just put in my contribution, current total $446,149 given by 8,190 peeps
Looks like over $500,000 now. Wow!
I'm Canadian. Would somene there please contribute for me.
How much, Blatham, in USD?
I can't afford much....twenty?
blatham, remember - you may be preventing the invasion of Canada. You guys have oil, speak French and are not that far down on the evil list ( don't forget the War of 1812

In other words, you have an interest in the next election
Interest, I have. We are enroute to decriminalizing anal sex and marijuana. I really like one of these.
Your Ambassador to Canadia, a Mister Cerlucci, speaking for all Americans, recently said to a gathered group of business personages in Toronto, "Whooooa there Tonto. Where the hell do you think you are going? This is Canadia - you BET it is - and who knows that better than America? Who knows you better than us? So, that's why America cares. It's why we want to give a hand...point you right again. And not let you fall into this fiery pit of grievous error."
He cares. You can tell it just listenin to him. You get to know his heart. It is an interesting heart. I am interested.
blatham wrote:I can't afford much....twenty?
Just in case anyone is taking you seriously, I feel compelled to point out that doing so would be a crime. Please give as much as you want to the candidate of your choice, but it must be YOUR money.
Scrat points out, accurately, that what you fellows are discussing doing violates de law.
Dere's ways around it, :wink: but don' ask me what dey are...
PDiddie wrote:Scrat points out, accurately, that what you fellows are discussing doing violates de law.
Dere's ways around it, :wink: but don' ask me what dey are...
There are always ways around the law, in this case, we call them fraud. Your wink leads me to believe you don't really mind a little fraud as long as it's in your favor.
Tartarin wrote:When he's taking time off from sneaking around the CIA offices, D'art.
Yes, I do wish huge corporations with ties to the administration weren't funding them both openly and under the table. That's one of the reasons I'd like to get rid of this administration and those in Congress who keep destroying any meaningful campaign finance reform. The Republican Party, in this respect, is nothing to be proud of these days, no longer an "honorable opposition." Honor seems to be one of those values which have been replaced by Gimme and road rage.
Again with this nonsense about Republicans being the party of huge corporations. Let's consult the facts (from opensecrets.org:)
ELECTION OVERVIEW - 2002 Cycle - Top Overall Donors
Take a look at the chart at the link above. The top 9 contributors gave almost exclusively to Dems.
ELECTION OVERVIEW - 2002 Cycle - Business-Labor-Ideology Split in PAC, Soft & Individual Donations to Candidates and Parties
Take a look at this chart. 57% of big business money went to Republicans, 43% to Democrats. That hardly supports the claim that business is solidly in the Republican court.
Scrat wrote:There are always ways around the law, in this case, we call them fraud. Your wink leads me to believe you don't really mind a little fraud as long as it's in your favor.
Another self-righteous, indignant conservative. What a rarity.
Got any facts to post on the Democratic contenders, Scrat? :wink:
Crime! There's the seed to a Dubya Rap here.
Who put da crime in 'criminee'?
and who put da crime in 'cri me a river'?
who put me in charge of thee
God! now he's
no injun giver
I'm the president
I am the president
I'm your president
and you isn't
who put da lie in da 'ferti lie zer'
who fit da **** in da state a da union
who's da dude
wit attitude
Me! see I'm no
high IQian
don need one
don need one
I don need one
Yo are ya list'nin
That'll be $2,000 please!!!!!!!!!
PDiddie wrote:Scrat wrote:There are always ways around the law, in this case, we call them fraud. Your wink leads me to believe you don't really mind a little fraud as long as it's in your favor.
Another self-righteous, indignant conservative. What a rarity.
Got any facts to post on the Democratic contenders, Scrat? :wink:
Being against fraud in our elections makes me "self-righteous"? Um, okay...
And yes, I've posted plenty on the topic, how about you?
Let Scrat believe as s/he does. Serves us very well in the long run. Shhhhh.
Anyone notice that Dean raked in half a million + over the weekend, trying to beat Cheney's $250,000?
Haven't seen a word (nor heard one) about Cheney's fundraiser.
PDid - are you actually looking for facts there?