The two articles following are in this week's issue of The New Republic:
Bitter Pill by Jonathan Chait
Dean's attacks on Beltway Democrats are unfair. And, if heeded, they'll bury the party for a generation.
Good Doctor by Jonathan Cohn
Dean isn't running as a hard lefty. He's running as an angry, honest New Democrat. Which is why he might just win.
These are interesting to read. One follows another, and they give opposing views. While I have been fence-sitting on this (Dean was my choice two years ago - then switched to Kerry - then back.......... ), I am beginning to lean Dean.
It's funny. Al Gore was the one who suggested that the use of the internet could prove to be a strong factor, and it's Dean who's making good use of it.
Something I'm beginning to wonder. We have generally recognized the predominance of right-wing radio commentators, but it seems to me that the internet may be more the home of the liberal progressives. If this is the case - it could turn out to be a strong, unnoticed factor.