Okay Truthmountain,
I understand that you do not like the United States; the invasion of Iraq; and overthrow of Saddam Hussein; and the spread of American culture...
And yes, I was referring to the two words, American plus culture, put together. It was a bit of a self-deprecating joke.
I am not mincing words.
I understand your unhappiness, I just don't understand the logic behind it.
This board tends to have more than its share of "liberal" posters and I am trying to understand the fierce opposition they have to the United States and the war on Islamic Fascism (Terrorism), not to mention the hatred of George Bush (and also the peculiar belief that Israel is aso a "monster."
I have learned more from this particular thread (How to Stop...) about how people think than I have from any other.
I am attempting to find the rationale behind people's opinions.
I will continue to dissect your post, because I am interested in your reasons why you think the way you do.
However, one major point that you left out is why you consider America to be an Empire like Rome and Great Britain. As I said, it seems that your dislike of what we are doing stems from this idea.
Which is different from "the spread of American culture."
Truthmountain wrote:Obviously you are intelligent and articulate and you enjoy mincing words. Your questions are rhetorical and I doubt you really want an answer for any reason other than to shoot it down...yet the task is compelling for the while and the practice is good...
M3 said
"You may disagree with the "perceived threat," but the US is not waging a "religious" war."
Flat out wrong...
"Pope John Paul II has a strong message for President George W. Bush: God is not on your side if you invade Iraq. But the President told the pope's envoy the leader of the world's Catholics is wrong....The Pope also questioned the President's statements invoking God's name as justification for the invasion."
This is very much a religious war. Even more so if you consider that the US sets about creating its empire via economic forces primarily (only use force if the opposition doesn't bend), and on every single dollar bill it clearly states "In God We Trust". It's as though every dollar is a bullet. Evidence of a colonialist agenda???? Is this really beyond your sight? Japan,The Phillipines, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Iraq...is the US presence there purely beneficial and benign?
I have not researched this recently, so you may correct me if I'm wrong, but last I knew, we do not have troops in the Phillipines and Bolivia.
I believe that our troops in Japan are there at the behest of the Japanese.
Puerto Rico happens to be a United States possession. They get to vote on it regularly. And, of course, Iraq is the question.
If you are claiming that the US has waged "imperial wars" against smaller (Bolivia?) or weaker (Spain) nations, then of course you are correct. We also kept slaves; didn't allow women to vote; rigged national presidential elections; let wealthy capitalists murder and crush their opponents; etcetera.
However, as time has gone on, the US has attempted to correct these abuses, sometimes violently at great cost.
Today, 2004, I don't think you can call the US an Empire in the normal usage of the word.
This is where my confusion lies. You think we are ??something not good, but what it is exactly, I cannot tell.
As far as a religious war, that makes no sense to me.
I can suppose that you might be an Atheist and therefore find any mention of religion in anything offensive, but that is also an extreme "religious" point of view where an individual claims that "since I believe in No Religion, all others should refrain from expressing their beliefs."
M3 said
"As far as Christianity brutally murdering innocents in the name of their G-d, I can tell you from personal experience, as a Jew, that they are no longer practicing this sort of activity, at least in the United States..."
You're a Jew speaking for the actions of all christians in America? I can think of more than a few Christian based hate groups that would love to kill you. Minorities are killed in this country all the time by bible thumping Christians aiming at cleansing this land. And yes there are plenty of countries around the world in which Christianity is used as a killing agent Rwanda comes to mind. I believe some 90% of the country is Christian...but killing doens't have to take place immediatly. It's possible to poison a population's water with toxic run off.
M3 said
"if their anger is such that it justifies murdering "infidel" babies because they are pissed at my finger pointing, then I claim the ethical and civilized high road and pronounce them a danger to civilization."
Point a finger and three point back old chum. And your high road ain't so high and your civilization ain't so civilized...that's the whole point.
Hmmm. I am using the analogy that you brought up about pointing fingers.
I believe, quite strongly, that the deliberate murder of innocents is evil.
And, I believe that evil needs to be resisted. As much as possible.
I would venture a guess that most cultures; religions; countries; peoples; etcetera consider the deliberate and brutal murder of innocents, Evil.
Obviously, some don't. I believe that those that do not and practice this hideous crime need to be destroyed.
Do you disagree?
M3 said
"You are claiming that we need to "embargo" or some how curtail the spread of "American culture" (G-d, what an oxymoron ) to the rest of the world?"
Oxymoron - Etymology: Late Greek oxymOron, from neuter of oxymOros pointedly foolish, from Greek oxys sharp, keen + mOros foolish
: a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (as cruel kindness); broadly : something (as a concept) that is made up of contradictory or incongruous elements
Please point out the oxymoron in my statement. American culture? Do you think this is the oxymoron? Because that is exactly what is in question and under attack. American culture can be spotted by non-Americans thus it exists...and yes it is a force that can be seen as threatening. McDonalds, and other fast foods, music, films and any other cultural product that is sold abroad and injected into another cultures mainstream at the expense of that cultures own products.
Hollywood has inflicted so much damage around the world it's frightening. The values that are bound in these products are absorbed and at times stand in conflict with a given countries values. Cram them down their throat enough times and it becomes normative. The kids listen to hip hop and dress with the bling even though they have no idea what they are saying and what they are representing...the adults buy into the capitalist model and pursue money to all ends even if it means destroying the integrity of their social structures...
Whereas I am not sure of the "capitalist model" thing here, I basically agree with you.
However, as a free individual who is responsible for the choices I make, I choose not to engage in "American culture," as you put it.
I (and my family and most of my friends) do not eat McDonalds.
I do not listen to "popular music" that I find offensive. Or watch movies that I find offensive. My children do not listen to hip hop or dress in bizarre and provocative manners.
We choose to disengage to a limited extent.
It is interesting that elsewhere on this Spirituality & Religious Forum, there were comments by Europeans about how prudish Americans are and how easily offended by profanity.
The US needs to keep itself out of the dealings of other countries. It needs to pay attention to the ills within its own boundries and root out the evil that lies within itself before trying to root out the evil in any other land. If it wishes to be a true model of a super power then do it by example not by might. Show the rest of the world how to take care of themselves by showing them how we take care of ourselves, not by blowing them up or forcing them into an economic strangle hold.
Not to be redundant, but I would pose the same question that I posed last time, this time dealing with the above and what I wrote before:
What evils that lie within the US would you have us root out before trying to root out the evil in any other land?
In what fashion do you believe the US is forcing other nations into an economic stranglehold?
And, more to the point of this thread, as I wrote:
Specifically, how is the United States interested in Empire?
What would you suggest the US do to reform the specific faults that you name?
What reforms should the US undertake in order to overcome / change / ameliorate its faults regarding "Empire" and the "spread of American culture?"
And how would these reforms solve the problem or help the reform of "Terrorist Islam?"