One hour ago, the Dean campaign send out emails containing the following:
On Monday, July 28th, Vice President Dick Cheney will raise $250,000 from a handful of special interest contributors at a luncheon in Columbia, South Carolina.
Let's show Dick Cheney that the grassroots have the power to take on the special interests that have bought the Bush administration. Let's show George W. Bush and Dick Cheney that we will not let our government be sold to the highest bidder.
To take on Dick Cheney and George W. Bush-- to beat back the special interests-- the Dean campaign is "Bringing Out the Bat" this weekend. Our goal is to raise $250,000 in online contributions by midnight, Monday, July 28th.
And in one hour, they have raised over $82,000.
Oops, got the wrong numbers! Looks like they will be able to count on $3,000/hour, minimum.
mj, if there isn't a thread on Senator Clinton, I will post one. Here it is:
From the Dean campaign:
"As of noon ET, supporters have raised $110,960.48 online in the Dean Team vs. Bush-Cheney Challenge, with 1,936 individual contributions."
They would!!
I'd like to see them a little more rut-bound, a little more proactive, even though I'm a Dean supporter. So far, their comments look like sour grapes... (Al From keeps tripping over his own feet.)
Tartarin wrote:One hour ago, the Dean campaign send out emails containing the following:
On Monday, July 28th, Vice President Dick Cheney will raise $250,000 from a handful of special interest contributors...
"Handful"??? Anyone aware of the current campaign finance laws and able to do simple math recognizes that the luncheon is likely a $2,000/plate affair for 125 people. Hardly a "handful", nor is it reasonable to claim that every person who might choose to attend such an affair is a "special interest contributor". Laura Bush was in town recently for a $2,000/plate fundraiser and many of those who attended were local women who support her husband's reelection. (Perhaps supporting Bush is considered a "special interest"?)
Glad you brought up the math, Scrat. $322K (the current Dean total) divided by $61 (average donation, according to website) equals 5278 donors/voters. Betcha Cheney would rather have 5278 voters!
Tartarin wrote:Glad you brought up the math, Scrat. $322K (the current Dean total) divided by $61 (average donation, according to website) equals 5278 donors/voters. Betcha Cheney would rather have 5278 voters!
Betcha wish only those people attending $2,000/plate dinners were voting for Bush.
Is Cheney only appearing in public at these fund-raising gigs, or am I missing something?
When he's taking time off from sneaking around the CIA offices, D'art.
Yes, I do wish huge corporations with ties to the administration weren't funding them both openly and under the table. That's one of the reasons I'd like to get rid of this administration and those in Congress who keep destroying any meaningful campaign finance reform. The Republican Party, in this respect, is nothing to be proud of these days, no longer an "honorable opposition." Honor seems to be one of those values which have been replaced by Gimme and road rage.
3:30 EST Dean Team v. Bush-Cheney Update
7,661 Americans have now contributed $398,418.41 to the Dean Team v. Bush-Cheney Challenge.
National Public Radio will be reporting on the day's events in the first segment of All Things Considered today. We've just received word that the story is likely to run at 12 minutes after the program starts (4 pm in most locations). Check local listings.
There is a just war in Iraq, this one; under these circumstances is just not the one - Lieberman is now out for sure, IMHO!
When I heard them intro-ing Lieberman I was ebullient at the prospect that he would step out. But no! What a jerk!
Okay, folks, if Lieberman were nominated, would you vote Dem?
Unfair question - he has no chance, but I would vote for anyone who is running against Satan -------------------- so the answer is yes!
BillW wrote:
There is a just war in Iraq, this one; under these circumstances is just not the one - Lieberman is now out for sure, IMHO!
I heard Lieberman's comments on the news today, attacking Dems for (what he characterizes as) irresponsible criticism of Bush's Iraq war.
He seems to be peddling some sort of 'Republicrat' orthodoxy and trying to pressure the rest of the Dem hopefuls.
I suppose he's doing that because he was such a cheerleader for the war.
Now he has really pissed me off!
I channeled my anger at Lieberman constructively however,
.....I went to Howard Dean's website and gave him some more money.
I'm beginning to like a Dean/Graham ticket a whole lot!
I like the sound of that myself.
Tart - that means the Dean campaign is rolling. As of midnight last night (last I checked) it was about $264,000. Anybody know how the Cheney fundraiser went today? They expected to gather in over $250,000.
Maybe Lieberman is reacting to that? A number of the dems had more or less dismissed Dean as a lightweight, and now they're finding it difficult to ignore him. Lieberman is having a hard time getting donors. Maybe he's trying to appeal to disgruntled republicans. I, as of now, am heading towards a Dean/Graham ticket.
When I first started reading about Dean a few years ago, I had the thought that some of the West Wing characters might be modeled on him. There seemed to be a number of coincidences.