parados wrote:
Total US Public debt. - 12,865,785,085,508.34
Money owed to Social Security and other trust funds from not enough taxes on income - 5,070,854,619,867.12
The problem isn't the entitlement programs. The problem is the lack of taxes in the general ledger that have borrowed from the money collected for entitlement programs.
Social Security has been a Ponzi scheme since its inception in the late 1930s - the "Trust Fund" was a fiction at inception. Nothing new there.
The "not enough taxes" is your conception, not mine, and not part of the original plan.. The original rationalization was that population growth would take care of the built in rise in cost. Slow population growth and increased longevity have given the lie to that notion. President Bush made an attempt to address this issue but was vigorously opposed by the Democrats. You are, of course free to contribute extra taxes to do your share, I cordially decline.
parados wrote:
Quote:Obama had tried to create a highly regulated economy to advance his political power and fund raising capability through the leverage implied in the regulatory scheme
I love your idiotic statements. Can you provide us with a list of those regulations that would create a "highly regulated economy?" Coal is NOT the US economy.
I suppose I could do so by researching the Federal register a bit, but you aren't worth the effort to me. In case you haven't noticed the Dodd Frank Bill, the ACA, recent far-reaching regulatory actions of the EPA, the Labor Department, and the NLRB have added enormously to the useless chicken **** imposed by the Federal government on businesses of all sorts across the country. It is a serious drag on economic growth and inhibits investment and risk taking by businesses that would otherwise do so to the benefit of the economy.
About 48% of our electrical energy is produced by burning coal. This is certainly not the US economy as you say, but it is economically significant. Politically significant as well, as several Democrat Senators have recently discovered. I believe we are seeing reduced public willingness to put up with the authoritarian rule of progressives who believe that only they know better than the rest of us what is really good for us.