Moishe3rd wrote:
Yes, yes, yes.
You noted previously that we should inquire into the various "real" factors that create this fascist ideology within Islam.
I would beseech you to enlighten me.
I really am serious in trying to come to grips with the particular "myriad" that seeks the destruction and subjugation of "the House of War."
I suspect that, as a Muslim, you are less than happy with the course of world events.
So, I refer you to my original question.
How do we solve the problem of Terrorist Islam?
If Jews or even Americans were blowing up and murdering innocent men, women and children every day, whether they were fellow Jews or Americans or whether they were "the other," I would join the forces that were pledged to stop them by any means possible - because murder and destruction of innocents goes against everything that I know and believe, both as a Jew and as an American.
I want this insane Islamic ideology to stop.
The real factor, I believe, behind what ye might call "terrorism" is something a little short of secular nationalism entangled with terse Marxist arguments reincarnated in "Islamic" revivalism. If you look very closely, you'll locate an impulse that abuts upon the same foundations of a Marxist critique. After the Six Day wars, the Arabs were embarrassingly defeated and muddled on what to do with Israel. So, instead of arguing for a "secular" state, they transferred all the arguments to religion. Secular nationalism became "Islamic" nationalism (Islamic state), Marxist criticism became religious criticism of America's capitalism, and such qualified the effete belief of "ends justifies the means" to implement such a state. Mix all that together with a dose of victimhood and what do you get?
The Myriad is obvious. Muslims in Palestine argue for something entirely differently from what, say, a Kashmiri Muslim might argue for. Not to mention, the various interpretations and manipulations of Jihad and so on. Historically Muslims had different conceptions of Jihad at different times. For example, during the Crusades the Muslims in Syria made it compulsive to wage war against the non-Muslims--while the Muslims in Baghdad and Medina felt war was optional.
Today's events strike a terrible hole within my heart. It just stymies efforts to engage in dialogue with non-Muslims all the more difficult. If anything, the terrorists have made Islam an embarrassment rather than a unique faith---I hope to finish up a paper on this point in the near future.
The solution is easy to explain but ardorous to implement. The solution, in my opinion, is education by two ways. First, we (and I mean Muslims) must educate the Muslims world to a more objective way of thinking. Too many a Muslim are spoon-fed victimological studies. (If it weren't for those Americans and Zionists we'd be a great race once more!) Sadly, such a fever causes Muslims to be bitter and exclusive. It's this "victimology" that is the impulse why so many Arabs hate Jews.
My second solution is an end to authority-worship. A quantity of Muslims zealously follow behind some authoritive figure and assume that "his" way of going about Islam is "perfect" and unquestionable. If these "authoritive" figures are the base for education, then---it's not at all difficult to see the root of resentment.
These points might be hard to implement and might lead to some Muslim intellectuals to be branded "kufar" or "western apologists," but I believe it's the base for change. After all, no one said the Sirat Mustaqeem ("Right Path") was going to be short and sweet. And no one said there would be an alternative to such a lengthy walk, either.
As for Egbrown, I completely understand what you mean.