Who doesn't think American voters are stupid?

Reply Sat 22 Nov, 2014 09:41 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
I do think of Murdock as an evil force in this world. FAUX Noose is squarely campaigning for stupidity, agressivity and ignorance. WSJ is more subbtle and better done.

Re. defunding, you might be right--the US Dprt of Education website agree with you there is no defunding:

But the US does not spend much more than anybody else and less than swizerland (data for secundary education on the same web page).

But many bloggers are arguing that the funding has been diverted to charter and religious schools recently with vouchers and co.

I am not well informed on this, admitedly.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Jan, 2021 01:40 am
The R isn't for Republican, it's for Retard!!
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 25 Jan, 2021 12:05 pm
Simple, precise, and spot on!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Jan, 2021 10:58 am
If we got facts from our news sources rather than propaganda perhaps we could vote more intelligently.
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Banana Breath
Reply Tue 26 Jan, 2021 02:27 pm
The R isn't for Republican, it's for Retard!!

And the D isn't for Democrat, it's for Dumbass!

I'd honestly like to see an end to party politics.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 26 Jan, 2021 03:55 pm
The R isn't for Republican, it's for Retard!!
When the party can be led by a man who hasn't mastered English grammar, US history and geography, and hundreds of mental health professionals declared him, "insane and dangerous," it's more than stupid. The man threatened to sue any school that reveals his SAT score or grades. Nobody has to see them, to know the man is a retard, with the mind of a teen. He still lives by threats of violence, vindictiveness, and self-aggrandizement. "I'm a very stable genius." Everybody has seen it, and his supporters forgives him for all his failures. "Are American voters stupid?" The answer is obvious for everybody to see. All of our allies see Trump for who he is; a dangerous retard.
Reply Wed 27 Jan, 2021 01:33 am
@cicerone imposter,
Cicerone, Isn't a republican government-sponsored by right-wing Christianity also in the business of dumbing down the population. The dumber the population the more easily they are controlled. The one remarkable characteristic of TRUMPISM is his followers asked for no evidence, no proof for his unfounded claims, if that ain't dumb I do not know what is. These people need to wakeup. Those who control you are those you are not allowed to criticize, Christianity really stands out here, it's a mind-numbing power that uses government as government uses them.
0 Replies
Banana Breath
Reply Fri 29 Jan, 2021 01:48 pm
@cicerone imposter,
The R isn't for Republican, it's for Retard!!

Cicerone, It's clear what color of wacky Kool-Aid you've been drinking but if you were to open the other half of your brain and actually learn some history instead of parroting the tainted political pablum meant to control your voting behavior you'd see the many problems with your claims:

Republicans first made their mark by freeing the slaves (Lincoln). Perhaps you forgot that it was the Democrats who imprisoned you and other US citizens without cause simply because of their ancestry; that's known as systemic racism. (Roosevelt)
It was a Democrat who ordered the only nuclear bombs ever to be dropped on cities, and a Democrat who got us into the Korean War and Cold War (Truman) So too, Democrats got us into the Vietnam war and steadily escalated it (Kennedy, Johnson). It was a Democrat who brought us to the brink of nuclear war with Russia by way of Cuba (Kennedy). I recall that time well, teachers lied to us and told us we'd be fine if we just hid under our desks.

It was a Republican who de-escalated and ended the Vietnam war, and started the Environmental Protection Agency, and signed into law the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act (Nixon). It was under another Republican that the Cold war was finally ended in 1991 (Bush I).
It was under a Democrat that 800,000 Tutsis were massacred in Rwanda with no help or relief sent (Clinton). It was under another Democrat that US weapons were given to Saudi Arabia to slaughter tribes in Yemen, and more countries were bombed than any other time since WW2 (Obama)
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 29 Jan, 2021 02:03 pm
@Banana Breath,
Banana Breath wrote:

The R isn't for Republican, it's for Retard!!

Cicerone, It's clear what color of wacky Kool-Aid you've been drinking but if you were to open the other half of your brain and actually learn some history instead of parroting the tainted political pablum meant to control your voting behavior you'd see the many problems with your claims:

Republicans first made their mark by freeing the slaves (Lincoln). Perhaps you forgot that it was the Democrats who imprisoned you and other US citizens without cause simply because of their ancestry; that's known as systemic racism. (Roosevelt)
It was a Democrat who ordered the only nuclear bombs ever to be dropped on cities, and a Democrat who got us into the Korean War and Cold War (Truman) So too, Democrats got us into the Vietnam war and steadily escalated it (Kennedy, Johnson). It was a Democrat who brought us to the brink of nuclear war with Russia by way of Cuba (Kennedy). I recall that time well, teachers lied to us and told us we'd be fine if we just hid under our desks.

It was a Republican who de-escalated and ended the Vietnam war, and started the Environmental Protection Agency, and signed into law the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act (Nixon). It was under another Republican that the Cold war was finally ended in 1991 (Bush I).
It was under a Democrat that 800,000 Tutsis were massacred in Rwanda with no help or relief sent (Clinton). It was under another Democrat that US weapons were given to Saudi Arabia to slaughter tribes in Yemen, and more countries were bombed than any other time since WW2 (Obama)

American conservatives have been on the wrong side of history on every major occasion. They were on the wrong side of history during Revolutionary times. (They thought we owed loyalty to our "Liege Lord," George III...and considered the founding fathers to be traitors.

During the American Civil War...American conservatives were Democrats...defending slavery.

When the American conservative scum realized that Democrats were going to pass legislation enabling civil rights...they scurried over to the Republican Party.

American conservatism, when it was part of the Democratic Party and now that it is part of the Republican Party...

...is a pus pocket on the Republic.

And Lincoln would have been ashamed of what has become of his party these days.
Banana Breath
Reply Fri 29 Jan, 2021 02:27 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Keep on drinking it up, no need to start thinking critically now given that you've lived your entire life without having started yet.

Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 29 Jan, 2021 03:03 pm
@Banana Breath,
Banana Breath wrote:

Keep on drinking it up, no need to start thinking critically now given that you've lived your entire life without having started yet.


If there was something I posted with which you disagree...it would have been more ethical and reasonable to post your rebuttal.

Look up "ethical and reasonable" and you will see what I mean.
Banana Breath
Reply Fri 29 Jan, 2021 03:23 pm
@Frank Apisa,
It's the pinnacle of ignorance to try to disparage about half of the American public in one sweeping remark, people you've never met, people you know nothing about. Among American conservatives are most Catholics, including many of the relatives of the Kennedys and Bidens. But you'll never know that, because you think they're all stupid and have written them all off. Shame on you. I'm conservative-leaning because I actually think for myself. I have earned three professional and advanced degrees from the nation's top universities including Harvard, where I've also taught. I'm a book author several times over, I hold several patents, I've started a number of successful companies. And YOU assume I'm stupid. Go to hell, get a life. Learn to read. Or go back to drinking the poisoned KoolAid of politics, assumptions, misinformation, prejudice and ignorance. Your choice.

I'm against Party politics, both Republican and Democrat. I prefer people thinking for themselves and developing an understanding of the world and a conscience driving their decisions rather than merely following the party line. To take a swipe against all conservatives and label them as being perpetually on the "wrong side" elucidates nothing but your own ignorance.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 29 Jan, 2021 09:19 pm
Lincoln Would Not Recognize His Own Party
He would see the Republicans as the antithesis of everything he fought for.

By David W. Blight
Dr. Blight, a professor of history at Yale, is the author of “Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom.”
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/23/opinion/lincoln-republican-party-trump.html Lincoln Would Not Recognize His Own Party
He would see the Republicans as the antithesis of everything he fought for. ********************************************************************************************************************************

I totally agree with Dr Blight.
Banana Breath
Reply Fri 29 Jan, 2021 10:23 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Reply Sat 30 Jan, 2021 05:01 am
@Banana Breath,
According to the Churchill Centre and Museum in London:

Quotes Falsely Attributed:

"If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain." There is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this. Paul Addison of Edinburgh University makes this comment: "Surely Churchill can't have used the words attributed to him. He'd been a Conservative at 15 and a Liberal at 35! And would he have talked so disrespectfully of Clemmie, who is generally thought to have been a lifelong Liberal?"

Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 30 Jan, 2021 05:33 am
I always wonder why this quote is still attributed to Churchill (especially in the age of the internet): Churchill had been a Conservative at 15 and a Liberal at 35!

Btw: his wife, Clementine Ogilvy Churchill, Baroness Spencer-Churchill, was a life-long Liberal.

The quote is attributed to a Frenchman, Anselme Polycarpe Batbie. who in 1875 wrote: "He who is not a républicain at twenty compels one to doubt the generosity of his heart; but he who, after thirty, persists, compels one to doubt the soundness of his mind." [My translation.] (Source via Google books)
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 30 Jan, 2021 06:16 am
@Walter Hinteler,
"No brain at forty":
Churchill was a Liberal MP (holding several several ministerial roles) until he was nearly fifty. He then stood a by-election as an independent candidate (defeated), and shortly afterwards he spoke for the first time since decades with a Conservative group again.
But although he was a Conservative party candidate afterwards, he got a Parliament seat as a “Constitutionalist” with Conservative Party support.
He only joined the Conservative party when he had moved in No 11 - shortly before his 50th birthday.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 30 Jan, 2021 06:41 am
@Banana Breath,
Banana Breath wrote:

It's the pinnacle of ignorance to try to disparage about half of the American public in one sweeping remark, people you've never met, people you know nothing about. Among American conservatives are most Catholics, including many of the relatives of the Kennedys and Bidens. But you'll never know that, because you think they're all stupid and have written them all off. Shame on you. I'm conservative-leaning because I actually think for myself. I have earned three professional and advanced degrees from the nation's top universities including Harvard, where I've also taught. I'm a book author several times over, I hold several patents, I've started a number of successful companies. And YOU assume I'm stupid. Go to hell, get a life. Learn to read. Or go back to drinking the poisoned KoolAid of politics, assumptions, misinformation, prejudice and ignorance. Your choice.

I'm against Party politics, both Republican and Democrat. I prefer people thinking for themselves and developing an understanding of the world and a conscience driving their decisions rather than merely following the party line. To take a swipe against all conservatives and label them as being perpetually on the "wrong side" elucidates nothing but your own ignorance.

Jesus H. Christ, you stable genius, take it easy on patting your own back. I do not want to see you throw your arm out on my account.

And try to deal with what actually was written for at least one.

One of the things I mentioned was that:

American conservatives during Revolutionary days WERE ON THE WRONG SIDE. American conservatives, including the assholes with teaching at Harvard, maintained that the Founding Fathers were traitors to the crown...and that we all owed our allegiance to George III, our "Liege Lord." The people leading the Revolution were FAR from being conservative. They were what today we would call "radicals."

The conservative assholes called themselves Tories...and had New York as a primary base.

If you have an argument against that...present it. Otherwise, brag about your credentials to someone else, because all I am doing is laughing at someone who, supposedly with yours, would identify him/herself as "Banana Breath."

0 Replies
Banana Breath
Reply Sat 30 Jan, 2021 10:09 am
@Walter Hinteler,
British "Conservative Party" membership is not equivalent to having conservative values. It's a party with a name. Assuming values based on the name is as ignorant as assuming that Democrats are the only party to promote Democracy while Republicans are the only party to promote the Republic. And when someone says something or has been recorded saying something it is reasonable to ascribe to them as having said it, whether or not they originated the saying. If the Pope says "waste not want not," it is reasonable to say that the Pope said it, It doesn't matter that the Pope was quoting an ancient proverb, that's the nature of language. And if you want references of Churchill saying a statement about being liberal at 20... the quotes are there, published, and part of the historic record. Proving he did NOT say that is something you're unable to do even if you can cite a rant by a revisionist curmudgeon. Among the citations for Churchill is of course the Hartford Courant:

1986 November 8, The Hartford Courant, Section: Editorials, Youth’s Narrow Vision, Quote Page B8, Column 1, Hartford, Connecticut. (ProQuest).

It would be entirely typical of a Liberal to complain about this, yet have no trouble ascribing to Rahm Emanuel "never waste a good crisis" or
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”

Yeah sure. But again, Sir Winston Churchill said it many decades earlier:
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.” He said it in the mid-1940s as we were approaching the end of World War ll. You WISH that Emanuel originated it, but he didn't. Churchill said it but it is found in even earlier references. The simple fact is that good sayings "bon mots" get repeated. GET USED TO IT.

Reply Sat 30 Jan, 2021 10:24 am
@Banana Breath,
Instead of reacting so defensively, why not just stand corrected and feel relieved that, going forth, you won't appear ignorant by repeating what you now know to be a misappropriation?

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