1 in 5 women get raped?

Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 12:12 pm
izzythepush wrote:
You rail against the law when paedophiles are sentenced.
When paedophiles are murdered you suddenly think the law is a good thing.
The same when it lets people get off with racist killing,
and executing people without examining evidence, then it's a good thing.

Is there a pattern?
Competent logic requires
that a distinction be made between a violent rapist
and someone else who sees pictures.

I think this applies to people of all ages.
If someone who hated the Kennedys likes to watch
the Abraham Zapruder movie, I think he is within his Constitutional Rights to look.

Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 12:16 pm
Especially when those pictures do not show kids doing anything sexual. If if they are I am not aware of any other photo evidence of a crime being made illegal to take transmit or view. Again we see how the state makes sex crime law not conform to the rest of law. Any pics of taken at your nudist retreats are illegal if the state imagines that a pervert like them, yet actually looking at kids at the retreat is perfectly legal. This is like when two 17 year olds have sex they are legal, but if they take a pic of them having sex they are child pornographers.

Our laws are whack.
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 12:28 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Especially when those pictures do not show kids doing anything sexual. If if they are I am not aware of any other photo evidence of a crime being made illegal to take transmit or view. Again we see how the state makes sex crime law not conform to the rest of law.
That is a difficult statute to comprehend.
I understand that criminal liability can result from possessing
pictures of fully clothed young people in their late teens,
depending on their postures, which might be anything.

An acquaintance of mine, Grey Vanaman (sp??)
was sentenced to 6O years in Federal prison
for child porn, tho he was not accused
of having any child involved in any sexual contact at all.
Please note that I had NOTHING to do with the defense of his case.
I think his lawyer shud have been SHOT by the Bar Association.

Anyway, if he had murdered 3 different people
on 3 different occasions, in 3 different places,
then that sentence shud have been expected.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 12:41 pm
Our laws are whack.

What get me is Izzy is calling anyone who think the US laws and the punishments should be more sane are pedophile themselves or at least pedophile supporters when the laws of his very own nation match to a great degree what I been calling for.

The US have ten times the numbers of men behind bars per capita then the UK and the crime rate is either similar of lower in the UK then in the US.

The UK do not lock up people for many years or decades for having CP but as far as I know they are not being over run with crimes against children compare to the US.

SO went the hell are the taxpayers of the US is gaining by locking up firefighters, doctors, bankers and so on for decades for having illegal computer files?

To locked up a Miami firefighter for 27 years is going to cost in prison costs alone will over a million dollars and I do not see what the hell we are gaining by doing so.
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 12:54 pm
You're not calling for a general reform of your own penal system. Your concern is limited to paedophiles and racists.

Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 01:02 pm
You're not calling for a general reform of your own penal system. Your concern is limited to paedophiles and racists

Oh you miss my calling for the end of locking men by percent mainly black men for decades for crimes involving the drug trade and the so call war on drugs?

My statements that it is beyond shameful that our legal system have resulted in my state of Florida alone of one in three black men being felons/ex-felons who can not vote or have other civil rights and are shut out of most professions.

Seems you do not pay attention or are just being as dishonest as Firefly.
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 01:53 pm
Yes I did miss that. I do remember you using the amount of black men in prison of proof of their criminality as opposed to lack of opportunity.
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 02:30 pm
using the amount of black men in prison of proof of their criminality as opposed to lack of opportunity.

Lying again my silly friend and it is not a winner for you as most long term readers of this website are aware of my positions on the issue of the so call US criminal justice system and even how it is most unfair to lower class blacks.

Hell my positions on the so call war on drugs and fulling the prisons with non-violence drug offenders go back way before the internet to when I told a federal judge when being question over being a jury member in 1971 or so that I did not believe in the marijuana laws and nor would I convict anyone under them.

A story I told not a few times in far more details on this website over the years.

I have also express many times and in details my unhappiness that the US have far more of it populations in prison then any other major nation on earth by a factor of ten or so.
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 03:06 pm
I'm bloody well not lying, your comments on the Trayvon Martin thread are full of crap like that.
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 03:16 pm
I'm bloody well not lying, your comments on the Trayvon Martin thread are full of crap like that.

Cut and Paste your claims my lying friend from the Martin thread or from any other thread on this website for that matter.

I still find it amusing that people like you and our wonderful news media try to turn a Latin man with blacks in his family tree into a white racist. Even going so far as to edit Zimmerman communication to 911 in a manner mean to imply that he was concern about Trayvon skin color.

An a 17 years old teenager that was not a small person with the news media however showing a smiling picture of him when he was 13 or 14 years old an implying that this was how he look when he try to killed Zimmerman.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 03:37 pm
I have also express many times and in details my unhappiness that the US have far more of it populations in prison then any other major nation on earth by a factor of ten or so.

It's quite clear, however, you have no unhappiness about the number of women who get sexually assaulted and raped in this country, mainly by individuals who never wind up spending a day in prison.

You blame rape victims for their own rapes, or dismiss them all as liars, and don't want to see the perpetrators of these crimes, while still in college, held accountable for their crimes because that might damage their future prospects.

Well, someone like Jesse Matthew should have had his future prospects--as a rapist, and murderer of two college students, and the attempted murder of another woman--curtailed over a decade ago, when he was first accused of sexual assault by women at both universities he attended, rather than just having been allowed to transfer out of the first school, and drop out of the second, despite the fact he was already revealing a pattern as a serial predator.

But someone, like you, wouldn't have wanted to see his "college career interrupted". It's far better, in your mind, apparently, to let sexual predators continue to rape, and progress to murdering their rape victims, than to stop them at the earliest point you can. And most rapes on college campuses, and elsewhere, are committed by serial predators, something you also choose to ignore.

Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 03:40 pm
By the way hypocrite you did not care when it came out that Trayvon had nude pictures of under age females on his cell phone IE child porn.

My bet that would not had been the case, if Zimmerman had any such pictures on his cell phone however.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 03:46 pm
It's quite clear, however, you have no unhappiness about the number of women who get sexually assaulted and raped in this country

What number?

mainly by individuals who never wind up spending a day in prison.
So I have heard, do you have any facts to back up the claim because in all my years of interest on the subject I have never come across any .


You blame rape victims for their own rapes,
Assumes some blame to the victims actually, as logic dictates. The crazy ones are the one who with a straight face claim that the victims had nothing to do with the nasty turn their lives have taken. Besides the point but completely hilarious these same people tend to claim that victims are heros......ALL WHILE CLAIMING THAT THE VICTIMS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SITUATION. They reinforce this bi-polar nutso argument by acting like victims are invalids.

I am not going to put in the work to Finish the Firefly post truth evaluation. I think I have done enough to shine the light on a post that is garden variety Firefly crapola.
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 03:54 pm
Hawkeye I am happy but it would seems that Firefly is not that reported rapes are at a 35 years plus low.

Feminists as a class was not happy that why they fought to add others classes to this 70 years plus FBI database so going forward it will not be possible to compare numbers.
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 04:07 pm
The victim culture advocates, and I believe that the feminists are the worst of the lot, have some major problems with logic and consistency. This has never been a problem up till now. In an age where we are now by government policy violating the Constitutional rights of the male citizens on the feminist arguments that women are too weak to look after themselves and need to be saved from their own idiocy the claims of the feminists need to for the first time be thoroughly evaluated by fact finding and logical thought. The illogical emotion side of the brain has till now decided everything, and that is not working out well.

I think we will get there when 45% of the citizens know a good lad who was kicked out of university and largely deprived of the University experience forever on the say so of one idiot young woman with zero proof.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 04:37 pm
BillRM is the only one who lies, repeatedly. He says things, then denies he ever said them.

He fabricates things about those he wants to trash, like repeatedly calling Trayvon Martin, a kid with no criminal record or history of aggressive behaviors, a "thug" and a "hoodlum" or falsely claiming that Hannah Graham, a straight A college sophomore, was "drunk out of her mind", for which there is no evidence, when she was abducted from a very busy mall area and subsequently murdered, just so her can blame her for her own death, rather than focus on the fact that serial predators, like Jesse Matthew, appearing to be "useful citizens" and "nice guys" walk among us unidentified.

But he chooses to omit compelling, and verifiable, negative information about those he wants to defend--like George Zimmerman's past history of aggressive behaviors, and arrest for assaulting a law enforcement officer, for which he was court ordered to take anger management classes--or the fact that that fireman's sentence on child pornography charges included the fact he had downloaded about 120 child porn videos while on duty as a fireman, at various firehouses and he had lied, under oath, about who downloaded the videos, all of which contributed to the harsh sentence the judge handed down.

And BillRM chooses to turn a blind eye to the facts that it is the consumers of child pornography, like that fireman, who create the demand for the production of still more of it, all of it involving the continuing sexual exploitation of children, making them complicit in that sexual abuse, and to the facts we already have a grading system for child porn that is not dissimilar from the U.K.'s, and many of those convicted for possession of child porn receive sentences no harsher than probation.

Whether he lies by fabricating, or by omission, or by distortion, he constantly lies. That he constantly accuses both of us of lying, an assertion which he has yet to demonstrate has any basis in truth, simply provides more evidence of what a bald-faced liar he is.

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Lustig Andrei
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 04:44 pm
You guys keep playing right into BillRM's hand. We can't say he lies. We have no idea what this jerk actually believes. He will post outrageous horseshit just to be contrary. BillRM loves to argue and to get the last word. That's all. He will always take the opposite position from anyone who seems to have posted an unarguable position. Y'all keep feeding the troll.

I finally put him on 'ignore' recently after a long period of trying to be tolerant.
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 05:06 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
He will always take the opposite position from anyone who seems to have posted an unarguable position. Y'all keep feeding the troll.

So after being charge with being a racist and anti-women and pro-rapist and pedophilia or pedophilia supporter we are going back to me being a troll.

Kind of like the idea that the universe is such that if you go far enough in one direction you will end up returning to your starting point in this case the charge that I am a troll.

We have no idea what this jerk actually believes.

Odds claim that after postings 25,000 plus posts dealing with almost every issue under the sun and being fairly consistent Andrei does not know what I believes!!!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 05:15 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
You guys keep playing right into BillRM's hand


Your imagination about who the speaker is is irrelevant. Wake me when you have something to say about the facts or an argument to make about what the conclusion from the facts is.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Oct, 2014 05:16 pm
You have no idea, from any of the crime statistics, how many women are sexually assaulted each year? Just how dumb are you pretending to be? Well, certainly too dumb to be commenting on this topic at all.

And you are ignorant of the fact that the Justice Department admitted that sexual assaults and rapes were being significantly undercounted in their annual crime reporting statistics, because their archaic 1927 definition of rape was excluding considerable numbers of rapes reported and prosecuted on the state level, and all sexual assaults of men? That's why they changed the federal definition of rape about 3 years ago, so it now conforms to state definitions--and the numbers of rapes they now report has continued to increase since that time.

Tell me how women in their 90's, who are raped in their nursing home beds, by staff members at those facilities--the kind of news story you hate to hear about--are at all to blame for their rapes. Whether it's elderly women, or college age women raped on campuses, the over-riding common factor is being in the vicinity of a sexual predator who seeks to prey on someone who is vulnerable, whether she's elderly and less physically able to resist, or she's younger and impaired or incapacitated by drugs or alcohol, or simply sleeping in her dorm bed, factors that also make her less able to evaluate the situation and resist. That the victim may be vulnerable, for any reason, does not excuse the act of rape, or in any way diminish the responsibility for that act of rape falling solely on the shoulders of the rapist.


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