It really doesn't sound like you are looking for advice, and trust me, you have been given good advice, but have been disrespectful and bitchy in your responses so much so, you are trying to dictate exactly how advice should be given and what you will accept. You have behaved like a teenage boy trapped in his own testosterone fueled hissy fit. I suspect this girl was very smart not to anger you, you likely frightened her with too intense attention and she got as far away as possible to feel safe saying she just wants a 'friend'. You came on too strong, if she was my daughter, I would have told her to get away quickly without putting herself in harms way.
Frankly, since you are doing so well with dozens and dozens of other girls and women (sic) you probably shouldn't waste anymore time trying to figure out why this girl is only girl in the entire world who doesn't realize what a catch you are. Perhaps she has strict parents, perhaps her parents believe in arranged marriages, I don't know. What I do know, is you're having a tantrum because of this.
I think this girl made a wise decision, because you are behaving like a spoiled kid with a breathtaking sense of entitlement.