parados wrote:
Most people aren't stupid enough to fall for the argument that they will magically find the money somewhere. But if Ted Cruz wants to tell you otherwise feel free to believe him.
What exactly are you talking about here? We do indeed have a complex combination of problems involving high public debt, with entitlement programs likely to make it far worse, and a still sluggish economy (less sluggish than those of our ageing and sclerotic European allies, but still slow compared to our historical norms). Neither political party has shown great courage in addressing these issues, thosugh the Democrats have clearly been far more vigorous in making promises we can't keep and opposing even modest attenmpts at reform (remember the Bush effort to modify social security?). In general the Republkicans have been a good deal more truthful with the public in this area than the Democrats.
Obama had tried to create a highly regulated economy to advance his political power and fund raising capability through the leverage implied in the regulatory scheme. In addition he has sought to fund an expansion of entitlements through a combination of wealth transfers (as in the ACA) and large reductions in defense spending. So far that combination isn't working very well for us, either with respect to economic growth, containment of the growth of public debt, or our security in a still very dynamic world.