your question?
jeans, blue striped polo shirt and pink booties. (can't have shoes on...hurt foot!)
Thank you kindly for the helpful information, Syn.

<At least I figgered out how to use the standardized glyphs here>.
I've only been checking out A2K for about 6 months now, but I've found it to be a friendly but provocative forum for opinions. It's a nice place to "be" if yer just shopping around for a point of view or 2.
turquoise and white tie-dye tank
white and blue capri-length yoga pants
blue platform flip flops
tall hair
As little as possible. It's been hot out. :wink:
No kidding. I'm wearing a favorite L.A. dress, one of my few really expensive purchases that was so worth it. It's a cotton jersey tank dress with a bunch of different prints on it -- bodice is cream background with red vaguely Spanish embroidery (real embroidery, not print) (the brand is from Spain), then from empire waist to hem in front is black background with image from a vintage postcard or something reproduced, "Greetings from Tijuana Old Mexico" with eagle(?) with a squirmy snake in its beak, cactus, guy in a sombrero, and roses, all in weird/ cool colors (for example guy is blue, rose leaves are red and petals are an avacadoe-y color, then back bodice is that avocadoe-y color against black in a fake lace print design, then bottom is kind of op-art fish against black background...
Dang I didn't think it would be so hard to describe when I started, it's very cool though really. Mainly registers as black with multicolored print, then that cream with red bodice and red thin straps.
One helluva dress, sozobe. I wouldn't mind seeing a picture...
Where's Mr. extra medium been? Haven't seen him in the soft porn thread lately..
AllanSwann, an elegant gent such as yourself doesn't need a generic avatar from the gallery. You could be the reincarnation of an assassinated politician, like me! Or Eraserhead, or Einstein.
...Past my bedtime. Now wearing pajama bottoms, soon to be removed.
Mr. Z,
You're just trying to get EhBeth worked up sommore aren't you ?
Yeah is the virtual striptease thread? Awesome!
I'm removing the tighty-whitey's from my buttcrack...
Ooops, they slipped off!
Works for me. Or not.
This morning I was awakened by a very big thunderstorm. Why is it bad to take a shower during this kind of weather? Can't remember. Don't really care.
I'm wearing a pink v-neck baseball-jersey type(?) shirt with yellow sleeves, and pastel orange denim shorts, and silver sequinned sandals. Casual, but I'm the boss.
Zane, while you're so generously trying to assist Allan S in his quest for a cloak of visibility, you could consider switching to a live politician, maybe something to commemorate your upcoming move to Chicago ...Barack Obama?
i think the question to ask is what aren't you wearing
Wearing a sunny cream-colored suit with very pale green dress shirt, kinda paisley-bunny design tie and dress shoes. <now to work on my avatar>
Mr. Swann, you sound so dang buttery
He does, but what exactly is a "paisley-bunny design tie"?