realjohnboy wrote:Mr Kerry made a comment today that struck me as odd; something to the effect that leaders of "other countries" hoped that Mr Bush would lose. The White House spokesman challanged Kerry to name the countries. [..] But, Nimh, for example (Your own opinions aside)...any comments?
Depends on whether by "other countries" you mean governments or populations.
Opinion polls here - I've quoted two here already - show an overwhelming preference for the Democratic candidate -
any democratic candidate.
<looks it up> Yes, SBS6 "Voice of the Netherlands" has done four opinion polls on it already. In three January polls with a choice of Bush, "another Republican", a selection of the main Democratic contenders and "another Democrat", Bush polled in between 7-9%, and "another Republican" 3-4%; 57%, 60% and 61%, respectively, opted for one of the Dem contenders or "another Democrat". In the last poll, late February, Kerry polled 73% vs Bush 11%.
And thats the Netherlands. We may have had a radical name in the 80s, but these days we are perhaps the most Atlantic-minded of Western Europe after Britain. Popular majorities against Bush will be at least as big in Germany, France, the Scandinavian and Mediterranean countries.
Governments are harder to tell. In a recent column called, I think, "it has come to this", a columnist sighed that Britain now has a Labour PM hoping for the Republican to win the US Presidential elections. For Berlusconi and the Romanian and Croatian governments, too, a Bush II administration would mean perks and "special status" for their countries, since their support for Bush has gained them some precious extra attention and recognition. Other seemingly pro-Bush governments, like the Polish one, however have the problem that they also want to accede to the EU without having to do the splits all too often - so even if they sympathise with Bush, they might still prefer Kerry because he wouldn't force them into conflictuous choices all the time.