OCCOM BILL wrote:Craven de Kere wrote:I don't smoke because of addiction. I smoke because I choose to.
Really Craven? You are one of the brightest fellows I've met in cyberspace. So, if there is no addiction, why do you
choose to smoke? When you weigh the Pros and Cons, what exactly are the Pros?
I never said there was no addiction, I said I don't smoke because of addiction. For me, addictions of all varieties are very easy to break (cept for food, oxygen and water and such).
When I weigh the pros and cons my pros far outweigh the cons. This is, of course, based on subjective values associated with each.
For example, I don't think it valuable in the least to meet with the self-righteous busybody non-smoker's esteem. Others might.
Ultimately it comes down to a simple value judgement.
I would rather have the pleasure that comes from smoking than the longevity and health I might achieve without smoking.
This is a concious choice and is a no-brainer for me. It is my body, and this is why the busybodies who think they are qualified to comment seem so pathetic to me.
NOTE: people who voice an opinion that smoking is bad/stupid/unhealthy don't bother me as that does not contain the next leap which is to decide that I should act in accord with their opinions.