BillRM is the only one who lies, repeatedly. He says things, then denies he ever said them.
He fabricates things about those he wants to trash, like repeatedly calling Trayvon Martin, a kid with no criminal record or history of aggressive behaviors, a "thug" and a "hoodlum" or falsely claiming that Hannah Graham, a straight A college sophomore, was "drunk out of her mind", for which there is no evidence, when she was abducted from a very busy mall area and subsequently murdered, just so her can blame her for her own death, rather than focus on the fact that serial predators, like Jesse Matthew, appearing to be "useful citizens" and "nice guys" walk among us unidentified.
But he chooses to omit compelling, and verifiable, negative information about those he wants to defend--like George Zimmerman's past history of aggressive behaviors, and arrest for assaulting a law enforcement officer, for which he was court ordered to take anger management classes--or the fact that that fireman's sentence on child pornography charges included the fact
he had downloaded about 120 child porn videos while on duty as a fireman, at various firehouses and he had lied, under oath, about who downloaded the videos, all of which contributed to the harsh sentence the judge handed down.
And BillRM chooses to turn a blind eye to the facts that it is the consumers of child pornography, like that fireman, who create the demand for the production of still more of it, all of it involving the continuing sexual exploitation of children, making them complicit in that sexual abuse, and to the facts we already have a grading system for child porn that is not dissimilar from the U.K.'s, and many of those convicted for possession of child porn receive sentences no harsher than probation.
Whether he lies by fabricating, or by omission, or by distortion, he constantly lies. That he constantly accuses both of us of lying, an assertion which he has yet to demonstrate has any basis in truth, simply provides more evidence of what a bald-faced liar he is.