How To Solve The Problem Of Terrorist Islam?

Reply Mon 7 Jun, 2004 12:41 pm
swolf wrote:
Moishe3rd wrote:

So, what do they do?
Or, how do you solve the problem of Terrorist Islam?

Lots of different ideas floating around on that one.

I can give you the gist of one plan which would almost certainly get rid of I-slam altogether, terrorist and otherwise, would involve no nuclear weapons or any use of the US military whatsoever for that matter, and would cost around $70 - $100 billion US: Simply provide every woman above the age of 15 in the muslim world with a decent quality 9mm semiautomatic pistol and about 100 rounds of wadcutter ammunition. A typical little KelTec carry pistol or something more or less like that would do and those are typically around $200.

It's a misconception that all women in Islam are oppressed, they are well treated, and for sure wouldn't use the gun against their husban if you gave it to them.
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Reply Mon 7 Jun, 2004 02:27 pm
Ionesco wrote:
swolf wrote:
Moishe3rd wrote:

I can give you the gist of one plan which would almost certainly get rid of I-slam altogether, terrorist and otherwise, would involve no nuclear weapons or any use of the US military whatsoever for that matter, and would cost around $70 - $100 billion US: Simply provide every woman above the age of 15 in the muslim world with a decent quality 9mm semiautomatic pistol and about 100 rounds of wadcutter ammunition. A typical little KelTec carry pistol or something more or less like that would do and those are typically around $200.

It's a misconception that all women in Islam are oppressed, they are well treated, and for sure wouldn't use the gun against their husban if you gave it to them.

I wouldn't bet on that. In particular, muslim men would be ill advised to bet their lives on it...





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Reply Mon 7 Jun, 2004 02:35 pm
Ionesco wrote:

It's a misconception that all women in Islam are oppressed, they are well treated, and for sure wouldn't use the gun against their husban if you gave it to them.

Actually, when you think about it from some of what you read and assuming Uncle Sam or the Mossad had just provided all the women in the muslim world with pistols, it probably would be unusual to read about a woman shooting JUST her husband. The more normal case would probably be shooting her husband, her father, her father in law, and a number of brothers and uncles in the bargain.
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Rick d Israeli
Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 05:55 am
Moishe3rd wrote:
Unless someone is actually suggesting that Israeli citizens actually receive $14,630 from US aid, cash in hand?
Rather than stating blanket figures, I suggest that you investigate where the money goes.

You won't see my stating that this money goes to every Israeli, cash in hand. I was just replying to the comment of swolf that Israel has totally made it on its own. Actually, as you watch the site of WRMEA, you will see that Israel gets a lot of money by the US. I am not saying that that money is used for the wrong things.
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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 04:36 pm
I've said before that it was not Irish militants, it was not crazed menopausal nuns, it was not freckle faced Danes, it was not Russian fishermen, it was not Italian wine growers, it was not Canadian mounties, etc. etc. etc. who bombed the World Trade Center and the Pentagon with passenger airliners on 9/11 and/or commited so many terrorist acts over the last several decades.

It was radical, fundamental, Islamic terrorists who happened to be mostly Arab/Middle Easterners.

To say that it is racist to acknowledge this fact is just too politically correct to be smart.

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Ibn kumuna
Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 09:29 pm
swolf wrote:

Do all of these things, and you will prosper and Islam might last another few hundred years. Ignore all of these suggestions and my guess would be that Islam won't last another 30 years starting from now.

By intellectual standards one can do no worse!
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Reply Wed 9 Jun, 2004 01:03 am
I'm out of this discussion, there's no point to it. It's sad, misinformed homers such as swolf give a bad name to americans in general, not that believe in that perticular stereotype.
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Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 03:58 pm
Why don't you start with eliminating the massive Arab welfare state...

Anyone that spends a considerable time in the middle east knows that most arabs DO NOT work manual labor jobs...they pay some other person to do it instead.

Idle hands lead to idle thoughts.
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Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 09:39 pm
I would agree with Swolf provided the women got a taste of freedom. I don't doubt that some Muslim men do love and treat their wives well, and I don't doubt that some treat their wives brutally. But I think many Muslim women accept their lot in life as 'normal' and it would not occur to them to rise up against their husbands.
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 12:09 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I would agree with Swolf provided the women got a taste of freedom. I don't doubt that some Muslim men do love and treat their wives well, and I don't doubt that some treat their wives brutally. But I think many Muslim women accept their lot in life as 'normal' and it would not occur to them to rise up against their husbands.

Muslims treat their wifes with as much violence as christians, by the standards of human nature: there is a minority of wife beater in every nation, no need to generalize, and say that such nation is filled with wife beaters more than another. You guys seem to forget that muslims are human beings just like christians or atheists. That is very sad; hey, while we're at it, why don't we continue Bush's crusade and conquer the whole Middle East area, like in the good ole days. Man, I feel like things don't change, and that we're stucked with the 12th century Europe mentality. That's sad, very sad. God bless america...
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 01:43 pm
Muslims treat their wifes with as much violence as christians, by the standards of human nature: there is a minority of wife beater in every nation, no need to generalize, and say that such nation is filled with wife beaters more than another. You guys seem to forget that muslims are human beings just like christians or atheists.

I suggest that you read up on Islamic Law.
The order of authority; importance; significance; power; and the legal right to have a say under Islamic Law runs:
1) Muslim males
2) Non-believers
3) Slaves
4) Women
That's the fact, Jack.

That is very sad; hey, while we're at it, why don't we continue Bush's crusade and conquer the whole Middle East area, like in the good ole days. Man, I feel like things don't change, and that we're stucked with the 12th century Europe mentality. That's sad, very sad. God bless america...

I suggest you read up on the Crusades. They were a justified attempt to RETAKE the land which Islam conquered. More specifically, they were a reaction to new Islamic conquests by the new Seljuq Turk rulers.
To put it bluntly, Emperor Alexis of the Byzantine Empire did not request help from the Pope and Europe until Islamic fanatics took over all of Anatolia.
Islam had been invading and conquering for 500 years previous to this.
Apparently, Anatolia was Alexis's 9/11

If Islamic Fascist Death Cultists continue to attack, we will take over the entire Middle East.
These people will not stop their murderous ways until we stop them.

However, maybe you have a workable plan on how to stop them short of crushing them and their governments?
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 02:31 pm
Moishe3rd wrote:

However, maybe you have a workable plan on how to stop them short of crushing them and their governments?

What thinkest thou of my little idea of arming slammite women?

We actually have a couple of women where I live who walk around in burkas, and I once told one of them I knew a place where she could buy a pistol to shoot the sorry asshole who was making her wear the thing, and she sounded more than a little bit interested. Picture that sort of thing happening all over the slammite world on the same day?
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Reply Fri 11 Jun, 2004 03:24 pm
'Kay Swolf,
The fact is whereas Kemal Attaturk felt he had to ban the veil and Islamic dress in order to liberate women, the veil, per say, is not the problem.
It might be necessary to ban the veil in other Islamic countries in the same way it was banned in Turkey, in order for these countries to enter the 21st century, but again, the religious concept behind the veil, which is one of modesty, is a useful and decent concept.
No woman should be forced to wear or do anything against her will, but any woman or man who wants to express their religious values by behaving with ritual modesty should be encouraged.
It is the forced and demeaning behavior that is the crime, not the rituals themselves...
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Ibn kumuna
Reply Sun 13 Jun, 2004 09:35 am
swolf wrote:

What thinkest thou of my little idea of arming slammite women?

We actually have a couple of women where I live who walk around in burkas, and I once told one of them I knew a place where she could buy a pistol to shoot the sorry **** who was making her wear the thing, and she sounded more than a little bit interested. Picture that sort of thing happening all over the slammite world on the same day?

Again, your ideas are not only witty but audaciously idiotic and implausible.

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Reply Sun 13 Jun, 2004 08:46 pm
Ibn_kumuna wrote:
swolf wrote:

What thinkest thou of my little idea of arming slammite women?

We actually have a couple of women where I live who walk around in burkas, and I once told one of them I knew a place where she could buy a pistol to shoot the sorry **** who was making her wear the thing, and she sounded more than a little bit interested. Picture that sort of thing happening all over the slammite world on the same day?

Again, your ideas are not only witty but audaciously idiotic and implausible.


Just trying to come up with some sort of an idea to solve the problem short of exterminating the slammite world.

One other possibility would be Translating the Victory at Sea series into arabic and distributing copies throughout the muslim world, i.e. let the people there see the history of the last group of people who thought that the United States, England, and Russia had totally gone soft and were ripe for takeover.

You might want to take a look:

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Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2004 08:19 am
I don't see how this question can be seen as racist. Take the question: How do we solve the problem with the KKK? This is a legimate problem, and they claim to be a Christian organization. However, stating that they are a problem is not racist against Christians. They are extremists, and are not considered by most as actual Christians. It is the same with the extremist Muslims. Both groups are radical in their violent actions, but stating that they are violent is not necessarily a racist comment if the writer acknowledges that they are radical, as he did.
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Ibn kumuna
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2004 10:38 am
I think we all can conceive a nuance between your average day Christian and a member from the KKK; they have two separate causes. Islamic fundamentalism, if you like, is a pathology rooted in the belief that the Islamic state comes first, humans second. It also maintains the old "ends justifies the means" tactic and uses such a paradigm to recruit and lure in down-trodden Muslims. It is that kind of emotionalism (victimology) that leads to a smorgasbord of Muslims sympathizing with the stone-age tactic of "Jihad-e-Akbar" without even comprehending the concept of Jihad. As a Muslim myself, such is an end in itself and entirely anathema to Islam. But that won't stop the "Confederates of Allah" from doing their business, since they're all rage and no reason.

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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 09:04 am
Ibn_kumuna wrote:
I think we all can conceive a nuance between your average day Christian and a member from the KKK; they have two separate causes. Islamic fundamentalism, if you like, is a pathology rooted in the belief that the Islamic state comes first, humans second. It also maintains the old "ends justifies the means" tactic and uses such a paradigm to recruit and lure in down-trodden Muslims. It is that kind of emotionalism (victimology) that leads to a smorgasbord of Muslims sympathizing with the stone-age tactic of "Jihad-e-Akbar" without even comprehending the concept of Jihad. As a Muslim myself, such is an end in itself and entirely anathema to Islam. But that won't stop the "Confederates of Allah" from doing their business, since they're all rage and no reason.

Islam is said to have "bloody borders", meaning basically that pretty much everywhere in the world where muslims border on non-muslims, there is bloodshed and carnage on a fairly regular basis. You don't get that sort of a reputation from a few bad apples in the basket. There are roughly thirty major trouble areas in the world today, maybe four of which involve anything other than islam. My guess would be that you could solve the problems of the remaining four by importing about a hundred breeding pairs of muslims; within twenty years, the problems with muslims in North Korea, Taiwan, South Africa/Rhodesia and Brazil would be so great that their other problems would be forgotten.

Here is what Jesus said (Mathew Chapter 7) about people like Muhammed:

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
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Rick d Israeli
Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 09:27 am
Moishe3rd wrote:
I suggest you read up on the Crusades. They were a justified attempt to RETAKE the land which Islam conquered.

Do you really think that the Crusades were started just to retake land? Oy, I suggest you read up on the Crusades. The Pope wanted to distract the attention on the internal struggles in the Church by beginning a war what in essence was, a war against Islam. It is not a question whether the retaking of the Holy Land was justified; it is of no importance. The Crusades were very bloody, beginning against a lot of European Jews who were meant as an "appetizer" for a lot of Crusaders, and later on it were a lot of Muslims in the Middle East who were killed by the Crusaders, women and children too, mosques rebuilded to churches and sacred sites abolished. There was nothing sacred about the Crusades; it is one of the darkest periods of Western civilization.

swolf wrote:
Islam is said to have "bloody borders", meaning basically that pretty much everywhere in the world where muslims border on non-muslims, there is bloodshed and carnage on a fairly regular basis.

Would this mean I should warn a friend of mine who has a Muslim Moroccan family as neighbors?

When there are conflicts in which Muslims are involved (or Christians, or Jews or whatever), it does not have to mean that the roots of these conflicts are in religion. Though that is what you seem to suggest.

swolf wrote:
...by importing about a hundred breeding pairs of muslims

Jesus Christ, are we talking about animals or human beings??
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 10:46 am
Rick d'Israeli wrote:

Would this mean I should warn a friend of mine who has a Muslim Moroccan family as neighbors?

Your friend should try to convert the neighbors to something more reasonable, like voodoo or santeria.
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