2004 Elections: Democratic Party Contenders

Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2004 03:49 pm
au1929 wrote:
That is what the inspectors were supposed to determine. The truth is that macho man was intent on invading regardless of justification.

Then why didn't he "invade" Portugal?
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Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2004 03:50 pm
Give him a second term, and he might.
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Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2004 03:57 pm
Are you being irrational. They should never have taken the blocks away from Bush.
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Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2004 04:07 pm
au - If there was no reason for "invading" Iraq, why didn't he pick somewhere else to "invade"? Seriously, if your argument is that he simply had an irrational desire to invade another country, why pick Iraq specifically?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2004 04:33 pm
Why didn't we invade another country? The BEST question yet. I can think of several, but I'll leave it to everybody's imagination.
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Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2004 05:03 pm
Because that bad man tried to have poppy assassinated or maybe he wanted to complete the job that his father started. I would never presume to explain the workings of the Bush brain. Are you finished asking nonsensical questions.
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Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2004 05:43 pm
Scrat wrote:
au1929 wrote:
The WMD ploy was shown to be just that a ploy.

What happened to the WMD the UN inspectors cataloged after the Gulf War?

The US government was proudly proclaiming, back in the mid-90s, that some 80% of the Iraqi WMD had already been destroyed, thanks to the inspection program.

So thats three-quarters of your answer.

Now what happened to the weapons that were not shown to be destroyed yet by the time Saddam forced the inspectors out?

Partly, its been shown much of the chemical arms store, for example, would simply have been degraded now.

And partly, its a mistery.

There's hypotheses enough. Some believe they were secretly shipped off to Syria at the last minute, under the shadow of the approaching US bombs so to say, without leaving any trace whatsoever in the many locations US intel had pinpointed as likely WMD storage places.

That would of course have been quite a feat, especially for an army that showed itself practically hapless during the war that was just then erupting.

Others believe Saddam had been destroying them, out of fear for further military action if he was actually proven to still have them - but hadnt wanted to tell anyone, so as not to lose face to all those Arab nations he was trying to be the big anti-American hero for. Also quite an elaborate scenario, that.

In between those scenarios and the fact that the overwhelming majority of his prior arsenal had already been destroyed or would by now have degenerated, the question remains whether the little that he could still have had, really posed enough of the acute threat to world security Bush invoked when starting war against the guy.
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Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2004 05:55 pm
Scrat wrote:
au - If there was no reason for "invading" Iraq, why didn't he pick somewhere else to "invade"? Seriously, if your argument is that he simply had an irrational desire to invade another country, why pick Iraq specifically?

I wouldnt ever buy the "irrational desire" argument. I think what drove Bush was a complex of very rational motives - if most all unrelated to the War on Terrorism. Establishing a semi-protectorate at a strategically crucial place, in a volatile area of the world that happens to sit on the greatest, but increasingly precious natural reserves of the world, not to mention to be placed at a strategic crossroads between east and west, north and south. A good place for an experiment in controlled democracy - if it works, you're pioneering western (and america-friendly) systems in a hostile area, if it doesnt work, you still have your strategically and materially priceless semi-protectorate. Stuff like that.

Scrat wrote:
(Which is why people like Gore, Kerry, Pelosi, Clinton, etc. all claimed to know that Saddam had weapons and posed a dire threat.)

That one is getting a bit tired, and we can hardly follow you around the board refuting it. The Pelosi quote is from, 1998? How is that relevant to Bush's decision to go to war in 2003, by which time intelligence agencies and politicians elsewhere in the world, not to mention the weapons inspectors themselves, were sternly warning the US that its proposed evidence that Iraq still had its WMD was very shaky indeed?

Kerry may still have bought the Bush line in 2003, but there were enough authorative dissenting voices by then already to make others think again. Its not like "we could never have known they didnt have WMD anymore", simply cause enough people were warning you back then already that they didnt, its just you didnt want to listen to them. Either way, Democrats' quotes from five years previous are irrelevant.
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Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2004 05:58 pm
I think some motives were related to the war on terrorism -- specifically, to DO something, anything, to retaliate for 9/11. The Afghanistan thing wasn't very satisfying -- we didn't get Osama, there wasn't any money shot. Iraq, on the other hand, can be a proper war, with a proper boogie man, and by golly by gee, we got him. Take that, terrorists. See what happens if you mess with America. Wild cheering, fade-out to American flag gently rippling. (Nevermind that Iraq wasn't actually behind 9/11... minor detail...)
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Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2004 06:25 pm
the Soviet government executed, slaughtered, starved, beat or tortured to death, or otherwise killed 39,500,000 of its own people (my best estimate among figures ranging from a minimum of twenty million killed by Stalin to a total over the whole communist period of eighty-three million). For China under Mao Tse-tung, the communist government eliminated, as an average figure between estimates, 45,000,000 Chinese. The number killed for just these two nations is about 84,500,000 human beings, or a lethality of 252 percent more than both World Wars together.

My word!! Scrat.

Where were Bush and Blair and the coalition army when this was going on?? They could have declared war and occupied their country and put a base for the USA in there, and where WOULD we be now??? Staggers the imagination, for I think maybe Bush could then be the dictator of the largest part of the world!!!
I mean, he DID say he did not need reasons like 'threats'... didn't he? He just went to war on a 'bad man' that killed people and that should be enough for we peasants to digest, and leave him to his dictating!!
You go--Scrat!!
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Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2004 06:27 pm
Scrat wrote:
How many innocent Bosnians is Clinton "responsible" for killing, and why aren't you here wringing your hands over those deaths? Is it that you like Iraqis more than Bosnians, or is it simply that you don't really care about the deaths so much as you see it as one more thing to use to castigate Bush?

And as I've stated before, your overly-simplistic viewpoint assumes that the tragic death count from the war is higher than the death count would have been from just leaving the Iraqi people to the whims of Saddam and his henchmen. The statistical evidence shows that a civilian is FAR more likely to be killed by the totalitarian regime under which he lives than in a war.

Now this post is a LOT more interesting than the others. It raises a crucial enough underlying question: when is war the lesser of two evils? When does war become the humanitarian alternative? Its the one credible case the proponents of war had, in any case.

The historical track record you show cites enough evidence. WW2, yeah. Sad thing is, it also immediately shows that the wars that most deserved the humanitarian rationale often werent fought for it in the least. WW2 wasnt fought over the Holocaust - hell, it took a few years of lobbying before the Allied armies could be persuaded to take the odd detour or two to bomb some of the railways that led to the concentration camps ...

I dont think, if we look at Iraq, much has changed in that regard - any humanitarian gains from ousting Saddam were pleasant side-effects rather than the mainstay of the war's rationale. Thats my (cynical) opinion. Bosnia could in that respect much more easily claim humanitarian credentials, simply because the Balkans were so obviously a place of fairly little material or strategic value for the Americans - to wanna fight over Kosovo, you must have idealist motivations. <grins>

One major problem with your argument over Iraq is that, though Saddam stood for one of those utterly evil regimes that are most easily recognized as irredeemable (unlike Iran, for example), his regime arguably posed less of a danger to his own people than at any time in the previous thirty years or so. Back in 1988, Saddam was gassing the Kurds, and the US were feting him - whereas in 2003, when the US were arguing humanitarian intervention, the Kurds were safe in their own independently governed statelet. Back in 1992, Saddam bombed the ShiĆ­tes to smithereens when they responded to the American-encouraged call for insurrection, but the US army stood by - by 2003, Saddam's bombers could not even go to South-Iraq because of the no-fly zone. Saddam's regime by 2003 was weak, and though I'm sure he still had thousands of innocents in torture chambers, anything similar to the mass expulsions and ethnocides of the former Yugoslavia was unlikely to occur anytime soon. He was no (longer) Pol Pot, even if he might still have wanted to be.

So you may still be right, if you count on the long term - if Saddam had survived long enough, he would still have killed more, in the end, than have been killed now. But that's a tricky comparison, cause seeing how volatile the situation in Iraq is now, we're not all that sure how many people will die the next few years now that the US has liberated Iraq, either. And meanwhile, if you're trying to compare the year that has passed since war broke out with how many Saddam would have killed in the same year, I doubt you would come up with anything that would make war look good.

So though I find your argument that war is sometimes better than dictatorship convincing, its not actually that argument in itself that most of us are objecting to here - we are just disagreeing that it would apply in this case.

Nice to talk to you tho, amidst all the mindless one-liner posts.
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Reply Sat 13 Mar, 2004 09:41 am
Nimh - Thanks for the thoughtful and thought-provoking response. I'm not sure I agree that Iraqis were all that safe under Saddam right now, but your argument that they could be called more safe than in the past does have some merit.

In the end, I believe we went into Iraq for a number of reasons, the primary one being that Saddam's failure to follow the terms of the ceasefire gave us the right to do so. The goal was to turn Iraq into a stabilizing force in the region, and while that will take time, I believe it will happen.

But again, thanks for your civility and intelligent comments amidst the usual noise and gnashing of teeth. Cool
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Reply Sat 13 Mar, 2004 10:27 am
Scrat wrote:
In the end, I believe we went into Iraq for a number of reasons, the primary one being that Saddam's failure to follow the terms of the ceasefire gave us the right to do so. The goal was to turn Iraq into a stabilizing force in the region, and while that will take time, I believe it will happen.

Yeah, that's exactly my thought, too. I've said often that placing the focus of the Cause De Guerre on WMD was a marketing blunder. Saddam failed to adhere to the terms of the Safwan Ceasefire, and by doing so re-opened the hostilities. The current Iraq episode is nothing more nor less than a resolution of the original contretemps from a dozen years ago.
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Reply Sat 13 Mar, 2004 04:05 pm
That premise couldn't be sold (if you recall).

That's why they settled on WMD (as you recall) and not 'Saddam is a brutal thug' (as you recall) because that is the only thing that would sell.

Unfortunately we're now left with 550 brave men and women dead and thousands injured because of this 'marketing blunder'.

The truth is (as you recall) that on 9/11 Bush sat in a classroom reading a book about a goat while planes flew into the WTC and the Pentagon. He then (if you recall) flew first to Louisiana and then to Nebraska, where Dick Cheney told him it still wasn't safe for him to return to Washington.

He eventually decided to bomb a stone-age country back to the stone age, and then (if you recall) didn't provide any resources to rebuild it. Dozens -- perhaps thousands -- of Taliban and al Qaeda members were allowed to escape to Pakistan and elsewhere, defeating much of the purpose of said bombing, and we have yet to find bin Laden, the stated architect of the 9/11 attack.

We now know that we haven't been devoting the resources to find bin Laden, because we're now "stepping up" that attempt with Operation Mountain Storm. Why we didn't step up that threat two years ago is obvious; we had to mobilize to invade Iraq (despite public statements to the contrary) and this gang can't walk and chew gum at the same time (frankly, they can't do them separately either).

So, resources were diverted away from fighting a gathered threat to a non-threat. We've spent $200 billion fighting this non-threat, much of which went into the pockets of corporations which failed to provide the services for which they were contracted. The immediate aftermath of the Iraq war was bungled, largely due to the utter lack of planning by the "grownups." Suspected WMD sites as well as museums were looted, civil infrastructure wasn't repaired as the money was diverted to contractors who didn't do it, and civil order was not maintained.

The only great leadership Bush showed on 9/11 is that he miraculously failed to **** his pants while running and hiding.

Everything else has been a total disaster.

This is 'steady leadership'?

(edited for some minor grammar correction)
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Reply Sat 13 Mar, 2004 04:30 pm
PDiddie wrote:
We now know that we haven't been devoting the resources to find bin Laden, because we're now "stepping up" that attempt with Operation Mountain Storm. Why we didn't step up that threat two years ago is obvious; we had to mobilize to invade Iraq (despite public statements to the contrary)

On this score - how the focus on Iraq has diverted attention as well as resources from what should have been target #1 after 9/11, this interesting story from TNR &c.[/url:

[quote]WAR ON TERROR, INTERRUPTED: The New York Times has an interesting--if not exactly world-historical--piece today about a congressional aide and distant relative of Andy Card who interacted somehow with Iraqi intelligence and attempted, in some middling way, to use whatever influence she had to prevent the war. The woman comes off as a slightly pathetic and delusional character who doesn't appear to have been able to accomplish much of anything. But the final paragraph of the piece offers this curious nugget:

During the run-up to the Iraqi war, American officials became increasingly concerned about the possibility that Iraqi-Americans in the United States and others might have been secretly aiding the Hussein government. The desire to root out possible spies and conspirators led the F.B.I to interview some 11,000 Iraqis in the United States during the war [emphasis added].

It's entirely possible that this has been common knowledge for a while now and that I just missed it. But 11,000 people? Isn't that, like, a huge undertaking--particularly at a time when the FBI was supposed to be hunting down Al Qaeda agents hiding out in American cities? And, if the answer to that question is yes, then isn't that pretty damning evidence that the war in Iraq was a huge distraction from the war on terror? Over to you, John Kerry... [/quote]
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 08:31 am
PDiddie wrote:
That premise couldn't be sold (if you recall).

That's why they settled on WMD (as you recall) and not 'Saddam is a brutal thug' (as you recall) because that is the only thing that would sell.

Unfortunately we're now left with 550 brave men and women dead and thousands injured because of this 'marketing blunder'.

The truth is (as you recall) that on 9/11 Bush sat in a classroom reading a book about a goat while planes flew into the WTC and the Pentagon. He then (if you recall) flew first to Louisiana and then to Nebraska, where Dick Cheney told him it still wasn't safe for him to return to Washington.

He eventually decided to bomb a stone-age country back to the stone age, and then (if you recall) didn't provide any resources to rebuild it. Dozens -- perhaps thousands -- of Taliban and al Qaeda members were allowed to escape to Pakistan and elsewhere, defeating much of the purpose of said bombing, and we have yet to find bin Laden, the stated architect of the 9/11 attack.

We now know that we haven't been devoting the resources to find bin Laden, because we're now "stepping up" that attempt with Operation Mountain Storm. Why we didn't step up that threat two years ago is obvious; we had to mobilize to invade Iraq (despite public statements to the contrary) and this gang can't walk and chew gum at the same time (frankly, they can't do them separately either).

So, resources were diverted away from fighting a gathered threat to a non-threat. We've spent $200 billion fighting this non-threat, much of which went into the pockets of corporations which failed to provide the services for which they were contracted. The immediate aftermath of the Iraq war was bungled, largely due to the utter lack of planning by the "grownups." Suspected WMD sites as well as museums were looted, civil infrastructure wasn't repaired as the money was diverted to contractors who didn't do it, and civil order was not maintained.

The only great leadership Bush showed on 9/11 is that he miraculously failed to **** his pants while running and hiding.

Everything else has been a total disaster.

This is 'steady leadership'?

(edited for some minor grammar correction)

You exaggerate (as I recall) most of your arguements here.
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 02:13 pm
Nimh - Do you think that a more stable Middle East would lower the terror threat worldwide?
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Brand X
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 02:24 pm
Sharpton has dropped out and threw his support to Kerry.
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 02:26 pm
Brand X wrote:
Sharpton has dropped out and threw his support to Kerry.

Kerry should be sure to thank him for both of the votes! Cool
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Brand X
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 02:53 pm
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