1 in 5 women get raped?

Reply Thu 9 Apr, 2015 02:04 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I don't get what you two are arguing about.

1) You both agree that most reported incidents of rape are real.

2) You both agree that some reported incidents are false.

I don't see anything to argue about.
Reply Thu 9 Apr, 2015 02:50 pm
The feminist/state cooperative proves to be not very interested in finding out if the alleged victim is lying, or punishing those who do. This is a big problem in my books.
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Reply Thu 9 Apr, 2015 02:57 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Tawana Brawley :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawana_Brawley_rape_allegations

Duke Lacrosse team:

Brian Banks:

That's 3.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 9 Apr, 2015 03:21 pm
Whoopee. Three case going back as far as almost thirty year ago. How many tens of thousands of case have there been of rape in thirty years?
Reply Thu 9 Apr, 2015 03:28 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
You claimed there was only 1 case, I found 3 more. I didn't bother to copy all the stories I found. The point is that there are false claims made. To say there isn't is a lie.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2015 01:54 pm
Be three or be it three hundred, in comparison to many more tens and hundreds of thousand rape convictions, it amounts to a statistical nothing, less than equal to the plus or minus of survey regarding "legitimate rape vs false accusations of rape".
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2015 02:01 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
This isn't true at bobsal. The studies on the number of reported rapes that are false give a number somewhere between 3% and 40%. And this ignores the fact that a lot of times there is a gray area between consent and non-consent. It is not always easy to determine if consent was given.

Even if you take the lowest number to be the truth it still isn't a statistical nothing. No one would say 3% is a statistical nothing.

I don't know why this matters. Someone accused of a crime, any crime, should have the right to defend himself.

Did you read "A Catcher in the Rye"?

Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2015 05:48 pm
have you ever seen Nancy Grace? She believes everyone is guilty of some heinous crime and she doesn't favor men over women or women over men. In another century (if women could have been judges) She would be the female equivalent of Judge Bean.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 12 Apr, 2015 06:40 am
'Gang rape' on Florida beach witnessed by hundreds who did nothing, sheriff says
Ryan Austin Calhoun, 23, of Mobile, Ala., and Delonte' Martistee, 22, of Bainbridge, Ga. were charged with sexual battery by multiple perpetrators in connection with an incident in March in Panama City, Florida. (Bay County Sheriff's Office)
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William LaRue, National Desk By William LaRue, National Desk
on April 11, 2015 at 7:28 PM, updated April 11, 2015 at 7:42 PM

A woman was "gang raped" on a crowded Florida beach last month while bystanders apparently did nothing to help her, the sheriff says.

Two college students from Alabama were arrested Friday in connection with the Panama City Beach attack on the 19-year-old woman, The Panama City News Herald reported. More arrests were expected, police said.

The woman appeared to be incapacitated during the attack by several men on a chair behind the Spinnaker Beach Club. a popular hangout for students on spring break. The incident went unreported even though hundreds of people were around to see it occur during daylight, police said.

Authorities didn't learn about the incident until, while investigating an unrelated shooting, Troy, Alabama, police came across a cellphone video of the attack, CNN reported. Troy police turned over the video to the Bay County Sheriff's Office.

Troy University students Ryan Calhoun, 23, and Delonte' Martistee, 22, were charged with sexual battery by multiple perpetrators in connection with the attack, according to a statement from the sheriff's office.

The rape occurred sometime between March 10-12, authorities said.

The woman seen in the video was identified by authorities, who told them she didn't report this incident because she was possibly drugged and didn't recall it, AL.com said. Authorities said she was a visitor to Panama City.
Reply Sun 12 Apr, 2015 02:40 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Sound like the Canadian rave gang rape nonsense where a young woman was film having sex with a number of males and when it become public not before she claimed she was drug and gang rape.

Problem being that the one man that was charge for this gang rape of this poor young woman was found on video sharing a meal within an hour with his "victim" at a fast food restaurant with her giving every indication of being fully aware of her surroundings.

The charges needed to be dropped but only after the media have a long field day crying over this poor "victim" of a gang rape and how her school mates was mistreating her and not beleiving her story.

Seems that the people who knew her the best was a better judge then the cops and the media who gave her full credit.
Reply Sun 12 Apr, 2015 03:01 pm
Kinda throws a wrench in the feminists claim "If your woman does not turn you in you will be fine so dont worry, just keep her happy". The woman on the beach never reported anything.

But where were her friends? My guess is that they were there, and they knew that she had intended to get drunk and then get laid, so they were not concerned when she got drunk, and then was seen under guys with her legs spread.
Reply Sun 12 Apr, 2015 03:25 pm
The rape occurred sometime between March 10-12, authorities said.

"Well it must have been one of those many times over 3 days that she was seen engaged in sex/rape, who can say when? And why wait to find out,,,,"ARREST THOSE SONES OF BITCHES WHO POSSES A COCK!" says the state. No need to find out what went down , what the girl did leading up to that moment.

Some people think this is great. Some of us still remember when the state aspired to justice and dont think this is so great, in fact we call it abuse of men.
Reply Sun 12 Apr, 2015 05:26 pm
And some of remember when good men would not have allowed a drunk, to be gang raped in the sand while others stood around and filmed.
Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2015 08:57 am
And some of remember when good men would not have allowed a drunk, to be gang raped in the sand while others stood around and filmed.

I truly think that Hawkeye would never have been counted among such good men--mainly because he gets off on violence toward females, particularly sexual violence. He would have been too excited by witnessing the gang rape, or too involved in participating in it, to even consider the possibility that what was occurring was morally wrong, or even a rape. He's still trying to peddle the notion this had to be consensual sex, perhaps planned in advance by this young woman, because, to him, this all seems perfectly normal behavior for both the female and the males involved. His notions of reality and acceptability seem shaped by his likely consumption of massive amounts of violent porn, as well as by his immersion in BDSM, because he is so desensitized and jaded to the violence involved, and so devoid of a moral compass that includes anything beyond his own immediate sexual gratification.

Hawkeye's assertion, that the arrest of two suspects for this violent crime is an abuse of men, is so paranoid it erases any doubt about his connection to reality or morality or law. Of course known suspects in violent crimes should be arrested and brought before a judge, who can then decide whether they pose a danger to the community, or a flight risk, and whether there is support for the charges against them, before deciding on bail or release or remand, because that's part of how we assure due process for criminal defendants, and protection of the public, while crimes are more thoroughly investigated and adjudicated.

Hawkeye's perception of reality, and his faulty conclusions, are unfortunately distorted by his own castration anxiety--he thinks everyone is out to emasculate him, particularly women--and subordinating and dominating women, and even fantasizing about doing that, is therefore his way to make them less sexually threatening to him--and isn't a gang rape of an incapacitated female, on a public beach, a great way to put women in their place? Rolling Eyes It's a complete domination and humiliation of a woman, plus the added excitement of doing it in public, where one's fearless unfettered "masculinity" can be witnessed and shared and admired by other men. Yup, to arrest anyone for participating in such a satisfying male sexual experience certainly is an "abuse of men". Rolling Eyes It's right up there with making the collection and distribution and possession of child pornography a crime, and declaring 12 year olds off limits, in terms of depriving poor Hawk, of his possible sexual pleasures. Rolling Eyes

But Hawkeye admits he is "twisted" sexually, which does serve to effectively disqualify him as a credible or acceptable arbiter of sexual morality, or sexual crimes, for the majority, since his standards are far from the norm, and often repulsive to more normal folk. Fortunately, normal people, with normal sensibilities, unlike Hawk, react to news of what seems to have transpired on that beach with appropriate shock and horror that men could have behaved like that--college men to boot. The Bay County Sheriff made no secret of his reaction to seeing the video of this rape.
The attack, recorded on a cellphone video, happened sometime March 10-12 in Panama City, Bay County Sheriff Frank McKeithen said at a news conference. Authorities learned of the assault when police in Troy, Alabama, discovered the video while investigating a shooting.

McKeithen described the recording as the "most disgusting, sickening thing" he had ever seen. Several men can be seen surrounding an incapacitated woman on a beach chair.

"This is happening in broad daylight with hundreds of people seeing and hearing what is happening, and they are more concerned about spilling their beer than somebody being raped," he said. The sheriff said he expected investigators will make additional arrests.

The victim told police that she thought she had been drugged at the time, and she did not remember the incident well enough to report it.

"She knows something happened, but she doesn't know what happened," McKeithen said.

Sheriff on gang rape: "Wild animals preying on a carcass"
13th Apr 2015

A HORRIFYING gang rape involving an unconscious 19-year-old by Americans on Spring Break has landed two college students under arrest.

The shocking incident was made worse by the fact that it was on a crowded beach with partygoers doing nothing to stop the attack.

The rape is being described akin to "wild animals preying on a carcass laying in the woods" by Sheriff Frank McKeithen.

He told the Panama City News Herald it was the "most disgusting, sickening thing" he had ever witnessed.

"Within 10 feet from where this is happening there are hundreds, hundreds of people standing there watching, looking, seeing, hearing what is going on," he said.

"Yet our culture and our society and our young people have got to the point where obviously this is acceptable somewhere, but I will tell you it is not acceptable in Bay County."

The rape is thought to have occurred between March 10 and 12 in Florida's Panama City.

It was filmed on a mobile phone, which police later discovered while investigating a shooting.

In the footage, several men can be seen surrounded an unconscious young woman on a beach chair.

As she tries to remove their hands from her genital region, men can be heard saying, "she isn't going to know".

Police have now arrested Delonte' Martistee, 22 and Ryan Austin Calhoun, 23, charging each with sexual battery by multiple perpetrators.

The victim has told authorities she may have been drugged at the time.

She said she did not recall the attack well enough to confidently report it.

The two men have now been suspended from their university in Alabama.

In a statement, Troy University wrote that the pair are now on temporary suspension.

Martistee has also been booted from the university's track and field team.

More arrests are likely.

...It is not the first incident of its kind, either. BCSO has gotten leads on other sexual batteries on the beach in broad daylight this year by following social media. In one video, a crowd pours beer on a girl who appears to be incapacitated while a male performs oral sex on her. The trend of sexual crimes going unreported and a flood of firearms into Bay County this year were particularly concerning to BCSO officials with the future of Spring Break...

However, the report of the “gang rape” video and the arrests Friday were a tipping point for law enforcement, McKeithen said....

“This draws the line in the sand for us,” McKeithen said. “It is not safe for our children on the beach. … If you condone this behavior, you should be in jail, as far as I’m concerned...

If this sort of rape, by college students, takes place in a public area, with hundreds of non-intervening bystanders around, can you imagine how much more sexual abuse/assault goes on, all the time on campuses, in more private surroundings? Should the campus sexual assault/rape numbers really surprise anyone?

It was videotape evidence that helped obtain convictions in the Vanderbilt University gang rape case, and the first two people convicted in that case face sentencing in about 10 days. In the Vanderbilt case, the incapacitated female victim also did not recall the assault, but video evidence was so compelling the jury was out only 3 hours before returning their guilty verdicts.

Let's hope the videotape evidence in this current Florida beach gang rape also proves useful in obtaining a conviction. So far, I think we should applaud the excellent detective work that led to the discovery of this unreported sexual assault, its location, and the identification and arrest of two suspects. It's that sort of commitment, and swift action, by law enforcement that sends a message that this sort of assaultive behavior will not be tolerated, and that's what will help to deter it.

Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2015 10:30 am
Hawkeye's assertion, that the arrest of two suspects for this violent crime is an abuse of men, is so paranoid it erases any doubt about his connection to reality or morality or law.

My assertion is that you dont charge citizens with a crime until you have a full understanding of what happened. The bad law here is the root of the problem, because under the law when two drunks, an M and a F, get sloppy drunk and have sex on the beach the M is guilty of a major crime, while the F is not guilty of any crime. The feminists theory of consent is hostile towards males, and the state unfortunately has bought into this and is now abusing males. In a era of equality making law that treats women as breakable objects under men is a travesty.
Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2015 10:43 am
When I was in high school, the most important dates on the calendar were Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day. That's because we headed to Oceans City, Maryland and stayed in hotels and motels as close to the Boardwalk as possible. No parents, just the kids. The place was teeming with kids, and a lot of kids were drinking. But I never saw and girls being manhandled or assaulted on the beach. Mostly because the young men would never allow a girl to be assaulted in front of their very eyes. They policed themselves, because they had a sense of decency and honor that seems to have waned away over the years. Men proved their manhood by protecting women from being assaulted, now apparently if the girl/woman is incapacitated, and won't remember, it's no longer a taboo. If that's what constitutes manhood today, we have desperately failed to instill the importance of character and decency in our children.

Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2015 11:01 am
Oh ya, the very familiar "MEN SUCK!" argument.

I place the blame on the feminist/state cooperative, men are no more responsible for sexual misadventures than women are, but the state is biased, it does not care.
Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2015 11:27 am
Blah blah blah blah, men don't suck you lousy excuse for a husband. Men who rape incapacitated women for sport really aren't men, they are animals.
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Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2015 12:03 pm
The bad law here is the root of the problem, because under the law when two drunks, an M and a F, get sloppy drunk and have sex on the beach the M is guilty of a major crime, while the F is not guilty of any crime.

Your ignorance is staggering.

The woman seen on the video of this assault was not "sloppy drunk"--she was incapacitated. Whether the males were drunk or not is irrelevant as an excuse for their committing a sexual assault--intoxication is not a legitimate defense for committing a criminal act. An incapacitated individual is not capable of legally consenting to a sexual act, and that's what makes the act an illegal assault.
The feminists theory of consent is hostile towards males, and the state unfortunately has bought into this and is now abusing males

Is there a single "feminists theory of consent"? Laughing Exactly what is it, and how did all feminists decide on it? Laughing Do all states agree on it? Laughing

Or is this just another of your paranoid delusions/conspiracy theories about how those all-powerful phantom "feminists" are out to abuse men? Laughing Face it, drop the BS, you think all women are hostile to men, and you really don't trust any of them, and you're quite fearful of women--which is most likely why you like them tied up and gagged. Wink

I think you're mainly upset because state sexual assault laws have made it more difficult for men to abuse women, and get away with it, and you like the idea of sexually abusing women, it's a major turn-on for you, as you've been telling us for at least 4 years.

I haven't come across a single state that has a definition of consent that's "hostile toward males"--and you're so ignorant of current law you don't realize that both the sexual assault/rape laws, and the definitions of consent that accompany them, have become gender neutral in their wording and definitions. Under current law, nothing stops a man from accusing a female, or another male, of sexually assaulting/raping him.

Whoever is the one initiating or making the sexual contact must be sure they have the consent of the other party for such contact, regardless of the genders involved, and unless the consent is clear and unequivocal, they should terminate the contact or not initiate it.

Stop trying to rationalize the apparent gang rape of an incapacitated individual, on a public beach, as some sort of normal acceptable sexual encounter, or one in which the victim of the rape is somehow equally culpable criminally with her attackers .That sort of absurd thinking is just plain laughable. Not everyone is as morally deficient as you are, and like the Bay County Sheriff, most normal people are horrified by this sort of depraved sexual behavior, and they don't try to make excuses for it.

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Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2015 11:31 am
If this sort of rape, by college students, takes place in a public area, with hundreds of non-intervening bystanders around, can you imagine how much more sexual abuse/assault goes on, all the time on campuses, in more private surroundings?

More importantly, why did nobody call the cops???

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