Well, If he's smart, he will make like he's in a movie and get professionals to do some really good "stunts."
I lie. I love a good election night - even if I don't like the results. I'm roaming.
With California among the most liberal of states, and largely Democratic over the past several elections, there are disturbing inplications nationally for The Democratic Party. I expect little real success from Arnold, but if the stuntmen he hires can convince folks he's really hitting a brick wall of Democrat Legislative Obstructionism, even continued distress for California may be a Republican plus in '04. That's about the best I can hope for, and I don't think its really worth counting on, right now. Still, its a better bet than a miracle turnaround.
miniprediction: There will be legal challenges to the vote from the Democrats. They will meet no success, and will occasion additional inconvenience for the standing of the Democratic Party in the view of The National Elecorate..
Actually, let's all hope that the stuntmen avoid petty party bickering and find a way out of the mess that maintains social services!
Won't happen. THe voters expect some kind of unknown miracle - but don't touch our entitlements.
Or worse, don't touch yours and mine - but eliminate theirs.
timber, Pretty good political analysis. Your assumptions are probably pretty accurate. If the dems keeps blocking Ahnold's initiatives in this state, it's gonna have national implications. Seems like sound reasoning to me - at this point in time. It's perhaps too early to call how things will turn out for 2004. GWBush is carrying a lot of baggage right now.
I agree with you c.i. I think timber has it right on the spot.
I'm not so sure it will be only the democrates doing the blocking. The religious right will be in there swinging at Arnold too.
I don't think that the election is over. The Reverend Jesse Jackson is saying that he is going to the courts because minority people in California have been "disenfranchised".
With the idiots on the Ninth Circuit, they may very well agree with Jesse and the case will have to go to the Supreme Court-again.
I's over. Done with. Forget my howling.
Butryflynet- You may be right about the "religious right" swinging at Arnold. What about the "irreligous left"? Did you forget them?
Italgato's reading comprehension must be slipping in the early morning hours. In the post he partially quotes me from, I stated that I wasn't so sure it would be only democrats doing the blocking. Surely Italgato, in his zeal to stir the pot, has not forgotten that the democrats are on the left side of the aisle. It is my hope that anyone as highly educated and informed as Italgato frequently reminds us, would not intentionally mislead by inferring omission of the irreligous left in the term "democrat."
Arnold will fix all of California's problems by using that tried and true republican solution. Cutting taxes for the wealthy. It worked nationally did it not?
First we send Bush to the White House....now Arnold...and squinney says I'm a pessimist and a negative person because I say things can always get worse........
Here are some basic facts compiled by Kevin Hassett of the American Enterprise Institute about state spending, taxing and budgets.
Hassett divided the 50 states into those which went for Bush, and those which went to Gore. The populations are about equal. The states that went for Gore account for 70% of today's state budget deficits. The 10 states with the largest per capita budget deficits are all Democratic states. This would be your strong indication that Republican economic policies .. including tax cuts .. aren't to blame for state budget deficits. The problem is SPENDING!
Here's more: In the 10 states with the largest deficits tax revenues increased at the rate of about 5% per year over the past 10 years. In the 10 most fiscally sound states tax revenues increased by 1.5% per year. Do you see what's happening here? The states with the smallest increases in tax revenues are the states with the healthiest state budgets. Once again ... the finger points to spending, not taxes.
Of course this doesn't explain Bush's mad spending, is he a Dem?
Clark breaks widely known FEC law--?
What other basic information does he not know?
Worrisome, to be sure. Let's not let that drop. Again, with the resignation last night, what kind of people is he surrounding himself with?
And now Arnold will be faced with reality and the bitter taste of his victory. He is soon to discover that this is not a movie where the outcome can be changed with a rewrite. But than again this is California the land of make believe.