I bought my 'sleepless Summer Tour' tee-shirt at the demstore ($16. plus shipping)
Here's a great article about Dean by Bill Press:
Democrats dumb to dump on Dean
By Bill Press
Posted: August 22, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern
There is still a race for president of the United States
underway. Contrary to what you see and hear in the media,
the campaign for president has not been suspended until
after completion of the California recall on Oct. 7.
But if, due to some satellite breakdown, you accidentally
happen upon any coverage of the presidential campaign these
days, be forewarned. What you see will not be pretty. It's
a replay of the Donner Party: Democrats, about to enter the
promised land, eating each other. And the one they're
feasting on most is former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean.
The Democratic Leadership Council took the first bite. DLC
Founder Al From, who recruited Bill Clinton to bring the
Democratic Party back from ruin, warned that Dean belonged
to the party's "McGovern-Mondale wing" and would repeat
their sad history by winning only two states.
Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh, DLC President, dismissed Dean's
criticism of President Bush with the taunt: "Do we want to
vent or to govern?" Connecticut's Joe Lieberman, last
year's DLC President, called Dean "a ticket to nowhere."
And, like rats following Pied Piper, most political pundits
agree, insisting that Dean is simply too liberal to beat
George W. Bush.
They are all dead wrong. They underestimate the anger that
most Democrats, and a growing number of Americans, feel
toward this administration. Besides, Dean is not the
wild-eyed liberal they paint him to be. And he definitely
has what it takes to beat George W. Bush.
As the evil Richard Nixon once said, let me make myself
perfectly clear: Dean's not the only one. In my view, John
Kerry and Dick Gephardt also have the right stuff. I
haven't endorsed anyone in the Democratic primary and, as a
practicing journalist, I won't. But Howard Dean is getting
a bum rap.
Look at his record in Vermont. Dean governed as a genuine
He refused to raise income taxes. He opposed gun control,
for which he received an "A" rating from the NRA. He
supported the death penalty. And even though it was not
constitutionally required, he balanced the budget every one
of his 11 years as governor - and then set aside a
"rainy-day" fund for fiscal emergencies.
Dean, in fact, governed as such a moderate and fiscal
tightwad that in 1996, the DLC - the same organization
which now denounces him as some neo-Vladimir Lenin - hailed
re-election of "the centrist Gov. Howard Dean" as evidence
of growing "New Democratic leadership...."
For the whole article go to: